國立清華大學化學系 甄聘專任教師
國立清華大學化學系將於109或110學年度< 2020或2021年8月1日起聘>甄聘2-3位專任助理教授或副教授,有機化學、分析化學或無機化學領域優先考量。申請人須具備化學或相關領域博士學位,具博士後研究或教研工作經驗尤佳。有意者請將履歷表、3-5篇代表論著(PDF檔案)、論著目錄、研究計劃與教學計劃各一份以及介紹信三封(需包含博士班指導教授推薦函),以電子郵件寄給清華大學化學系陳盈潔小姐(Email: chen@mx.nthu.edu.tw,網址:www.chem.nthu.edu.tw)。所有申請資料請於2019年8月31日前寄達。申請人面試將持續進行至員額聘滿為止。
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY at NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY (TAIWAN) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the area of Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, or Inorganic Chemistry at the level of assistant or associate professor. The anticipated starting date of the appointment is in August 2020 or 2021. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or related discipline with postdoctoral or comparable research experiences preferred. Applicants should email a complete letter of curriculum vitae, a list of publications, 3-5 representative publications (PDF files), a detailed research proposal, a statement of teaching philosophy, and three letters of recommendation (One should be from Ph.D. thesis advisor) to Ms. Ying-Chieh Chen, Secretary of Search Committee (Email: chen@mx.nthu.edu.tw; Website: www.chem.nthu.edu.tw). Review of applications will begin on August 31, 2019 and will continue until the positions are filled.
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