1. 岗位福利:Post welfare
(1) 月度奖金;Monthly bonus;
(2) 季度奖金;Quarterly bonus;
(3) 年度加薪;Salary Raise;
(4) 各种提成;Commissions;
(1) 通过网络与学生进行大班或小班授课。
Teaching students online using your computer
(2) 根据学生的课堂表现,课后给学生撰写评语。
Evaluate students after class.
3. 岗位要求:Requirements
(1) 大学本科及以上,英语或教育相关专业。 英语专业八级或同等水平。外教有TESOL TEFL证书者优先.
Bachelor's degree or higher; Majoring in English or Education. Acceptable Certificates: TEM-8;
(2) 英语流利纯正,教学技能熟练.
Native English Speaker with proficient teaching skills.
(3) 有网络授课经验、成人英语教学、或互动式口语教学经验者优先.
Online teaching experiences: teaching adults/teenagers/children, and or Interactive Oral English teaching experience.
(4) 个性开朗大方, 形象气质佳,感染力强.
Be cheerful, encouraging along with a teacher’s temperament.
(5) 电脑操作熟练.
Excellent computer skills.
职能类别: 兼职教师
关键字: 在家办公 自由排课 在线教育
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