Postdoctoral fellowship in tomato genetic transformation for salinity resistancePostdoctoral fellowship in tomato genetic transformation for salinity resistance
BioJobPiracicabaUpdate time: July 25,2016
Job Description

Post-doctoral fellowship within the ESTASA Program (Enhancing salt tolerance in tomato crops for advancing sustainable agriculture and food production) to work as part of an interdisciplinary team contributing to advancing sustainable agriculture and to stable food security production by enhancing salinity tolerance of the tomato crop. The work will be carried out at the Laboratory of Hormonal Control of Plant Development, Department of Biological Sciences, ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ School of Agriculture (ESALQ), University of São Paulo (USP), in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The fellow will take advantage of diverse approaches to generate highly salt tolerant commercially usable tomato varieties.

The selected candidate will be granted a 1 (one) year Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP –, with the possibility of renewal. More information:



To be considered, the candidate should hold a PhD in plant genetics or a related discipline area such as plant physiology or plant biochemistry. Preference will be given to candidates whose degree has been received within the last 3 years.mso-fareast-language:PT">

  • Proven skills and experience in plant tissue culture PT">

  • Experience in plant genetic transformation (desired experience with tomato genetic transformation)

  • Knowledge in bioinformatics and molecular biology. PT">

  • Experience in tomato cultivation PT">

  • Strong communications skills in English. Knowledge of Portuguese will be considered advantageous, but not a prerequisite; PT">

  • Ability to work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary, international team, plus the motivation and discipline to carry out autonomous research and supervise students and/or lab technicians; PT">



Responsibilities include:

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom) genetic transformation via Agrobacterium.

Analysis of the transgenic lines using established protocols for tomato cultivation.

Preparation and publication of manuscripts

Collaboration with partner institutions and colleagues.

Aplication instructions

To apply, please send (pdf format):mso-fareast-language:PT">

(i) a 1 (one) page (max) covering letter explaining your motivations;mso-fareast-language:PT">

(ii) Curriculum Vitae; andmso-fareast-language:PT">

(iii) two recommendation letters mso-fareast-language:PT">

to Dr. Lázaro Eustáquio Pereira Peres (lazaro.peres(at) (Project Coordinator) quoting ' Postdoctoral Fellowship – Plant genetic transformation' in the subject line of email application.

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