- 國立陽明大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系
- 用人單位:國立陽明大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系
- 職缺公告日期:2019-08-07
- 報名截止日期:2019-09-30
- 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 2名
- 學校地址:台北市北投區立農街二段155號
- 工作地點:臺北市北投區
- 學術專長:衛生醫藥及社福領域(生命科學/醫藥衛生/社會服務學門)
- 公告內容:
Yang-Ming University invites applications for a faculty position.
Institution: National Yang-Ming University
Department: Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Rank/Title: Assistant/Associate Professor
Type: Full Time
Position Summary: Our department invites applications from talented scientists for TWO full-time positions at the Assistant/Associate Professor level. The successful candidates will be expected to engage in independent research, join/establish collaborative research program, and participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching of basic and/or professional courses.
Minimum Qualifications: - Ph.D. in biomedical sciences with at least two years of postdoctoral or industrial research experience.
Preferred Qualifications: Applicants are preferred but not limited to the following research interests or experience:
- Application/development of high-throughput technology (NGS, mass spectrometry, etc.) in their research and can provide a platform for forming research teams in cancer biology, infectious diseases, metabolism and immune diseases
- Microbiome and diseases
- Metabolomics
- Protein or cellular therapeutics
- Industry/clinical experience
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled in 2019.
To apply: Please email your cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching (i.e., a list of courses that the applicant may teach) and research plans and contact information for three professional references (reference letters are not required at the time of submission) to cftsai2@ym.edu.tw. Correspondence may be addressed to Dr. Wailap Victor Ng, Professor and Department Chair.
Post date: 2019/8/7
- 相關附件
- Yang.docx檔案大小:0m下載次數:6次
- 學校網址:http://web.ym.edu.tw/bin/home.php
- 聯絡人:蔡佳芳
- 連絡電話:02-28267000-5319
- E-MAIL:cftsai2@ym.edu.tw
- 相關連結:https://mt.ym.edu.tw/bin/home.php
- 意向書連結:請登入會員後填報意向書
- 備註:如對本職缺有投件意願,可參考本意向書
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