Results 1 - 20 of 10132
  • 美迪希实验仪器有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Position: Import / Export Specialist Type: Full time employee Company: Molecular Devices Shanghai Limited Location: Shanghai, Nanhui Area Area: Manufacturing Responsibilities The Import / Export Specialist will be responsible for developing a comprehensive and cost-effective import/export model for our newly created manufacturing facility. This role requires a well-developed ability to analyze complex business processes, with a focus on cost-benefit, to make difficult decisions and reco...

  • 上海优仕美地医疗有限公司 上海市 静安区

    岗位职责: 1. 负责护士站电子病历系统的录入,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项治疗及护理工作,做好查对及交接班工作,防止医疗护理差错事故的发生。 2. 各类检验报告的注销,有异常报告及时通知主诊医生。 3. 熟悉护理常规,积极参与危重症患者的抢救。 4. 保持护士站工作环境及治疗室的整洁、整齐和安全。 岗位要求: 1、有临床护理工作经验3年以上,持有护士相关资质证书; 2、亲和力强,沟通能力佳 3、懂英语者优先; 4、能接受夜班; 职能类别:护士/护理人员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:静安区富民路118号...

  • 美国智慧全球公司上海代表处 Shanghai

    上海市 职位要求 4 years or more experience programming in Visual Basic 6.0 + and/or VB.Net 4 years or more experience in SQL database programming in a business environment related to product development, import and distribution 2 or more years programming experience in an ERP-system environment Network Administration experience a major plus Good Verbal Communication Skills in Mandarin and English Ability to travel between China and U.S Excellent Team work and good sense of humor Ethical with quality re...

  • 史基摩欧文美尔建筑设计事务所有限公司 Shanghai

    Position Title: Studio Assistant Summary of Responsibilities: Studio and Project Assistance General administrative assistance Document printing, delivery, copying and scanning Upload and download of digital documents Archiving and filing of Studio documents Translation of daily correspondence and Studio documents (low volume / size) General assistance to Studio Director and Project Manager Preparation of expense reports for Senior Studio staff Archiving and filing of business cards for Senior St...

  • 美乐家日用品有限公司 Shanghai

    Description: The primary responsibility of this position will be developing new features of our website and proprietary CMS, as well as maintaining existing features. Qualifications : Ideal candidate should have a thorough knowledge of front end coding and technologies (HTML/CSS/Sass/JQuery/Node) as well as 4 years’ experience working with the Angular JavaScript framework. This individual must possess high energy, be aggressive, professional, have the ability to handle multiple tasks and be a te...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 Job Responsibility & Accountability (Key roles, functions & accountabilities) Seek and development potential and new clients for CSR services, testing, inspection, factory audit services; Handle incoming inquiries and pursue the opportunity; Make sales planning and achieve sales objective set by the company; Maintain and strengthen existing customer relationships, to provide effective and efficient after-sale service to grow the business either in volume or service lines; Collect...

  • 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 Suzhou

    1.负责商场内电梯运行维护,每天进行巡查 ; 2.配合电梯维保单位维修监管、报修,跟进维修进程 ; 3.参加工程部人员值班 ; 4.按计划做好电梯设备的月、季、年度维护保养工作。 任职资格: 1.行业背景有大型商业购物中心工作经验优先; 2.年龄50岁以下; 3.学历高中及中专以上。 职能类别:其他 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林公园展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集团积极探索,不断升级自身品牌丰富产品线,着眼于互联网商业大有可为的未来,以全新的运营理念,以年轻人为消费群体,在苏州吴中区打造总建筑面积约23万方、商业中心面积12万方的近郊型互联网时代新型商业体—歌林小镇,并将之打造成为海岸集团年轻化品牌系,全面开启中国城市商业配套的绿色升级之路。 歌林小镇以互联网思维为导向,是集生态环境、娱乐体验、智慧购物于...

  • 美乐家日用品有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Essential Duties: ? Assist Audit Manager with risk assessment of assigned department or functional area in established/required timeline ? Assist Audit Manager with creating risk-based audit programs ? Prepare and organize supporting audit documentation and evidence ? Determine scope of review in conjunction with the Audit Manager ? Review the suitability of internal control design ? Conduct audit testing of specified area and identify reportable issues and dimension of risk ? Conduct ro...

  • 埃克森美孚(惠州)化工有限公司 Huizhou

    Responsibilities Provide civil and structural engineering expertise in support of the design, construction, commissioning, start-up and operation of the ExxonMobil Huizhou Chemical Complex. Provide Engineering Surveillance support to Project Design Team and provide construction support to site team during civil works, applying Company and industry standards and codes. Able to read and interpret structural and civil drawings and specifications, Plans, executes and oversees inspections. Provide en...

  • 美库尔商务信息咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Position summary The Developer is responsible for coding, set-up and deployment of HTML and text email content within the Exacttarget platform, as well as various other email platforms used by Merkle. Responsibilities Manipulating and coding email assets, typically from layered artwork files, into HTML Render test and analyze Merkle coded, as well as 3rd party provided, HTML to ensure proper rendering across ISPS and platforms; edit html as necessary Upload content, create proofing lists and...

  • 诺美国际课程中心 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 To plan and teach centre programmes for children 3 to 12 years of age while providing a warm, safe and nurturing environment. The teacher will implement activities that address the physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs of the children in class. Teacher will maintain open communications with parents and keep them up-to-date on their children’s progress and development. Key Responsibility: Plan, prepare and execute classes based on curriculum provided Engage with children in a...

  • 美高梅(MGM) Macao

    澳门 We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description : Responsible for the continue business development of International Marketing Development Responsible for new player development of MGM Maintains accurate records and documentation so that information can be analyzed at a later time Able to travel alone or with others for business trip Responsible to assist company event and promote ...

  • 美擎教育 查看所有职位 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 【关于MQ】 我们是一个年轻有活力、创新有纪律的80、90后团队 。 我们拥有温馨优雅,高档先进的办公环境,(南山万象天地的尚美科技大厦)~~ 我们拥有过人的实力,与公立学校稳定合作,被客户称颂的业界口碑; 美擎国际教育是深圳市山姆大叔教育信息咨询有限司旗下国际K-12教育品牌,创立于2014年, 是深圳国际学科课程培训机构。 我们特邀多名美国本土高中授课经验丰富的中外籍名师加入,以纯正的国际教育理念,总结出一套适合于在国际体系中就读的中国学生的教学体系。 我们特色课程包括:国际学校入学备考课, 国际学校衔接课程,国际学校培优课程,美国K-12基础教育课程,英国K-12基础教育课程 ,留学面试辅导课程等。 在MQ,您的努力不会被忽视,欢迎您挑战高薪,见证突破自我的过程~ 如果您是对教育行业怀揣梦想的人,请毫不犹豫的递上您的简历~~ 选择MQ,您得到的不仅只有酬劳,我们更乐于见到,这就是您理想的,并为之奋斗终身的事业。 中学科学化学老师(双语) Teachers are able to cover the topics like st...

  • 美库尔商务信息咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Our Story Merkle is a leading data-driven, technology-enabled, global performance marketing agency that specializes in the delivery of unique, personalized customer experiences across platforms and devices. For more than 25 years, Fortune 1000 companies and leading nonprofit organizations have partnered with Merkle to maximize the value of their customer portfolios. The agency's heritage in data, technology, and analytics forms the foundation for its unmatched skills in understanding consume...

  • 深圳市美联国际教育有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 南山区 The Digital Marketing specialist will work with the talent sourcing team under the sourcing director, and is responsible for driving leads through the branding and promotion of Meten via social media, content and email marketing. Duties & Responsibilities Develop, implement and manage the company social media strategy Create and oversee social media content for the company Coordinate with SEO specialist and recruitment team to create a key content strategic plan Drive and manage teac...

  • 美商美威特科技股份有限公司 Taoyuan

    勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 供應鏈管理及訂單管理追蹤 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 大學 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自08時00分至17時00分 計薪方式: 月薪 36000 - 36000 元 僱用期限: 不定期契約 (長期僱用) 工作地專區別: 工作地非屬專區 供膳: 供宿: 不提供住宿 工作經驗: 不拘 加班: 1.本職缺符合勞動基準法工時及休假等相關規定,且於延長工時情況下,將依規定給付加班費或補休。 其他專長資料 語文能力: 駕照: 不拘 電腦能力: 不拘 技能證照: 無 應用工具: 其他應用工具: 應徵資料 應徵方式: 電洽 徵選方式: 面試 攜帶文件: 履歷 應徵地址: 桃園市桃園區春日路1492-2號3樓 電子信箱: 接洽人: Yen小姐 電話: 03-3255200 電話2: 行動電話: 傳真: 聯絡的就業服務單位: 桃園就業中心(委辦桃園市政府) TEL:03-3333005 地址:桃...

  • 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 Suzhou

    1、 严格按照管理制度,认真、规范、及时完成各弱电设备每日各项值班、操作、记录、保养、维修、巡检等工作,每日经常巡检中央控制室弱电设备及其他重要机房设备运行情况。 2、熟练掌握并应用各弱电设备各项操作、保养、维修技能,了解各弱电设备工作原理和参数设置(掌握各弱电设备参数更改密码)。发生突发事件时,能及时、冷静、准确、有效处理。 3、 熟悉各线缆走向和中间设备安装位置和设备基本功能及服务范围。 4、发觉弱电设备异常情况,积极及时排除故障,并向上级领导汇报。及时向其他专业员工转达,并及时向上级领导汇报发现物业其他专业的设备设施故障、缺损等异常情况。做好各类相关记录。 5、及时处理其他专业人员提出的弱电设备异常情况或故障。 6、努力钻研技术,保证大厦各弱电设备始终处于良好工作状态,当BMS监视到其他设备异常情况或危险情况时,即时向各专业人员报告,并为事件处理提供真实、可靠资料。 7、任何情况下必须保证火灾报警系统和防盗监视系统处于良好工作状态。 8、积极耐心向中央控制室值班保安人员,进行全面详细的设备操作培训,热情解答各类提问,配合保安人员共同搞好大厦安全保卫工作。 9、积极与各专业工程人员...

  • 纽约国际儿童俱乐部New York Kids... Xiamen

    厦门市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 职位信息 工作职责: 1. 按照前台接待的标准服务流程,对行政服务团队进行标准化服务流程培训,管理整体服务团队; 2. 按流程分配安排前台接待与电话、环境维护与督查、及其它常规各项服务工作的分工与配合; 3. 会员接待与服务,执行与监督为会员安排上课的相关流程规范,及时反馈与协助解决会员问题; 4. 培训和管理保洁团队,执行清洁流程监控流程,维护整体环境; 5. 监督与执行接待非会员来电或到访的咨询及后续咨询服务的跟进安排,及时更新维护客户管理系统; 7. 办公用品、耗材、日常消耗品的采购与管理,管理维护公共财产及库房,员工考勤统计; 8. 负责前台日常突发或紧急事件及投诉等处理; 9. 积极配合执行市场部或其他部门的活动计划,协助协调各部门之间的工作。 任职要求: 1. 大专以上学历,有2年以上早期教育或其他教育培训类或服务类相关行业工作经验; 2. 爱孩子,热爱教育事业,有亲和力、有责任心、耐心、细心、有热情; 3. 良好的计算机操作能力和沟通能力,普通话流利; 4. 工作主动,有良好的服务意识; 5. 有良好的团队管理能力,能够清晰地进行...

  • 美乐家日用品有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Key Responsibilities/Essential Functions: Provide work breakdown structures and estimates for technical projects Implement and teach best practices for the full software development life cycle Lead trainings for global software development teams Work closely with the technical project lead to meet project objectives and timelines Build and maintain unit tests using best patterns and practices Full lifecycle application development with ability to deliver quality products on time Design, ...

  • 美太芭比贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    协助主管达成中国地区BD的销售指标 协助主管达成中国地区BD的客户开拓 开拓全国新渠道/新零售,挖掘引导客户需求,提供多种定制合作方案,对业绩目标负责 敏锐的市场洞察力和数据分析能力 扩大品牌影响力,维护品牌口碑 维护客情关系,提升VIP客户的忠诚度 执行力强,完成主管交代的其他工作或任务 职能类别:业务拓展主管/经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:港汇中心2座...

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