Key job responsibilities:
1. Responsible for profit and risk evaluation, and preparing for finance budget.
2. Responsible for capital operating to ensure that company capital; must be used normally.
3. Responsible for setting up and maintain internal control system to ensure company assets to keep values or add value.
4. Responsible for financial problems diagnosis and analysis, and put forward suggestions for production operation and cost control.
5. Organize the accounting work and finance reports to ensure them follow related China laws, group and regulation.
6. Analyze and report any items that have impact on current or future profitability and its solution.
7. Lead Finance department to fulfill normal function, maintain a good record system.
8. Keep good relationship with foreign exchange bureau, tax bureau, bank and relevant government authorities.
Job qualifications:
1. Bachelor degree, finance and related specialty.
2. More than 8 years finance management experience in manufacturing industry, at least 3 years in European and American company.
3. Planning and organization, interpersonal skill, analysis and problem solution, conflict management, persuasive communication.
4. Be familiar with national and local finance and taxation law and regulation and IFRS.
5. Fluent English communication skill in daily technical related business.
6. Skill in MS office. Use ERP software in daily business.
职能类别: 财务经理
二、 乘车路线
1、 公司地址:佛山市南海区丹灶镇诚友路6号之厂房7号(大涡村公交站附近)
三、 公司区域优势(简要列举)
1、 地理位置:广佛同城,交通便利,高速路网和轨道交通四通八达,我公司到广州白云机场50分钟,到佛山西站(高铁站)20分钟,广佛轻轨线已开通运营(佛山西站到广州南站只需15分钟),丹灶到深圳1个半小时左右。
2、 生活水平:丹灶均价1万左右的房价,购房入户,小孩读书学位充足,购车方便且不限牌,车位充足,停车方便而且免费,上下班交通从不拥堵,享广深生活之便利,更有北上广深无法比拟的低生活成本。佛山更有“世界美食之都”称号,很多特色饮食在CCTV美食节目上有展播过(如:山慈菇,鱼生、大饼,酝猪蹄、烧猪、煎堆、河鲜等等)。
3、 民风淳朴:佛山承传中国岭南传统文化,武术之乡(叶问、黄飞鸿等),这里逢年过节舞龙舞狮。街坊邻里办喜事大摆筵席,却少收红包(人到旺旺宴席场面就行,东家从不要求来客破财,全国少有的习俗),您到丹灶来不用担心别人请你喝喜酒,要封多大的红包问题。
4、 风景优美:丹灶自然景观、人文景观五彩缤纷、多姿多彩。翰林湖公园、仙湖度假区风景优美,繁花似锦,给你亲近大自然的机会。可到康有为故居、仙岗古村寻访圣贤足迹。到南海大湿地公园还可享受机动游戏给您带来的无限欢乐。。。。。
四、 公司福利
1、五天八小时工作制;2、五险一金,商业保险; 3、班车免费接送;4、节日福利;5、带薪年假;6、免费工作餐;7、定期体检 8、晋升机会;9、年度调薪;
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