上海航策商务咨询有限公司ShanghaiUpdate time: August 26,2019
Job Description
国际电话销售:Engagement Consultant/商业会议顾问
- 将可以通过努力,胜任作为商业会议顾问的以下职责:
- 商业会议顾问通常需要快速研究市场环境,清晰界定对特定理念和情报存在潜在需求的企业和机构,迅速通过电话联络和书面沟通,向企业和机构相关业务和职能负责人发出专业邀请,建议其分配预算,派员报名和参加领励的学习型商业会议。
- 学习和掌握关于特定产业和领域的最新理念和情报,以支持有关业务和组织的长远发展。这个职位需要复合型的人才。基本上,一个成熟的会议销售专业人士。 不仅需要具备高级的销售技能,更要具备商业顾问式的商务素养,可以快速研究和分析目标受众的管理经营和业务战略;并可以就企业的商业运营和情报管理提出有效建议。
2. 商业会议顾问(会议销售顾问)的职位待遇及发展空间包括:
- 基本工作底薪+项目提成奖金+年终绩效奖金
- 高比例销售提成
- 弹性工作制
- 海外差旅机会
- FCP(职业高速成长)和轮岗计划
- 获邀加入公司合伙人团队的创业级机遇
- 这个职位为前端顾问销售岗位,室内工作方式。由独立第三方会议组织者举办的高质量的学习型商业会议,要求三个主要方面的达成:完全以市场为导向的会议主题及内容发展、高效率的专业会议管理服务和高质量的付费参会代表。
- 会议销售顾问的主要任务是,确保计划中的学习型商业会议有足够数量的决策者报名和出席。(这些决策者多数是来自企业方的高级执行官和资深主管,比如总裁、副总裁、人力资源总监、市场总监等,他们代表相关产业和领域里的发展商、运营商、投资机构等相关利益者,参与独立第三方会议组织者领励举办的会议。)
4. 该职位的其他要求,请参考:
- 出众的创新思维和领导意识
- 很强的开拓精神和行动能力
- 良好的中英文口语和书写能力
- 至少1年以上企业业务拓展类工作经验
- 拥有电话咨询或者直接销售经验者优先
- 有创业经历者优先
- 以下行业经历者优先:会议、媒体、广告、公关、管理咨询、猎头顾问、保险经纪人等
- By taking the position Delegate Engagement Consultant which is DESCRIBED as the
- Delegate Engagement Consultant mainly approaches, invites and engages corporate decision-makers by phone and written proposal, to propose and advise them to register for attendance at LinLead’s pay-based independent B2B learning meetings, on behalf of leading organizations who are hunting for business intelligence for their further organizational development and business innovation.
- This post requires versatility. Basically, beyond being an aggressive corporate salesperson, the Delegate Engagement Consultant need maintain a mindset of being a business consultant who is capable of quickly researching on and analyzing corporate operation and industrial development related to targeted audience’s business can propose and advise on corporate business operation and intelligence management.
- Basic pay+ Basic bonus
- Significant Comission Rate - around 20% of gross sales revenue
- Flexible Work Arrangement schemes available
- Opportunity to travel aboard
- Featured FCP(Fast Career Path) and Rotation Programs(An international start-up business)
- Available to Partner/Shareholder development schemes
- This is an indoor front line business development position. high quality B2B learning meeting organized by the 3-rd party meeting organizer, containing high quality business intelligence is attributed by market-led meeting topics, efficient meeting management and high quality paying participants (delegates).
- While topic development is the essence to a birth for a live learning meeting, delegate engagement is the key to a success of a live learning meeting.
- Engagement team exists to ensure the quantity and quality of pay-based attendance of decision-makers (Senior Executives and C-Level executives) at LinLead’s meetings.
- Decision-makers generally are stake-holders of industries or fields LinLead’s meetings try to research and address.
- Creative thinking and Outstanding Personal Leadership
- Strong Entrepreneurship and Problem-solving skills
- Good command of English communication is a MUST
- Over 1 year working experience related to business development
- Direct corporate tele-sales (B2B sales) experience preferred
- Professional with experience of running own business preferred
- The following veteran preferred: Media, Communication, Management Consultant, Head Hunter, Life Planner etc
You are advised that the business is still at its start-up phase, extra LEADERSHIP is required.
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