Sr Social Creative Editor 资深新媒体编辑(美妆类)
上海睿祎广告有限公司ShanghaiUpdate time: September 24,2019
Job Description
月薪8,000 - 15,000元

Sr. Social Creative Editors are adept at strategic thinking, creative writing, consumer psychology and have an intuitive understanding of what makes China’s netizens engage with global brands. They are responsible for taking standard brand communications and polishing them into easily read, interactive social media posts. Content strategists are also responsible for exploratory new creative ideas and executing tactics that open new channels of interested consumers online for client brands.


Job Responsibilities:

  • Be able to break the rules and be creative; constantly have new ideas for engaging online content.
  • Propose targeted social network communication plans.
  • Leverage social network hot topics and new communities to attract fresh netizens.


  • 针对社交媒体内容创作,具有创意能力、以及不断涌现的新鲜想法和灵感。
  • 针对客户品牌与需求提出具有针对性的网络传播计划。
  • 充分利用社交网络热门话题和新网络社区吸引网民关注。


  • Must be fluent in both Chinese and English; spoken and written required.
  • Bachelor degree or above. Minimum 3 years of copywriting and editing experience.
  • Previous experience in magazines, PR companies, social media agencies, brand marketing departments preferred.
  • Capable of deep thinking, keen insight, logical thinking, and elegant execution.
  • Produce original content while also being able to turn brand content into engaging social messaging.
  • Must have good communication and presentation skills, be teamwork oriented, cheerful and talkative.
  • Must be familiar with Microsoft Office software: Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Outlook.
  • Must be familiar with China social media (BBS, Weibo, WeChat, KOLs, etc).
  • Great interpersonal communication and time management skills.
  • Capability of working under pressure in a multi-task environment.
  • Must be firm, confident, optimistic, open-minded, entrepreneurial, and innovative.


  • 熟练的中英文听说读写能力。
  • 大学本科及以上学历,3年以上文案撰写与编辑经验,有美妆行业经验者优先。
  • 具有杂志媒体、公关公司、社交媒体营销公司、品牌营销部门工作经验者优先考虑。
  • 有深邃的思想,敏锐的洞察力,缜密的逻辑思维能力,化繁为简的执行规划能力。
  • 有驾驭文字的娴熟功底,能够胜任创作原创内容,同时,也善于将标准化的品牌传播内容润色成为生动的社交媒体文案。
  • 良好的沟通和提案能力,注重团队协作以及善于激发团队积极性。
  • 熟悉使用相关办公室软件,例如Powerpoint、Word、Excel、Outlook。
  • 熟悉中国社会化媒体以及营销方式(包括论坛、博客、微博、微信、SNS、KOL等)
  • 出色的人际交往能力、沟通技巧和时间观念。
  • 出色的抗压能力,以及多任务环境下的工作能力。






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