IE Technologist
Job Description
Intel Dalian is rapidly expanding its 3D NAND high volume manufacturing facility. This job requisition is to seek for a strong candidate as DMTM IE technologist to work with other IE managers, engage in DMTM business development. The candidate will report to DMTM IE director.
The candidate must have solid knowledge on semiconductor industry, direct experience on IE related, demonstrated capacity on project and program management. The candidate will play the critical role on both tactical execution and strategy planning in output, capacity and capital for the best finance result. Beyond that, the candidate also will work with other IE managers on system setup, process improvement, resource planning and culture buildup. The candidate must be with forward looking in strategy, and flawless execution on tactic, develop solution and make right decision in highly ambiguous and dynamic business environment with given period.
Qualifications and Experiences
- BS and above in Industrial Engineering or other engineering field;
- 10+ years’ direct semiconductor experiences, 3+ years’ experience on IE.
- Direct experience on IE related, such as capacity, capital and output planning and execution;
- Solid knowledge in fab operation, hardware and process, finance and logistic;
- Demonstrated capability on project/program management;
- Proved capability to effective communication skill in oral and written in both English and Chinese;
- Tracked record on problem solving, and working under pressure;
- Positive thinking with “can do” attitude, commit and achieve;
- “Lean” mindset, focus on improvement and standardization.
Inside this Business Group
Non-Volatile Solutions Memory Group: The Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group is a worldwide organization that delivers NAND flash memory products for use in Solid State Drives (SSDs), portable memory storage devices, digital camera memory cards, and other devices. The group is responsible for NVM technology design and development, complete Solid State Drive (SSD) system hardware and firmware development, as well as wafer and SSD manufacturing.
上班地址:经济技术开发区淮河东路109 号
英特尔大连拥有一批经验丰富、业绩稳定的员工队伍,其强有力的领导团队和制胜文化也远近闻名,所以英特尔把存储器生产这个战略性的使命交给了大连。英特尔高级副总裁 Rob Crooke 指出:“在大连工作意味着您在与一个有着顽强的拼搏精神的卓越团队共事,这个团队对于拓展全新领域,并在未知领域获胜有着强烈的愿望。事实证明,无论给大连工厂设定一个什么样的目标,他们都能目标达成!”正是大连团队所展现出的卓越运营能力给英特尔全球 领导层留下了深刻的印象,英特尔决定在未来几年对大连投资高达55亿美元,用于支持大连生产科技前沿的非易失性存储器。有着庞大的投资计划的英特尔大连是万众瞩目的焦点,精彩工作机会接踵而来,等待您去发现。
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