工作任务 Tasks:
1. 负责根据需求、产能、物料情况,制订合理优化的生产计划.
Responsible for working out available production plan driven by well-understanding customer demand in terms of capacity/material base,.
2. 负责根据需求、产能、物料情况,制订合理的物料计划,释放正确的采购订单和生产订单
Responsible for making available material plan on basis of efficiently-scheduled production plan
3. 负责采购订单和生产订单交货期跟踪.
Responsible for releasing available purchase order & production order, ensure timely following up and on-time fulfilling.
4. 负责销售订单和forecast的交货期确认, 负责不同产品组的有效库存控制
Timely confirm customer orders and forecast with best delivery schedule and well controlling inventory at reason level for per product category
5. 负责对异常物料的及时处理: 返修、退货、换货、报废或其他
Responsible for timely disposing abnormal material
6. 负责制作直观、清晰的绩效汇报报告、问题分析报告
Responsible for making lucid report for performance showing or problem discovering
岗位要求 Requirements:
1. 机电、管理、贸易或相关专业本科或以上学历,三年以上相关工作经历
Bachelor degree or above major in Mechanics, Electronics, Management, Trade or equivalent with 3 years+ relevant experience
2. 具有良好的分析能力,通过对订单和预测情况的精确分析来加以计划并付诸实施
Be able to analyze with high accuracy the order/forecast situation and implement the planning.
3. 熟悉供应链工作流程和操作,具有专业的实施计划的能力, 有内贸、外贸的基础知识,了解质量管理体系
Familiar with supply chain work flow and process, high knowledge of material and production plan.,have Basic knowledge of international trade and domestics trade, understanding of quality management system and ISO9000 series standard
4. 具有团队合作精神和良好的沟通、协调能力, 良好的英语书面和口头表达能力,熟练操作计算机/SAP系统,key user优先,熟练制作各种报告(PPT等)
Team work spirit and good communication & coordination skills,fluent in English communication(written& oral),good command of computer, be proficient using SAP, key user prefered. Be skilled on making all kinds report(excel, PPT,etc)
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