Results 1 - 20 of 38746
  • 三棵树教育科技有限公司 广州市 天河区

    Job requirement Native speaker of English with U.S. or Canadian accent; Easy going, delightful character; Comfortable with cameras; 20-30 years old; Preferably someone with a degree in applied linguistics, TESOL, or education (not mandatory); Experience of teaching young children (not mandatory). Job Description This is a non-teaching position; Recording videos for a pre-programmed virtue teacher;* Correct language errors from the teaching plans or scripts. Writing textbook and teaching plans (i...

  • 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区

    Duties and Responsibilities: 工作职责 Set up and oversee the high school college counselor program Liaisoning with parents and managing student expectations Work closely with the international college counselor Create and maintain student portfolios Meet with students regularly to provide advice and help improve their profiles Provide reports and communicate regularly with parents Skills and Experience Required: 岗位要求 1. Bachelor's Degree or above, strong academic background preferred 2. At least...

  • 上海铭邺教育科技有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Duties: Facilitating the work of the Academic Department Support the needs of Academic Director Make arrangement for Academic Director business trip Be able to travel with Academic Director when the work is in need Prepare Handouts for meetings/presentations Translation of materials: power point presentations, handouts if needed Transcribing documents Communicating with instructors and principals Attending training sessions and providing interpretation/translation as needed Interpre...

  • 上海稷熙教育科技有限公司 上海市 杨浦区

    物理教师岗位职责: 1.给学生提供课程辅导,包括一对一辅导,一对三或一对多辅导。 2.监督学生完成作业 岗位要求: 1、熟悉英国 CIE A Level(或爱德思,IB,AP)考纲 2、有国际学校物理教学经验的优先考虑 2、能够用英文教授考纲内容,并适当地布置相关习题 3、善于与学生沟通,激发学生学习的自主积极性 4、沟通能力强,具有耐心,心态积极热情 福利待遇: 1、缴纳五险一金(限全职老师) 2、工作时间灵活,无坐班 3、发展空间大,团队氛围融洽,都是一群有理想,有活力的小伙伴在一起做国际教育,工作环境简单清爽。 职能类别: 中学教师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:营口路588号海尚杰座2座13M室...

  • 上海澳盛教育信息咨询有限公司 上海市 静安区

    上海市 静安区 年薪200,000 - 300,000元 Reporting to: 海外升学部总监 Director,College Counseling Section Qualifications: 1. 本科以上学历,211/985院校毕业,具有3年以上美国本科或硕士申请经验。 2. 良好英语能力,可与外籍专家共同工作,托福100分+,或雅思7.0+,或GRE315+,或GMAT700+。 3. 熟悉美国教育制度,了解美国大学排名和学术设置。 4. 熟悉国内高中、本科教育体制和课程信息,对于主要国际高中课程和体制有一定掌握。 5. 具有良好学习能力,能在较短时间内完成知识的系统积累。 6. 仪态端庄,形象良好,性格开朗,具有团队合作精神。 7. 口齿清晰,普通话标准,语言逻辑性强,表达清晰流畅。 8. 工作作风耐心细致,具有强烈责任感,具备在压力下工作的能力和良好心态。 9. 具有敏锐的观察和心理分析能力,善于和不同的人群沟通,并取得共识。 10. 美国前50大学本科或硕士以上毕业生优先。 11. 加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等英语国家正规院校获硕士以上学位者优先。 12. ...

  • 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities Provide hospitality for all guests and ensure that appointments have been confirmed and been referred to/by relevant Early Years staff. Handle telephone enquiries from parents, find information and inform staff accordingly. Manage and maintain a stationery stock for the Early Years. Day to day administration of the Early Years & Lower School and working with general administrative duties including data entry, faxes and emails, in accordance with direct line manager initi...

  • 英语流利说 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区

    We're looking for talented content developers for China's leading language learning app. As a content developer, you will write and workshop content, help direct graphics and animations, and study data to iterate our course. Our content developers are passionate about language. They are avid readers and storytellers with flare for dialogue. And they have a great sense of humor, too. At the same time, they're obsessed with details, so grammar nerds are welcome! Our team loves to write...

  • 英谛捷医药科技咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    Role: Medical Writer Job Description: Job Location: Shanghai 1. Translate and rewrite medical content such as patient health education materials and marketing promotional materials as required by clients; 2. Work closely with projects managers and clients to generate content for various projects (mostly interactive), researching articles, fact sheets, press releases, materials in different sources such as newspapers, medical journals, websites etc. 3. Provide onsite (China) support to clients an...

  • 英谛捷医药科技咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Mutually translation between English and Chinese for medical content including patient health education materials and marketing promotional materials etc. as required by clients Various multimedia scripts writing such as website storeboard, eDA/eDetailing storeboard, microsite storeboard, e-Module storeboard, e-Case storeboard, promotional email, MMS content, SMS content, and MOA storeboard etc. Medical article publication work including communication with author (specialist), data sorting, ...

  • 西交利物浦大学 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    General Description As an important unit of XJTLU supporting system, Student Counselling Center takes the responsibility of providing professional counselling service to students. Apart from that, we also have the responsibility to create a harmonious cultural atmosphere, as well as to guide the students to have a better life. Main Responsibility and Accountability To provide individual counselling, group counselling, family interview, risk assessment and crisis intervention. To guide students’ ...

  • 深圳市惠恩管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai

    This person would be responsible for the overall execution of the business strategy for the brand in China, he/she will report to head of International in US. They would work to create and execute a plan that includes management of e-commerce channels, marketing and social channels, distributors, brand development, and other opportunities. We expect the candidate has successful experience in taking a new lifestyle product international brand, and developing it in China market. We also expect the...

  • 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 Job Responsibilities: In charge of the School’s academic system and DP curriculum. Provided leadership of DP teaching faculty Provide academic training to teachers. Aided in executive facilitation with hiring, operations, management oversight, budget oversight, strategic plan objectives, and supported as one of the educational lead executive team administrators Implement and monitor academic budgets in assigned areas of responsibility, as well as budget reviews, and analyzing financial ...

  • 杭州市萧山区惠立幼儿园 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 招聘对象 2020年国内外应届毕业生(硕士及以上或特别优秀的本科毕业生)、 在职教师或从事其他行业但对于教育有热情及能力的有识之士均可申请。 招聘专业 【本科】英语、财务、人力资源、市场、IT及其他专业 职能类别:大学/大专应届毕业生 微信分享...

  • 苏州国际外语学校 查看所有职位 苏州市 相城区

    苏州市 相城区 Job Duties: 1. The main duty of the ‘Head of University Counselor’ is following counseling-related work, proving professional and sound counseling support for students and parents: a) Keeping a track of and assisting with the running of students’ activities and school-scale events, by working with CAS coordinator and responsible staff of other activities; b) Follow up with extramural organizations regarding the outsourced service and collaboration activities, e,g. language training compa...

  • 西交利物浦大学 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 100-101 | 苏州 工业园区 | 全职 | 本科 | 经验3年 年终奖 绩效奖金 职位介绍 性别:不限 | 驾照:不要求 岗位职责: Responsibilities To liaise with clients to ascertain their needs and to operate or support the use of associated equipment and resources involved in the capture and editing of digital video and audio content. To coordinate booking of the digital video and audio content capture and production facilities by clients and ensure associated equipment and resources are prepared and ready for use as necessary. To maintain the...

  • 广州英国学校 广州市

    职位信息 The British School of Guangzhou is looking for someone to manage front desk operations and handle administration work for Music department. Ensure that the Head of Music and Principal's PA receive high quality administrative support. Job Description: Receptionist 1. Greet visitors, and direct them to appropriate areas of the school, provide visitors with drinks (coffee, tea etc) 2. Handle all reasonable requests from members of staff, intended for official school affairs 3. Identify and...

  • 李健駕駛學校 Tai Kok Tsui

    職責及工作內容 : - 負責處理日常會計工作 - 處理收支現金 - 處理收支單據及電腦記帳 - 處理銀行月結單 - 輸入及呈交薪金及強積金報表 - 整理財務報表   要求/資歷: - 熟悉或中英文電腦文書 - 5年相關工作經驗 - 持有會計證書 - 熱衷工作、有責任心、主動、勤奮   待 遇 : - 每週5天工作 - 可即時上班優先 - 大角咀工作   薪 金 : 每月$18,000 - $22,000, 或面議   申請方法 : 有意應徵者,請將履歷及要求待遇電郵至 ,預約面試。...

  • 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 Job Responsibilities: In charge of the School’s academic system and DP curriculum. Provided leadership of DP teaching faculty Provide academic training to teachers. Aided in executive facilitation with hiring, operations, management oversight, budget oversight, strategic plan objectives, and supported as one of the educational lead executive team administrators Implement and monitor academic budgets in assigned areas of responsibility, as well as budget reviews, and analyzing financial ...

  • 天津和意致中教育科技有限公司 天津市 西青区

    Personal Qualities: 1.Excellent communication skills. 2.A love of children and teaching. 3.A passionate, energetic and enthusiastic love of teaching in their words and attitude. 4.A willingness to work diligently as a contributing team player. 5.A willingness to accept Company Policy regarding the Learning Centre's operations and regulations. 6.A willingness to learn new ways of doing and thinking about education and the teaching process. 7.An ability to view the acquisition of new skills as...

  • 诺力昂化学品有限公司 宁波市 镇海区

    宁波市 镇海区 ALPS deployment (Mainly focus but not limited to maintenance and capex) Lead/ support the local ALPS implementation and build-up of required capabilities and ensure ALPS full and successful implementation and practical application on a daily base Network within the Nouryon CI community/ALPS team and share insights, problems and opportunities to promote improved performance and problem-solving across the company as well as encourage others to do the same Develop 5S standards and lead to p...

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