Results 1 - 20 of 54408
  • 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 苏州市 吴中区

    苏州市 吴中区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 1、根据集团战略储备人才,根据招聘需求,制定招聘计划及实施招聘工作; 2、主动寻访、筛选、评估目标候选人,在规定时间内满足岗位招聘需求; 3、拓展和维护各类人才招聘渠道,包括猎头、线上渠道、线下渠道、各类院校等; 4、招聘分析、招聘数据管理、简历管理,建立人才档案等; 5、招聘相关的项目性工作,如岗位职责梳理、人员入离职管理等。 任职资格: 1、本科以上学历,2年以上招聘工作经验,专业不限; 2、服务型行业背景,如商业、零售、猎头行业; 3、性格外向,积极主动,思维开阔,能主动寻找资源实现招聘目标; 4、熟练操作office办公软件如Excel、PPT、Word等; 职能类别:招聘经理/主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林公园展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Standard cell library designer, project management and support. 職缺需求 Standard cell library design, layout implementation, and simulation. Process technology exploration. Digital and sign-off flow study for cell development. Low-V circuit and flow analysis and development....

  • 聯發科技 Shanghai

    上海市 a. Indoor Manual Test (Telephony related Functional/IOT Test) b. Indoor Automation Test (Mainly based on AT command test on MTK Automation Platform) c. FT (Telephony related Functional/Performance/Scenario Test),including Local Site/ Domestic FT/ WW FT d. Support Customer for their FT when needed e. Support Customer for specific issues which are hardly to resolve by themselves 職缺需求 1. Bachelor or above degree majoring in Telecommunication/Computer related field 2. Good acknowledge on Communi...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= 工作需求: Computer Science / Mathematics / Statistical Science related college or graduate student 工作內容 Dig into network related data and find out suspicious or anomaly activities, by using expert rules or machine learning technology. 工作時間: 週一到週五,9:00~18:00 工作期間 : 2019/7/1~2019/8/30 ==========================================...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= Overview Trend Micro, a global leader in network antivirus and Internet content security software and services, is looking for experienced & talented Visual Designer to join our Design team and be responsible for the look-and-feel and visual design of our web-based services as well as windows application products. Wo...

  • 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 苏州市 吴中区

    1、配合保安主管进行展示中心的的安全管理工作,确保人、财、物安全; 2、负责参观迎宾的登记和礼仪接待及访客指引; 3、负责施工单位/装修单位的人员进出场管理和场地秩序维护; 4、落实检查防火/防盗/防破坏/防事故等安全措施,排班巡查; 5、协助进行物品盘点搬运/仓库整理等工作 。 任职资格: 1、高中及以上学历,20-35周岁,专业不限; 2、有2年及以上案场售楼处或高档小区/大型酒店保安从业经验; 3、具备基本的防火/防盗/防破坏/防事故等相关知识; 4、退伍军人优先。 公司可安排食宿。 职能类别: 防损员/内保 保安人员 关键字: 保安 保安人员 防损员 保安主管 安保 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林小镇展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集团积极探索,不断升级自身品牌丰富产品线,着眼于互联网商业大有可为的未...

  • 苏州歌林小镇投资有限公司 苏州市 吴中区

    1、负责项目的卫生清洁管理工作; 2、负责定期监督、检查清洁的工作质量和现场品质; 3、完成上级安排的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、有相关保洁工作经验者优先; 2、良好的服务意识; 3、熟悉各类材质的保洁工艺流程流程及各种清洁药剂的配制和使用要求,熟悉各类保洁设备和工具的运用。 职能类别:保洁 微信 联系方式 上班地址:苏州吴中经济开发区禹贡路与吴郡路交叉路口歌林小镇展示中心 公司信息 苏州歌林小镇是深圳海岸城旗下的年轻化商业品牌,深圳海岸城是深圳西部经营面积最大、功能最齐全、最具代表性的购物中心, 2016年的总业绩达到30亿,稳占深圳西部第一,在深圳170多家购物中心中排名第二。 在深圳海岸城、无锡海岸城综合体成功运营基础之上,海岸集团积极探索,不断升级自身品牌丰富产品线,着眼于互联网商业大有可为的未来,以全新的运营理念,以年轻人为消费群体,在苏州吴中区打造总建筑面积约23万方、商业中心面积12万方的近郊型互联网时代新型商业体—歌林小镇,并将之打造成为海岸集团年轻化品牌系,全面开启中国城市商业配套的绿色升级之路。 歌林小镇以互联网思维为导向,是集生态环境、娱乐体验、智慧购物于一体的国...

  • 聯發科技 Taibei

    We are looking for aspiring ML/DL candidates to join our team of researchers. The ideal candidate is open-minded, passionate about learning theory, and looks forward to challenge convention. Your ideas shall be based on sound mathematical justification yet lead to scalable and practical solutions. In a flexible and supportive environment, one of your major responsibilities is to push the state of the art of learning theory. Furthermore, through collaboration with worldwide colleagues, you will h...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Camera 軟體架構設計. Camera ISP 及 sensor driver (Linux and RTOS) 開發. ISP HW 驗證. 職缺需求 必備: 計算機結構、作業系統、C語言 加分: ARM組合語言、嵌入式系統、相機原理、Linux 驅動程式, Android/Chromepad 架構...

  • 聯發科技 北京市

    1. Baseband algorithm development 2. 2G/3G/4G/Blue Tooth/WiFi/FM etc. Communication system receiver & Transmitter architecture or algorithm design. 3. Communication system architecture design. 4. Digital TV / Analog TV/ Mobile Tv etc. Receiver architecture design or algorithm development. 職缺需求 1. Familiar with digital signal processing algorithm and practical implementation skill. 2. Familiar with the following programming languages : C/C++, Matlab 3. Familiar with communication theory. 4. I...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    Work with the various lines of business and support functions to provide strategic human resource consultation Partner with Senior HR Business Partners to provide proactive support to client groups and develop and implement sound human resource programs that meet business objectives. Partner with business leaders and managers as an internal consultant to strategize, define and resolve people-related issues. Exercise judgment within broadly defined policies and practices to develop appropriate me...

  • 聯發科技 新竹縣 竹北市

    1. Familar with Linux or open source and development environment. 2. GCC/G++ and related tool chain. 3. Setup cross-platform development environment. 4. WiFi and related device driver programming 5. Windows driver development 職缺需求 1. C and C++ Programming language 2. Linux OS kernel and device driver. 3. Networking and communication protocol and Wi-Fi Experience 4. Software RD Experience 5. Windows driver development...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    1. Protocol design or debug on NR/LTE 2. Experience in IOT/field test 3. Data analysis to enhance system verification 4. Automation tool development 職缺需求 1. MS degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science 2. Familiar with Wireless Communication or Networking is preferred 3. Familiar with GSM/WCDMA/LTE/NR Protocol ,TCP/IP, VoLTE/SIP, Layer1 is preferred 4. Good communication skills in English. 5 Self-motivated, strong trouble-shooting, good communication and good teamwork....

  • 聯發科技 Shanghai

    上海市 1. Develop multi-mode GSM/WCDMA/LTE L1/DSP software, including state machine, channel scheduling and modem/RF control SW 2. Implement OFDM communication signal processing and theory in embedded system 3. Realize digital communication in ASIP/DSP architecture 職缺需求 1.MS or above with major in EE, CS or Telecommunication Engineering related field 2.Familiar with C language and RTOS 3.Experienced in Wireless communication or embedded system development 4.Related working experience in mobile or w...

  • 趨勢科技 Taibei

    Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= [Overview] DCS (Data Center Service) team provides hybrid cloud solutions in data center to empower Trend Micro global services. We are looking for creative & self-motivate talent to join as to build up world class cloud service platform. The Sr. Software Engineer(Web Developer) takes the responsibility to implement ...

  • 聯發科技 新竹市

    This position involves developing memory architectures, creating circuit implementation techniques and be an interface with CAD team for full verification and model generation. You have opportunity to know how memory design can be implemented into all Mediatek products. 職缺需求 (1) MS or above with major in EE (2)4+ years of professional experience designing embedded memories (3)SRAM/UHDTP/2P/DP/ROM architectures and advanced custom circuit implementations. Advanced technology nodes are a plus (4)F...

  • 上海小龙鱼教育发展有限公司 Shanghai

    Lonyer Education Group Inc. has franchises located around Shanghai, who bring early education to thousands of children each year. Our innovative programs help kids learn about science, English and music, etc through our in-class workshops, camps, birthday parties and special events. For over 20 years, we have invested in research and development and continue to do so. We believe in the importance of being at the forefront of our industry and continue to create preschool program for kids. For now...

  • 理律法律事務所 新竹市

    新竹所-專利工程師-電子電機背景 工作地點 新竹所 職務內容 撰寫專利說明書、申請國內外專利、專利權保護及專利紛爭處理等 學歷 電子/電機碩士以上畢 外 語 英文(聽/佳、說/佳、讀/精通、寫/精通) 工作經驗 具數位/類比電路研發工作經驗尤佳 其 他 歡迎欲挑戰跨領域(理工&法律)之理工人加入 新進律師、法務、行政人員之聘用 理律法務事務所聘用人員之遴選,以其所受學歷、經歷及品德為錄用考慮標準並依本所各部門之需求,採用登報、網路或人才仲介等管道覓才。應徵者履歷資料經彙整後,由本所電話聯絡安排筆試及面 試,但應徵者若具二年以上相關工作實務經驗或具國內外律師或專業技術人員(高考以上)資格或具國內外相關學科碩士以上學位者,得視各部門要求免專業筆試;若應徵者具英語系國家之律師或專業技術人員資格或在英語系國家取得相關學科碩士以上學位者,得免語文筆試。應徵者錄取後,需通過五個月之試用期,必要時得延長試用一個月。 2019年英/日文...

  • Fastmarkets 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 JOB PURPOSE To produce metals and minerals price assessments and to provide industry-leading market commentary, breaking news and analysis, which demonstrates PRA-aligned knowledge across multiple markets. To support the development and use of Fastmarkets’ prices. PRICIPAL ACCOUNTABLILITIES Produce exemplary price assessments in line with company methodology, price specifications, and IOSCO principles across a range of markets Develop and maintain a comprehensive contact-base, using all...

  • 北京赛译睿科科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区

    Responsibility: A part-time job; Edit and grade product documentation, user interfaces, and marketing materials, etc; Make the checklist that incorporates common errors and suggestions; Create an analysis report on the current status of written English and develop training courses (with case studies from the reviewed documents); Settle disputes on the existing and would-be language points, word usage, sentence patterns and templates; Set criteria for scoring technical documents. Qualification: M...

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