- 文藻外語大學人事室
- 用人單位:英語教學中心
- 職缺公告日期:2019-07-23
- 報名截止日期:2019-08-08
- 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名
- 學校地址:高雄市三民區民族一路900號
- 工作地點:高雄市文藻外語大學
- 學術專長:教育領域(教育學門)
- 公告內容:
1. 本國籍、外籍均可
2. 具備英語教學相關之博士(含)以上學歷
3. 具備流利英文能力,能以全英授課者
4. 已具備教師證或具備專職一年以上與英語教學領域關之業界實務經驗者優先。
1. 中英文履歷表
2. 學經歷證件影本(具國外學位須經駐外單位驗證並附中譯本)
3. 教師證書影本(如無則免)
4. 歷年學術著作目錄、教學或研究成就(含獲獎或榮譽等)
5. 其他有利審查之文件,如榮譽證明、證照等。
1.請於108年8月8日(星期四)截止日前(以郵戳為憑,逾期恕不受理)將履歷資料以書面(A4格式)郵寄〝(80793)高雄市三民區民族一路900號 文藻外語大學 人事室收〞,並註明〝英語教學中心專案助理教授〞(恕不退件)
The Center for English Language Teaching is seeking ONE contract-based faculty member with specialization in English language education.
※Job descriptions:
1. Teaching regular 4-year general English courses in Day School
2. Teaching regular 2-year general English courses in Division of Evening Continuing Education
※Qualifications for contract-based faculty:
1. No restrictions on nationality
2. Ph.D. degree in TESOL or a related field
3. Excellent English proficiency and the ability of teaching courses in English.
4. Candidates with college-level teacher certificate or a minimum of one-year field experience are preferable.
※Interested applicants should send the following documents:
1. CV/Resume in Chinese and English.
2. Copy of diploma (Chinese translation and verification of overseas degree is necessary).
3. Copy of teacher certificate (optional).
4. Record of academic publications and/or teaching/research achievements (including awards or
5. Other supplementary proofs, for example, certificates or licenses.(Optional)
※Duration of Employment: September 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020.
1.Please send the documents (in A4 size) by August 8, 2019 to the following address (Documents will not be returned.):
The Personnel Office, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages No.900, Minzu 1st Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan.
2.Candidates will be invited to give a 25 minute(minimum) teaching demonstration prior to their interviews.
- 相關附件
- 學校網址:http://www.wtuc.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
- 聯絡人:人事室
- 連絡電話:(07)3426031#1222
- E-MAIL:100104@mail.wzu.edu.tw
- 相關連結:無
- 意向書連結:請登入會員後填報意向書
- 備註:如對本職缺有投件意願,可參考本意向書
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