Edaphic mites: diversity, relation with the microbiota and ecology in natural and cultivated areas in Brazil, with elaboration of databases and keys to identify selected mite groupsEdaphic mites: diversity, relation with the microbiota and ecology in n
BioJobPiracicabaUpdate time: August 22,2018
Job Description

color:#212121;mso-fareast-language:PT-BR">We announce the existence of a postdoctoral position to develop activities within the Thematic Project 2017 / 12004-1 (Edaphic mites: diversity, relation with the microbiota and ecology in natural and cultivated areas in Brazil, with elaboration of databases and keys to identify selected mite groups), financed by FAPESP and coordinated by Gilberto José de Moraes (ESALQ-USP).

color:#212121;mso-fareast-language:PT-BR">We are looking for candidates with experience in the field of molecular biology applied to arthropods, with experience  in the use of data of new generation sequencing, of tools of bioinformatics and in the conduction of biological experiments with arthropods, particularly those directed to the study of interactions arthropods-symbionts. The fellow will develop activities aimed at processing mite samples, generating and analyzing new generation sequencing data, designing and conducting comparative biology experiments to investigate the role of selected symbionts in the biological fitness of predatory mites. These will be conducted at the Department of Entomology and Acarology, ESALQ / USP, in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fernando Luís Cônsoli, principal researcher responsible for the subproject to study the diversity of symbionts associated with edaphic mites and the role of selected symbionts in the biological aptitude of predatory mites.

color:#212121;mso-fareast-language:PT-BR">The postdoctoral fellow will receive a fellowship from FAPESP for 24 months, with possibility for renewal for another 12 months, with the possibility of having installation assistance.

color:#212121;mso-fareast-language:PT-BR">Expected starting date: October 1, 2018.

color:#212121;mso-fareast-language:PT-BR">Interested parties should send letter of interest, CV and contact of 3 references until 09/22/2018 to Fernando L. Cônsoli (fconsoli(at)usp.br).

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