? 宣布与执行公司下达的各项指令和规定;Announce and implement instructions
and regulations assigned by head office.
? 宣扬公司经营理念和企业文化,推广饮食销售,定期推出新食谱;Publicize
company’s management ideas and company culture, promote sales and
launch new menus regularly.
? 参与制定并执行经营计划,及时分析和总结经营情况,努力完成经营目标;
Formulate and implement business plan, Analysis and summarizes the
operation situation in time, accomplish various business targets.
? 门店员工的安排与管理;Arrange and manage store employees.
? 维护门店的清洁卫生、进行门店安全管理;Maintain clean sanitation and
manage store safety.
? 监督和审核会计作业;Supervise and audit accounting job.
? 确保顾客较高的满意度,及时处理顾客投诉与意见处理;Offer high level service
standards, and handle customer complaints and suggestions timely.
? 根据实际营运状况设置及审核员工绩效;Set and review staff KPI base on
? 店长休假期间,能够独立管理门店日常事务;Can manager branch shop
independently while store general manager is off.
? 涉外管理;External affairs management.
? 协助店长定期评估员工绩效;Review performance report periodically with GM
? 根据经营需求,制定新员工和在职员工的每周培训计划; Manage weekly
training plan for new staff and current staff base on business demand.
? 门店店长安排的其它日常事物。Other daily affairs assigned by store GM
? 了解和掌握下属各部门的情况,包括营业情况,员工素质、知识、技能,有的
放矢地搞好管理工作;Understand and master subordinate departments,
including business, staff quality, knowledge and skills. Have a definite object
in view to improve management work.
? 制定所管部门的工作计划,对各部门的工作进行督导;Formula and supervise
subordinate departments’ work plans.
? 抓好餐饮服务质量;Make great efforts on catering service.
? 加强物资管理,提高企业经济效益;Strengthen material management and
improve company’s economic efficiency
? 加强职工队伍的教育和培训工作,提高从业人员的素质及各项技能;Strengthen
staff training to improve staff quality and skills.
? 按照食品卫生法及内部卫生管理规定,制定个人,岗位,操作等方面的卫生标
法律法规;Strictly follow Food Sanitation Law and internal hygiene regulations,
develop hygienic standards for personnel, working stations and operations.
Implement regular/irregular sanitary inspection to ensure guests’ food safety.
Also must strictly follow other Laws in China.
? 注意检查用餐场所的治安安全保卫工作,保证客人在用餐中的人身安全;Pay
attention to public security work to ensure guests’ physical security.
? 每周对门店场所及卫生责任区进行大检查、考核;Weekly inspect all areas of
the store.
? 日常行政管理:如工服,办公用品等;Daily administrative management like
uniform, stationery, etc.
第 4 页 共 5 页
? 日常人事管理:人员招聘,录用,入离职手续办理,试用期考核,考核部门人
员表现及升迁,工时等;Daily human resource management like recruiting,
hiring, entry & departure processes,probation appraisal, staff performance
appraisal, promotion,working hours, etc.
? 日常财务管理:督促门店内财务/助理工作并协助公司总部财务事宜;Daily
accounting management: supervise branch accountant/assistant and support
group headquarters on financial matters.
? 与其它门店保持良好协作关系,并及时向门店店长汇报门店运营状况;Keep
good relationship with other branch shops, and report to store general
manager timely.
? 督导保养和维修设备、降低损耗与浪费;Supervise equipment maintenance
and repairing to reduce the loss and wastage.
? 参与公司新店的开发及支援;Develop and support new store opening.
? 及时跟踪、检查台面,对不合格的地方进行改正。Follow up and check table
setup timely to correct the unqualified places.
职能类别: 店长/经理
关键字: 店长 副店长 大堂经理 餐饮 西餐厅 英语
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