職 稱:兼任助理教授(含)以上
名 額:數名
- 研究所【學術英文寫作】或【科技英文寫作】課程
- 其他研究所英文課程
- 大學部英文選讀課程
資 格:
- 具國內外博士學位或具教育部核發之助理教授(含)以上證書者(申請截止日前尚未取得博士學位證書者,得先繳送由學校單位出具證明之論文審查通過的臨時學歷證明文件正本,並應於民國108年8月1日應聘日前取得博士學位證書並完成認證。)
- 主要專長為英語教學、應用語言學或教育相關領域者,或於大專院校具有英語教學經驗者
- 能長期配合開課、且具有大專英語授課經驗者優先考慮
- 國立清華大學語言中心應徵兼任教師基本資料表 (詳附件)
- 履歷表(含碩博士論文題目、著作目錄、教學經驗、教學專長領域與教學科目)
- 博士學位證書影本或助理教授(含)以上證書
- 最擅長任教科目授課大綱(請列舉至少2門,並註明研究所課程或大學部選讀課程)
- 重要英文學術寫作摘要
- 推薦函1封
- 其它有利於申請之文件
聯絡人:梁玉琴小姐 聯絡電話:(03)5715131分機34408
ESL Adjunct Assistant Professor – Language Center
National Tsing Hua University
1. Provide regular and intensive graduate courses for English for academic purposes (EAP), particularly Academic and technical writing.
2. Work with graduate program coordinators to design graduate curriculum and new courses.
3. Create syllabus and lesson plans, maintain attendance records, and perform other duties as assigned.
1. Doctoral degree in related fields (e.g., TESOL, applied linguistics, education)
- (Degree must be obtained prior to start date.)
2. College EMI teaching experience preferred.
Starting Date: August 1, 2019
Application Documents:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Biodata form (see attachment)
3. One letter of recommendation
4. Photocopy of diploma
5. Samples of course syllabi
6. Samples of English academic writing
7. Other related documents
Application Deadline: March 6, 2019(postmarked)
Please postal mail application documents to:
Language Center, National Tsing Hua University
(101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu 300, TAIWAN)
(please indicate “applying for ESL Adjunct Assistant Professor” on the envelope).
Application documents will not be returned.
Contact: Ms. Liang Tel: 886-3-5715131 ext. 34408
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