Music Teacher
Yew Chung International School北京市 朝阳区Update time: September 17,2019
Job Description
At YCIS all teaching and non-teaching staff are part of an organisational and learning culture that has a clear mandate to nurture the academic and social-emotional character of each student. Policies, processes and activities within the school are designed and deployed to enable a highly positive learning environment that both challenges and supports students to achieve high level academic success. We also recognise the need for students to develop confidence and capacities by creating time and space to contribute positively to their world and in doing so, help others in need.

The following Theories of Action, some our own and some borrowed from Hopkins & Craig's work on curiosity and powerful learning helps describe our community of learning and the intent and success of our programs.

We believe that when:

  • The school and staff set high expectations and develop authentic relationships then student confidence and commitment to education increases and the ethos and culture of the school deepens.

  • Teacher directed instruction becomes more enquiry focussed, then the level of student achievement and curiosity increases.

  • The school and teachers consistently adopt protocols for teaching, then student behaviour, engagement and learning are enhanced.

  • Learning tasks are purposeful, clearly defined, differentiated and challenging, then the more powerful and precise the learning for all students.

  • Teachers systematically use higher order questioning, then the level of student understanding is deepened and their achievement is increased.

  • teachers consistently use feedback and data on student actions and performance then student behaviour becomes more positive and progress accelerates

  • Parents are kept informed in a timely manner of school events and achievements and any student based concerns relating to their child or children, the connection with, and support of, the school strengthens.

  • A learning community approach is developed students and teachers are better equipped to creatively and holistically explore and share different fields of knowledge, fostering individual and collaborative learning skills that are critical for the generations in our schools.

Open Minded and Flexible Spaces.
As the Learning Community model continues to extend across the school, more and more classrooms have been converted from the traditional single cell configuration into shared flexible learning spaces. Wherever possible and practical walls have been removed. This requires a shift in teaching and learning practices from teacher dominant presentation of information into an approach where flipped and blended approaches are more common. Less monologue and more dialogue in diad, triad and group formation is desired. Whilst there is absolutely a place for teacher directed learning, the ratio is different from the traditional classroom experience .
Teachers are allocated to a designated learning community even though the allocation of classes for each teacher may cross more than one learning community. Shared staffrooms are located around each Learning Community. These create a connection and opportunity for sharing curriculum development ideas, student learning outcomes, achievement, behaviour and ideas. Job Requirements: YCIS Beijing Seeks Educators who…
  • have a deep understanding of highly effective teaching and learning practices that suit the generation now in our schools;
  • Have significant depth, breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding of their specific disciplines and also a passion that inspires student and staff to learn more;
  • understand the value of generating positive professional relationships with colleagues, students and families;
  • can work in a highly collaborative learning and organisational culture which values a team approach when planning and delivering curriculum
  • use dialogue more than monologue, who understand how to ensure differentiation in learning tasks
  • have the technology skills and disposition to create a flipped and blended classroom ;

  • ensure that formative and summative feedback to students to timely, well targeted and constructive;

  • are reflective learners who seek constant improvement;

  • Have a love of learning and a desire to inspire students to achieve at the highest level possible.

  • Can operate successfully in a bi-lingual teaching environment in which important Chinese and Western cultural characteristics are understood and respected.

Note: The primary language of instruction in the secondary years is English. In primary levels Western and Chinese teachers work together to meet and develop the bi-ling

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