Results 1 - 20 of 1913
  • 同程资本 查看所有职位 Suzhou

    岗位职责 : 1. 电话、微信、线下等形式搜索早期(天使轮)创业项目,取得项目的商业计划书; 2. 邀请创业项目来苏州参加项目路演会和同程资本天使投资会; 3. 对行业和企业进行调研分析; 4.参与同程集团内部各个项目轮岗学习, 包含但不局限于市场运营,销售,业务产品,财务,研发产品,行政,品牌媒体,客服投诉,被投初创企业等。; 5. 每日/每周/每月的项汇总报告; 6. 参与新项目/投后项目的服务和资源对接 任职要求: 1. 勤奋、有强烈的事业心,上进心,拥有创业激情以及改变人生的理想; 2. 具备超强的学习能力和学习欲望; 3. 有良好的沟通能力、逻辑思维能力; 4. 喜欢挑战新事物,拥有开放的心态 5. 具备敏锐的市场洞察力,能抓住市场投资机遇; 6. 抗压能力强,具有持之以恒坚韧的精神; 7. 本科及以上学历,大学期间有创业经验者优先; 福利待遇 1.由同程集团创始人,董事长吴志祥亲自辅导 2.量身定做的管培生轮岗,培养计划 发展空间 1.同程投资经理,投资总监 2.同程内部项目经理 3.同程投资项目CEO或合伙人 董事长寄语 : 今年校招中,集团新增10名管培生,放在战略发展...

  • 广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 (岗位职责) Roles and Accountabilities 协助处理广东大鹏液化天然气有限公司接收站海务工作,确保遵守公司的政策程序、相关法律法规及指南,并安全而高效地运行。 Assist with the marine activities for the GDLNG Terminal in compliance with GDLNG procedures and applicable government laws and guidelines to achieve safe, efficient marine operation. 向营运部海务高级经理汇报。 Report to senior marine manager. (主要工作) Principal Activities 协助海务工作,确保海务工作的连续性。 To assist with marine activities, ensure the continuities of Marine work. 协调LNG船舶进出港工作,以确保液化天然气船舶的靠离泊安全。 Coordinate with LNG v...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 What you will do: 1. Drive for Business Results Coordinate monthly executive projects reviews and interface with all levels of Management on all aspects of Planning, Scheduling, Organizing, Directing and Controlling of their respective Program/Projects. Work closely with Product Management, Engineering and Supply Chain organizations to develop future product and commercial strategies 2. Manage 3 rd Party/Branded Product Offerings Make recommendations to 3rd party supplier which enhance o...

  • 上海诺本会展服务有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 应届生 岗位要求: 1.good oral english; 良好的英语口语; 2.tertiary college graduates or people who have 1-2 years working experience; 高等院校应届毕业生或有1-2年工作经验的人士; 3.desire to work and exceed sales targets; 自身具有对工作以及超越销售目标的渴望; 4. ability to function independently in a team environment; 具有在团队合作的环境中发挥独立职能的能力; 5. strong negotiation skills; 较熟练的谈判技巧; be ambitious and committed towards achieving targets; 有抱负且致力于达到目标; possess a high level of intrinsic motivation; 具有较强的内在动力; Benefits for our staff include: 员工的...

  • 美施威尔工业自动化(上海).. Shanghai

    Requirements: Origin: local Degree in automation engineering or electrical Experience: 10 ~ 15 year experience in automation projects for chemical or other process industries Proven project management skill with at least 3~5 year experience Familiar with at least one of the major DCS and PLC systems (Siemens, ABB, Rockwell, Emerson, etc.) Familiar with the application of instruments, experience with AC drive and installation is a plus Excellent technical understanding of DCS / PLC systems Motiva...

  • 深圳市微特自动化设备有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 光明新区 Oversea Project Manager (OPM) is a terrific position for someone interested in working in a fast paced environment and willing to drive exciting cross-functional projects. You will lead the creation of relevant documentation based on the project size, get resources allocated to project team members, effectively and clearly communicate project status, manage project risks, monitor change readiness, and conduct post-implementation audit reviews for Microtest. The Oversea Project Manager w...

  • 江森自控投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 What you will do: Responsible to write the design requirement for electrical control cabinet. Responsible to design the control cabinet electrical schematic, select and recommend electrical materials to meet the design spec Responsible to design/review the control cabinet layout. Responsible to develop and program PLC and HMI programs. Responsible to design for mixed circuits and PCB layout Responsible to cooperate with embeded software engineer to bring up and debugging hardware Other ...

  • 上海德珂斯机械自动化技术有限公司 Shanghai

    1、负责设备维修档案的建立工作; 2、产品售后维修、维护相关数据的统计、分析(提供各产品在全国主机厂的分布情况报表及维修服务次数等); 3、负责售后预算的编制; 4、售后问题汇总及对维修整个环节的执行跟踪; 5、负责组织安排、考核售后工程师的各项日常工作。 岗位要求: 1、大专及以上学历,适应出差; 2、有三年以上汽车焊接车间维修工作经验; 3、英语口语流利者优先考虑。 Task Focus: Manage TüNKERS service team in China Organize service activities such as installations, repairs, maintenance within China Provide service and customer support in the field for installations, repairs and maintenance for China, marked willingness to travel within China Support all on-site installation,...

  • 法国安达屋公司 Shanghai

    Target: Ensure the quality of data with completeness, consistency and reliability on time Ensure continuous improvement on the processes In the offices, be the entry point for questions relative to data quality, training about files and processes Analyze and animate the KPI to monitor data quality Requirement for successful applicant ü 5 years’ experience as a PS or SCS is helpful ü Good Excel skills ü Good analysis skills ü Excellent communication and cooperation are necessary ü Very good level...

  • 大众汽车自动变速器有限公司 Tianjin

    Connection between office IT for production departments IT topics Network status management and status monitor , which should be done daily New networks architecture and topology design and management Network backup and recovery test Wireless systems status monitor and also manage for the new additional and changes together with Infrastructure team-cabling role. The network related topics- e.g. the IP phone interfaces Telecommunication service providers management CERT ( computer Emergency Respo...

  • 易凯资本有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 终身制 Responsibilities: Perform valuation analyses using various methodologies including discounted cash flow, leveraged buyout, trading comparables and transaction comparables; Build detailed financial models to evaluate performance under various operating scenarios and to analyze the impacts of different capital structures and potential M&A transactions; Prepare presentation materials for use in client meetings, covering topics such as strategic alternatives, capital markets activity and...

  • 沈阳泰德自动化设备有限公司 Shenyang

    1、能熟练掌据数控车床的基本操作。2、会手动编程。3、能够进行夜班倒班工作。(白班8.30-16.30,夜班:16.30-0.30,夜班公司提供住宿)。4、工作地点在铁岭,新台子,依路工业圆。 能够遵守公司的各项规章制度,听从部门领导的生产工作安排,保质保量的完成部门领导安排的各种工作任务,以公司的利益为上,保守公司的技术机密。 职能类别: 数控操机 车工 关键字: 数控 车工 机械 普工 操作 工人 制造 技术 微信 联系方式 上班地址:懿路工业园(近沈北新区怪坡,沈阳公383依路终点站) 公司信息 我公司是专业提供自动化智能解决方案,并能完成自动化集成设计与制造的专业生产型公司,公司致力于为用户提供各种电动、气动、机械的自动化生产方案,提高生产效率。公司的直角坐标运动系统,通过多个模块化产品的搭建,能够实现自动控制的、可重复编程的、多功能的、多自由度的空间直角运动系统,能够搬运物体、操作工具、自运化模拟及生产等的专业设备。我公司是专业设计制作各类自动化生产用的机械手,汽车自动化冲压线的端拾器等,集设计、模拟、制造、调试于一体的专业化团队。我公司设计、制作的各类工装夹具,广泛应用于各...

  • 大众汽车自动变速器有限公司 Tianjin

    Your Responsibility ? Monthly SGK Report ? Planning Round and Budget ? Purchase Request (PR) Controlling - SGK related ? Non-operating scrapping report/Tooling Report/ Quality-Cost Report ? Counterpart for SGK questions Your Requirements ? Bachelor’s degree in business administration and/or accounting management ? Strong logical analysis ability, sensitive to figures, accurate and detailoriented work, following scientific principles in order to solve problems, high sense of responsibility and wo...

  • 范德兰德物流自动化系统有限公司 Shenzhen

    深圳市 宝安区 ? Ensure all operations and maintenance activities are executed properly and in time. ? Plan maintenance activities on day to day basis. ? Reporting performance on daily basis. ? Prepares and implements maintenance plans in our Maximo maintenance management system, including asset tree, inventory management, performance dashboards, reports, etc. ? Leading system regular PI & PCM activities by using IBM Maximo and relevant tools. ? Uses and develops analysis methods for determining ma...

  • 金茂资本 Beijing

    工作类型: 全职 学 历: 本科 及以上 专 业: 法学 招聘人数: 1 工作年限: 4年 工作内容: 1、参与建立、健全公司法律合规体系,负责公司法律合规工作; 2、对拟投项目提供法律可行性评估及法律咨询,识别法律风险并提供解决方案; 3、参与项目交易架构设计,负责法律文件撰写及审核; 4、负责公司董事会事宜; 5、对接、管理外部顾问; 6、负责基金备案、基金管理人资格维护等及其他法律事务工作。 任职资格: 1、年龄在25-35岁之间,知名法学院毕业,具有法律执业资格证书; 2、2年以上律所工作经验+2年以上法务工作经验(律所PE投资方向团队、PE基金法律合规工作经验); 3、具备扎实法律功底,熟悉私募基金及行业政策(教育、医疗、TMT方向优先); 4、责任心强、做事严谨、工作踏实及良好的团队精神。...

  • 法国安达屋公司 Shanghai

    Leads Supplier Quality operations on Suppliers of his scope Qualify Suppliers Create value (customer and economical) through Supplier efficiency Contribute to Product projects Quality Milestones and gates Contribute to industrialization of Projects and supplier development Develop Supplier Quality performance Guarantee conformity and stability of productions Treat non-conformity and secure our customers and our businesses @supplier point of view Manage strong continuous improvement approach of S...

  • 恒天然商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Role purpose ?In charge of JD group related marketing campaign execution. ?Drive Fonterra brands penetration in this platform in the long run. ?Support E-TM manager to optimize online media investment. ?Leverage platform data to better understand our brands consumer and map the better way of communication with right product. ?Work closely with MKT. team for better integrated plan for ECOM. Role accountabilities 1.Execute JD campaign calendar and support KA negotiating with account for se...

  • 大连振屹房屋开发有限公司 Dalian

    大连市 中山区 岗位职责及任职资格: 1、疏导过往车辆,保障大堂及酒店周边区域过往车辆行人安全,使门前畅通无阻。 2、服务周到热情,主动向宾客问好。 3、保证酒店和宾客的生命财产安全。 4、确保停车场车辆有序出入、停放。 5、加强巡逻,发现可疑情况及时向上级汇报。 6、人品正直诚实,具备良好的职业道德和素质,责任心强。 7、热爱保安工作,并适应倒班工作。 职能类别: 保安人员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:大连市中山区解放路92号 公司信息 凯宾斯基饭店是欧洲最古老的豪华酒店管理集团之一,于1897年建立了一家饭店。集团创建于柏林,其管理的饭店遍及欧洲、中东、非洲、南美洲和亚洲的中心城市,如北京、柏林、布达佩斯、布宜诺斯艾利斯、伊斯坦布尔、伦敦和圣莫里茨。历史悠久的凯宾斯基集团汇聚了众多奢华的饭店及度假村,从历史悠久的典雅风格至简约时尚的现代典范。 大连市市中心的国际性豪华饭店——大连凯宾斯基饭店于2005年10月9日隆重开业。大连凯宾斯基饭店拥有两座建筑:25层的贵宾楼和31层的园景楼。饭店座落于大连市“青泥洼桥”商圈,与秀丽的劳动公园隔街相对。距大连火车站仅5分钟车程,乘车至大连周水子...

  • 杭州盈控自动化有限公司 Hangzhou

    Join ABB and work in a team that is dedicated to creating a future where innovative digital technologies allow greater access to cleaner energy. Our R&D engineers and scientists develop breakthrough technologies that change the way the world works and industries do business. We constantly push the limits of convention, while retaining our focus on delivering solid returns for our customers and shareholders. ABB Measurement and Analytics develops, produces, sells, delivers and services produc...

  • 希马工业自动化有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Targets / role of the position: ? 1.Responsible all PR activities to strength the branding influence and enhance the company image. ? 2.Responsible for the marketing materials in line with global guideline. ? 3.In collaboration with HPH website holder to build and maintain the Chinese webpage. Tasks and duties of the position: ? 1.Build and maintain company homepage, release news and event on WeChat and Weibo, newsletter, insider and BBS. Advertise on the focused industry magazines and ...

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