(1)博士后合作导师为西交利物浦大学环境系系主任:Johannes Knops教授。
联系人:孟老师 0512–8816 7138
西交利物浦大学 水生态文明研究中心
Postdoctoral Research Associate in the area of Water Ecology
1. Background:
“Suzhou (Wujiang) Water Ecological Civilization Research Center” is established between Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and Wujiang District Government. It aims to carry out cooperation on water conservancy, regional-urban water ecosystem management and sustainable development, and help Wujiang become a city that can adapt to the trend of future development (internationalization, intelligence, sustainability, and civilization) and become a model of new type eco-green city with regional and even national demonstrations. The main tasks of the water center focus on:
(1) Conducting water system research and water ecological civilization-consulting service.
(2) Setting up high level water environment and water ecology expert think tank, to support the decision-making of water resources protection, water environment construction, water pollution control and water ecological restoration in Wujiang.
(3) Organizing high level water ecology international forums and ecological design competitions to further promote the water ecological civilization in Wujiang.
(4) Setting up a water conservancy and ecological science and technology innovation system (enterprises as the mainstay, market-oriented and combining government, universities and institutes) based on the XJTLU’s international network and interdisciplinary field of science and technology resources.
2. Qualification:
PhD degree or above in Aquatic or River Ecology / Hydrology and Water resources or other related majors.
3. Job Requirements:
(1) Obtained PhD degree in China or abroad in recent years;
(2) Good knowledge in aquatic or river ecology, hydrology and water resources. Familiar with the knowledge in water resource management, river and lake pollution control, river and lake water quality monitoring, water ecosystem restoration;
(3) Full-time working in the postdoctoral workstation;
(4) Good communication skills in both Chinese and English, a sense of responsibility, proactive work attitude and teamwork spirit;
(5) Having strong scientific research ability. Independent working ability, working experience, research project experience are preferred;
(6) Good physical and psychological quality.
4. Professional development and benefits:
(1) The postdoctoral co-supervisor is Johannes Knops, professor & head of department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University.
(2) This job belongs to post-doctoral workstation of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics in Xi'an Jiaotong University. Suitable working environment and sufficient scientific research funds will be provided by Suzhou Water Ecological Civilization Research Center, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University.
(3) Benefits and compensation will be implemented in accordance with the relevant national policies.
5. Application materials
Applicants are requested to submit the following materials, and sent to the designated mailbox:
(1) Curriculum vitae, self-recommendation materials (including learning experience, work experience, qualification certificate, research project results, publishing papers, etc.);
(2) Doctoral dissertation, academic papers or research reports;
(3) Postdoctoral Application Form in triplicate;
(4) A copy of the Physical Examination Form of a hospital at or above the district level.
职能类别: 科研管理人员 科研人员
关键字: 博士后 助理研究员 水生态
专业课教师均具有国际知名大学博士学位和丰富的教学与科研经验。2011年起,西交利物浦大学聘用国际***教育猎头公司面向全球选聘高端人才,以英国蛋白质研究协会主席David O’Connor教授为代表的世界级学者已经陆续全职加盟西浦。
西交利物浦大学面向海内外招收本科生、研究生, 接受国外大学交换生,注册学生8000余人,300余名海外学生来自全球30余个国家和地区。西交利物浦大学开设以理、工、管、文等26个专业,除公共基础课外均采用全英文授课。
西交利物浦大学正持续全力挖掘和利用自己独特的模式和全球教育资源的优势,以在未来五年内实现规划目标:在校学生总数达到一万人,其中研究生规模达到10%到20%,海外留学生达到10%左右,师资团队将壮大至700-800人,建成30个左右高水平特色专业,初步实现 “研究导向、独具特色、世界认可的中国大学和中国土地上的国际大学”的发展愿景。
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