University English Language/EAP Teachers
i2(International Insititute of Education)ChengduUpdate time: October 12
Job Description
全职学术英语教师/ English Language/EAP Teachers (Full-time posts)

岗位职责/Duties and Responsibilities
A maximum of 20 teaching hours per week (each teaching hour = 45mins)
2. 教学准备和常规备课会
Teaching preparation and regular lesson planning meetings
3. 进行学生考核,并按要求提供书面反馈
Conduct assessments and provide written feedback as required 
4. 参与教学研讨会议及职业发展培训
Participate in teaching seminars and professional development training
5. 必要协调与行政工作,如课程协调、材料校对和招生支持等
Necessary coordination and administrative work, such as course coordination, materials proofreading, and student enrollment support

1. 研究生学历
Postgraduate degree
2. 相关教学证书
DELTA/CELTA/TESOL/TEFL or equivalent qualification containing observed and assessed teaching practice*
3. 具备2年及以上全职英语教学经历,高校教学经历优先考虑
Ideally 2 years’ experience of teaching and assessing English language at B1 level and above
4. 组织沟通能力、人际交往能力、抗压能力、团队协作能力
Excellent organizational, communication and inter-personal skills, ability to work under pressure, ability to lead and work well in teams
5. 能够使用相关软件(Moodle等)
Ability to use ICT effectively including use of a virtual learning environment (e.g. Moodle)
6. 即刻到岗或最晚2月底到岗
Be on board as soon as possible or in end of February at the latest.
*Alternative qualifications and experience on the merits will be considered as well

薪酬待遇/Compensation and Benefits
Highly competitive; subsidy for accommodation, air ticket and bonus for teaching will be covered.

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