工作描述Job Description:
1、协助中方教育总监,带领中外籍教师团队,实现A-level课程体系在国际部、国际学校的搭建工作;Reporting to the Education CEO, leading the faculties, to set up the IGCSE&A-level curriculum system in the international department and up-coming international school;
2、根据中国学生的学习模式、学习习惯及学习基础,因材施教,管理教学教研团队,保证教学质量;Familiar with the Chinese students, knowing the way they learning,thinking and behaving; implementing teaching based on their foundation; managing the faculties and reaching team to ensure the teaching&learning quality;
Recruiting foreign and bi-lingual teachers, managing the daily teaching in the school, working also as a teacher to finish the task delivered by the school;
4、配合中方校长进行招生活动的宣传和推广;Coordinating the Chinese Native Principal to do the promotion and the related activities which will help the student recruitment.
At least 3 years hands on experience on A-level teaching, also get some knowledge of the AP teaching;
At least 3 years working experience in China, familiar with the habit of learning and thinking which Chinese high school students get;
At least 3 years of management experience on a bi-lingual teaching&researching team;
4、本科以上学历背景;University graduated, bachelor’s degree or above
5、40-50岁,来自英文母语国家;Native speakers of English, age between 40-50;
6、领导力、抗压力、团队协作能力俱佳。Leadership, teamwork,work under pressure.
1. 购买五险,享受国家法定节假日等假期;
2. 提供教师宿舍,享有餐补,话补,年度体检、节日福利;
3. 享有丰富的培训学习机会,良好的职业发展及晋升通道;
4. 年度英美加澳等国家交流、游学、旅游机会;
5. 教职工工作满一年,子女就读集团学校享优惠政策;
湖南广益实验中学国际部(GUANGYI INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY)于2015年10月筹备成立, 具有针对高中学生的国际课程办学资质。我们开设的课程包括英国剑桥大学考试委员会IGCSE、A-Level课程(CAIE注册号CN768),美国大学AP课程 。学生通过学习该课程可申报美、英、澳、加、新加坡、中国香港等地区,包括哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、剑桥、悉尼、多伦多、港大等世界超一流大学。
Guangyi International Academy (GIA) was awarded by various internationally accredited organization to establish international educational curriculum specifically for high school students. Our curriculum includes the A-Level courses established by Cambridge International Examinations. Through in-depth research and experiment of the current international high school curriculum, we especially invited local education experts and international well-known educaitonal consultant team to develop an international high school curriculum system for Chinese high school students. GIA upholds the educational philosophy integrating the benefits of both eastern and western and education systems. Based on general education requirement and according to students' characteristics, we provide enriched and distinctive elective courses and social practices in order to promote the students' well-rounded personality development, and prepare them for the best international higher education in the world.?
职能类别: 校长
关键字: 国际学校 Alevel 校长
教育板块,长沙华夏实验学校、湖南广益实验中学(与师大附中联合办学)、湖南惟益教育培训学校,广益实验中学目前已经成为“湖南百佳先进民办学校”。旅游及旅游配套服务综合体板块,集团打造了“宁乡温泉酒店——张家界武园广场——红石林国家地质公园——凤凰金寨”旅游黄金走廊,在每个节点建设景区及游配套服务综合体。2005年红石林景区获批为国家地质公园,享有“红色石林,天下奇绝”的美誉。2006年景区“酉水画廊”跻身为“新潇湘八景” 之一。2012年4月红石林国家地质公正式开放,迎接世界各地游客。金融及股权投资板块,集团投资了全国第一家村镇银行——湘西长行村镇银行;并为重庆实业(股票代000736)第三大股东;2011年战略性参与包头风电科技有限公司(正在筹划上市)增资扩股。房地产板块,集团名下房项目麓山 翰林苑,2010年被评为“2010低碳节能示范楼盘”,2011年,被国家住部评为“湖南省建筑节能示范工程”。
公司以专业化的运作和诚信经营,在政府、金融、经营界获得了良好的声誉,多次被湖南省银行业协会评定为 “守信用企业”。现因业务发展需要,诚邀社会优秀人士加盟!
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