國立清華大學XinzhuUpdate time: August 28,2019
Job Description
1. 申請表 (請自本所網頁「一般公告」中徵聘教師啟事中下載)。
2. 詳細履歷。
3. 博士學位證書影本、或助理教授之證書影本。
4. 二封推薦信(必須由推薦者直接郵寄)。
5. 研究旨趣與教學理念之說明。
6. 課程綱要:含一門研究所課程,一門人文社會學院學士班歷史學程及一門核心通識歷史分析向度課程。
7. 學術論文著作抽印本及相關資料。
8. 應徵者檢具上述資料於截止日期前寄交,以郵戳為憑。
國立清華大學歷史研究所 所長 收
9. 郵寄封袋上請註明「應徵資料」字樣。
10. 所寄資料請自行留底稿,恕不退件。
11. 以上申請表格若有電子擋,亦請同步寄送本所公務信箱:
聯絡人:毛傳慧 所長
Full-time Teaching Position
The Institute of History at the National Tsinghua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) invites applications for one full-time Assistant Professor position. Preference will be given to candidates with background in the history of science and technology in East and/or West since antiquity or in the history of cultural changes and exchanges since early modern times (since Song dynasty for Chinese history studies). Applicants should hold a Ph.D degree in the respective fields. Master’s degree holders currently having a full-time position in universities or research institutions may also be considered. Deadline for application is August 31, 2019. The expected date of appointment is February 1st, 2020.
Applicants should send the following documents:
1. Application form, available on the Institute’s website.
2. A detailed curriculum vitae.
3. Photocopies of Ph.D. or Certificate of Assistant Professor.
4. Two letters of recommendation, sent directly from referees to the Institute’s Director.
5. Research plan and a statement of views on teaching.
6. Syllabuses for 3 courses to be taught: one for graduate students in the Institute of History; one for the History Module at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; and one for the Historical Analysis Module in the General Education’s core program.
7. Offprints or photocopies of scholarly publications and related materials.
Application package should be sent to the following address by the deadline, as determined by the postmark:
Director, Institute of History
National Tsing Hua University
101, Kuang-fu Road, Section 2
30013 Hsinchu, TAIWAN
Please mark on the envelope “Application Materials.” All application materials will not be returned. If any of them are available in electronic formats, please send them as email attachments to the Institute of History: his@my.nthu.edu.tw.
For further enquiries, please contact Director of the Institute Associate Professor Chuan-hui MAU:
Phone: (+886)3-5727128
Fax: (+886)3-5743026
1. 申請表 (請自本所網頁「一般公告」中徵聘教師啟事中下載)。
2. 詳細履歷。
3. 博士學位證書影本、或助理教授之證書影本。
4. 二封推薦信(必須由推薦者直接郵寄)。
5. 研究旨趣與教學理念之說明。
6. 課程綱要:含一門研究所課程,一門人文社會學院學士班歷史學程及一門核心通識歷史分析向度課程。
7. 學術論文著作抽印本及相關資料。
8. 應徵者檢具上述資料於截止日期前寄交,以郵戳為憑。
國立清華大學歷史研究所 所長 收
9. 郵寄封袋上請註明「應徵資料」字樣。
10. 所寄資料請自行留底稿,恕不退件。
11. 以上申請表格若有電子擋,亦請同步寄送本所公務信箱:
聯絡人:毛傳慧 所長
Full-time Teaching Position
The Institute of History at the National Tsinghua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) invites applications for one full-time Assistant Professor position. Preference will be given to candidates with background in the history of science and technology in East and/or West since antiquity or in the history of cultural changes and exchanges since early modern times (since Song dynasty for Chinese history studies). Applicants should hold a Ph.D degree in the respective fields. Master’s degree holders currently having a full-time position in universities or research institutions may also be considered. Deadline for application is August 31, 2019. The expected date of appointment is February 1st, 2020.
Applicants should send the following documents:
1. Application form, available on the Institute’s website.
2. A detailed curriculum vitae.
3. Photocopies of Ph.D. or Certificate of Assistant Professor.
4. Two letters of recommendation, sent directly from referees to the Institute’s Director.
5. Research plan and a statement of views on teaching.
6. Syllabuses for 3 courses to be taught: one for graduate students in the Institute of History; one for the History Module at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; and one for the Historical Analysis Module in the General Education’s core program.
7. Offprints or photocopies of scholarly publications and related materials.
Application package should be sent to the following address by the deadline, as determined by the postmark:
Director, Institute of History
National Tsing Hua University
101, Kuang-fu Road, Section 2
30013 Hsinchu, TAIWAN
Please mark on the envelope “Application Materials.” All application materials will not be returned. If any of them are available in electronic formats, please send them as email attachments to the Institute of History: his@my.nthu.edu.tw.
For further enquiries, please contact Director of the Institute Associate Professor Chuan-hui MAU:
Phone: (+886)3-5727128
Fax: (+886)3-5743026
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