上海摩诃餐饮有限公司ShanghaiUpdate time: July 21,2019
Job Description

1. 及时而专业地应答来电。准确记录预订与电话信息。

Answer the incoming telephone calls promptly and professionally.Akes accurate reservations and phone messages.

2. 热情而专业地接待顾客。

Meet and greet guests in a warm/friendly and professional manner.

3. 在营运过程当中确保顾客流的平稳,合理安排餐厅各区域的预定。

Keeps control of the flow of business into the restaurant; distributes the guests evenly to each station to avoid overloading at one particular station

4. 根据顾客提出的要求提供相应的帮助和信息。

Guide guests through the venue and provide any assistance/information as required.

5. 严格执行关于客户管理和预定的标准流程

Follow Mr & Mrs Bund standard procedures for guest management and bookings

6. 很强的责任感,团队合作精神热情,有礼貌,愿意帮助同事及客人

Performs duties common to all Captains and Waitress and other duties as may be assigned.


1. 具有良好的英文沟通能力

To have basic English language skill

2. 具备专业的餐饮知识及其服务技意识和服务技能

To have basic knowledge on the food / beverage / service available in sections appointed

3. 具有良好的沟通能力和团队工作精神

Have effective communication skills within service sections appointed and with chefs. Strong sense of responsibility, teamwork oriented.

4. 能够适应倒班工作

Be able to work for flexible hours

职能类别: 礼仪/迎宾




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