This role is responsible for statistical culture within the whole HVM organization and collaborates closely with the process organization including process engineers and process integration. In this positon, your responsibilities include but not limited to consulting with managers/engineers with right statistical tools on engineering methodologies, data analysis, experimental design with cost effective manner and utilize PCSA system to drive fab level SPC performance. Training activities include delivering applied statistics courses locally. Develops solutions to problems utilizing formal education and judgement.
Qualifications and Experience:
Must possess a MS or Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. Additional qualifications include:
Minimum 5 years of direct experiences in integration, device, yield analysis or process engineering organizations is required.
Direct experience in 3D NAND technology development, transfer, ramping and sustaining are preferred.
A proven history of technical problem solving through the creation of solutions that demonstrated creativity and out-of-box thinking.
Excellent data extraction and analysis skills, and well versed in DOE principles.
Understanding of device physics in deciphering parametric data, and understanding of fundamental integration and yield issues for key modules and critical device parameters are required
Ability to multi-task and be effective in providing timely solutions.
Strong organizational and communication skills to manage tasks across Process Engineering areas to effectively execute and commit to deliverables.
Inside this Business Group
Non-Volatile Solutions Memory Group: The Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group is a worldwide organization that delivers NAND flash memory products for use in Solid State Drives (SSDs), portable memory storage devices, digital camera memory cards, and other devices. The group is responsible for NVM technology design and development, complete Solid State Drive (SSD) system hardware and firmware development, as well as wafer and SSD manufacturing.
上班地址:经济技术开发区淮河东路109 号
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