- sundry/home decoration/stationary 家居 杂货 礼品 文具 玩具 小商品 香熏 蜡烛 陶瓷 杯具 餐碟
- jewelry 首饰品 项链 耳环 头饰品 发饰品
- cosmetics 化妆品 沐浴露 洗手液 唇彩 护手霜 日化用品 浴盐 包材
Main Responsibilities:
1. Work with designers to develop the desirable products according to the tightly time frame;
2. Guiding the factories on the samples modifications base on the feedback from the headquarter;
3. Negotiating with the vendors for the quotation;
4. Monitoring the mass production schedule, controlling every step, and ensure finished goods shipped on time in correct shipping mode;
5. Responsible for all issues related to the product and technical support to the factories;
6. Raw materials and new factories / product sourcing to meet company's objectives.
1. College graduate or above;
2. 1 years or above solid experiences in softline or hardline products; (fresh could apply for assistant)
3. Strong communication skills in English and Mandarin;
4. Strong knowledge of relevant products;
5. Good understanding of the customer requirements and business development;
6. Good image and like fashion;
7. Office and professional computer skills;
8. Willing to travel in China
- 按国家规定缴纳社会保险及住房公积金,包含试用期
- 工龄满一年,享有带薪年假
- 顺利通过试用期,享有带薪病假、商业医疗保险
- 工作满一年,享有带薪事假、健康体检
- 做五休二,周一至周五,9:15 ~ 18:00,周末双休
- 周末加班可以换补休
- 节日福利
- 生日慰问
GMA Shanghai is a famous and professional trading company in the industry of fashion accessories. We have more than 200 employees working in Shanghai, Qingdao and Yiwu, manage wide fashion products range, including hats, gloves, scarves, shoes, bags, home textile, home decoration, apparel, jewelry, sports, fitness etc.
For details you may go through company web site:
公交:71路公交剑河路站/虹梅路站,步行约5分钟 其他:709、911、925、48、519、757、809、804、57、936、938等
职能类别: 业务跟单 助理业务跟单
关键字: 外贸跟单员 业务跟单 外贸专员 跟单助理 外贸助理 助理跟单 merchandiser hardgoods
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