Channel Expanding Partner
Tianjin Mygym Education Technology Co., Ltd.BeijingUpdate time: October 15
Job Description
Channel Expanding Partner
Job Description
• 客户/渠道开发及运营
• Client/Channel expansion and operation
• 政府/社会团体
• Government/NGO Partnership
• 教育培训
• Education and Training
• 销售经验
• Experience in sales
• 教育/培训产品推广经验
• Experience in Promoting educational/training programs
• 独立开拓市场能力
• Ability to explore and expand market independently

What we will provide:
1. 强大的品牌背书,全球知名早期儿童素质类教育项目:World famous ECE brand
2. 成熟的丰富多元有竞争力的早期教育类产品,运营支持和售后服务,可持续长期稳定合作。Mature yet varied ECE product, operation support and after-sales service. Long term partnership.

1. 深刻理解亚洲各国政府相关教育政策,尤其是对早教项目比较了解,为公司业务拓展提供支撑;Understand Asian or Local government rules and policies about education, especially ECE policies that will affect company’s business expansion.
2. 能够在亚洲各国搭建渠道体系,拥有成熟的教育意向投资人资源;Able to build channels and networks with potential investors in local market or Asian market.
3. 拥有良好的创业心态,谈判能力,执行力和落地能力。Capable of executing business plans. Able to carry out business negotiation. Start-up Mindset.

1. 渠道联合创始人/合伙人,年龄30-45左右,拥有当地意向投资教育行业的人脉资源,熟悉早期儿童教育行业优先;We would like to work with personnel who have contacts that is interested in investing educational business. ECE background will be highly valued.
2. 五年以上项目拓展、政府事务工作经验,有大型企业同岗位工作经历;Over 5 years of business expanding and/or government relation experience. Better with experience in major companies.
3. 具有地方政府背景和人脉资源;具有独立解决问题能力,较强应变能力、抗压能力、危机公关处理能力;Familiar with government relation management or lobbying contacts. Able to handle problems, emergencies and crisis independently or with a team.
4. 具有良好的团队合作精神,性格开朗、讲究效率;Prioritize teamwork and efficiency.

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