Head of Primary (IB school)
苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司SuzhouUpdate time: August 27,2019
Job Description
苏州市 工业园区
年薪500,000 - 600,000元


PYP Curriculum Development PYP课程开发相关工作

Lead the teaching research of PYP curriculum and the integration of Chinese and western curricula. Improve teaching quality through reviewing past experiences. 领导小学部PYP课程和中西融合课程教研工作,认真总结经验,不断提高教学质量。包括:

1 Lead the research and development process of integrating Chinese and western curricula. Summarize research outcomes and enrich theories. 带领教师开展中西融合课程教研工作,总结成果,丰富理论。

2 Organize and lead the teacher observation for intra-/interschool exchanges of teaching experiences. 定期组织和领导教学观摩,进行校内和校际教学经验交流

Student well-being and learning 负责学生健康与学习工作

1. Contribute to building PYP teachers’ student behavior management skills through initial & regular teaching and discussions. 通过定期组织教研及讨论活动,提高教师的学生行为管理水平。

2. Support the student management and parents communication of PYP in collaboration with Head of Primary and Associate Head of Primary. 与小学校长及助理校长一起负责小学部的学生管理及家长交流工作。

Primary curriculum development负责小学课程研发相关工作

1) School philosophies办学理念

Involved in the review of the school’s mission and vision. 参与学校使命与愿景的复审

Engage in the discussion on the school values. 参与学校价值观的讨论

Engage in the review of the features of schooling. 参与学校办学特色的复审

2) Curriculum development课程研发

Create budget plan for curriculum development related costs of Primary. 组织小学部制定研发活动相关预算。

Lead the process of writing the annual curriculum development schedule with Primary teams. 组织小学部制定年度课程研发计划。

Organize and facilitate Primary curriculum development. 组织、协助小学部的课程研发活动。

Hire external advisors. Submit and sign related contracts. 聘请外部咨询顾问,提交、签订相关合同。

Facilitate and review the declaration of educational and teaching research projects.组织、审查其他教育教学相关研究课题的申报及立项。

Collect annual development outcomes to compile yearbook/a collection of dissertations. 收集年度研发成果,编制年鉴/论文集。

Organize school visits and inter/intra-school academic meetings.组织对外调研考察活动、组织、参与校内外学术会议。

Teaching management教学管理

Create annual teaching plan with thePrimary teams. 组织、协助小学部制定年度教学计划。

Review Primary unit teaching plans. 审核小学部单元教学计划。

Create teaching observation and exchange schedules for Primary. Facilitate the enforcement of the schedule. 组织小学部制定定期教学观摩、交流计划并参与实施。

Advise on, review and follow up the adjustments made to teaching models and teaching plans for Primary. 跟踪、建议、审核小学部教学模式/方案的调整。

4) Teacher training师资培训

Create annual teacher training plan and its budget plan with Primary teams.组织小学部制定年度师资培训计划及预算。

Facilitate the enforcement of annual teacher training plan with Primary teams. 协助小学部实施年度师资培训计划。

Submit and sign training related contracts. 提交、签订相关培训合同。

5) Teacher management师资管理

Lead Primary teams in creating assessment plans for teachers. 组织小学部制定师资评估方案。

Provide suggestions to related teachers about improving teaching quality and assist in designing such plans.为相关教师提供教学改进建议、协助制定教学改进方案。








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