about the role: The senior editor will acquire, develop, and edit content for VISION magazine and other online platforms. This role is responsible for planning, assigning and editing interviews and feature stories, as well as help with top edits and give final publication approval on pieces from content providers of art section. This role will focus on leading the coverage of international contemporary art scene and should be well versed on topics that range from feminism to LGBTQ issues to racial justice to youth subculture, and have an urge to maximize the quality and impact of our art news reporting, feature writing, interviews, and critical essays. about VISION VISION is a printed bimonthly magazine, founded in 2002 from Shanghai, published in China and internationally. VISION liberates fashion, art, culture and design from the bounds of minorities and subcultures. VISION withstands today’s vulnerable culture of taboos with independent speculations and pioneering leadership. Above all, it re-evaluates, redefines and rediscovers everything with original pictures visual media. requirements: In all our work, diversity is really important to us. The ideal candidate could come from a variety of different backgrounds, but your work history should demonstrate talent and professional experience in contemporary art and media industry. You should be self-directed, smart about managing your time, hard-working, and organized. The position requires a minimum of 2-3 years writing or editing stories for the print, web, or exhibition and galleries; solid research skills; lots of fresh ideas; and an interest in pushing the boundaries of media publications.
VISION 首先是一本双月刊纸质杂志
于 2002 年创立于上海
VISION 从不定义自我
重估一切价值,剥落标签,看到本质,再谈其它 VISION的时尚,艺术,人文,设计并不局限于小众,亚文化狭窄的领域。 而是用锐利的视角去再次发现,反思激活一件已存在的事物。 将一些反常态的文化,被传统道德质疑的文化进行重构。 VISION坚持杂志以纸张为媒介, 唤醒公众,尤其是年轻人会去沉思生活,去重估自我价值。 与世界上所有的年轻人回归真实,探索未知。
VISION 不只输出一本杂志,不止是传统的大众媒体出版模式 , 更着重新文化的探索、 挖掘、支持、孵化,和多样融合、全链条内容与产品的开发与引导,致力于线上线下一 体化的立体文化品牌的塑造。
VISION is a bimonthly magazine. Founded in 2002 in Shanghai. Published all around the world.
VISION needs no self-definition.
It may be the black hole, or the book of revelation.
Within the culture of challenges and taboos today, VISION maintains its pioneering, independent and thoughtful observation and leadership. Above all, it reevaluates, redefines and rediscovers everything with ORIGINAL visual representation.
VISION liberates fashion, art, culture and design, including but unlimited to minorities and subcultures.
It unearths the existing and rediscovers the ordinary with a sharp perspective. It restructures and rebuilds subversive culture questioned by the traditional.VISION wakes up the youths, the public,
To contemplate on life and reevaluate themselves,
To return to reality and explore the unknown.
VISION is a printed magazine. We resist the consumerism of click-bait literature, and offer the disempowered meaningful hands-on reading.
VISION does not merely produce a magazine.
VISION does not conform to the conventional model of mass media.
Instead, it highlights the exploration, discovery, support, and incubation of new cultures, as well as a diversified, well-conceived chain of contents and products development.
职能类别: 编辑 美术编辑
关键字: 编辑 艺术编辑 杂志编辑
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