- 昆山杜克大学 查看所有职位 昆山市
昆山市 Position Overview: Duke Kunshan University (DKU), located in Kunshan, China is embarking on the next phase of their ambitious plan to provide a student-center Liberal Arts research education. DKU is looking for candidates with experience in several areas critical to the mission of the university. Duke Kunshan University is a 21st century university with a highly integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Academic Success Tutors will be expected to...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer servi...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 12 years. The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, a pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, is rapidly expanding. It is looking for ambitious, talented academics with a passion for teaching as well as research flai...
- 燃石医学 Shanghai
上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Are you creative, multitasking, and thriving in a fast-paced working environment? If so, Burning Rock is THE place for you. As the CEO-Assistant, you will have the chance to influence Burning Rock’s success through effective coordinations within or outside of the company. The role offers a unique opportunity to engage with almost every aspect of Burning Rock’s business in China. The pace is fast, and the reward is amazing – You will have the opportunity to upgrade your s...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer s...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 銘傳大學 台灣
[Position Openings] Ming Chuan University announces 1 special program teacher position (Application Deadline: 2019/7/10) 1. Unit: Department of Applied English 2. Job Title: Special Program Assistant Professor or above 3. Number of Candidates: 1 4. Location: Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) 5. Education: Ph.D. in one of the following fields 6. Fields of Specialty: TESOL/Applied Linguistics, English education, English Linguistics, or English Literature 7. Application Materials Required: (1). Curriculu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 中原大學 Taibei
中原大學人事室 用人單位:中原大學人事室 職缺公告日期:2018-10-05 報名截止日期:2019-11-28 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 工作地點:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 學術專長: 公告內容: ~中原大學電機工程學系徵聘專任助理教授(以上)1名 一、學歷:國內外電機相關博士學位。 二、專精領域:電機相關領域 三、應徵教師需具備英語授課能力且合乎下列條件者請備妥: 1.推薦函三封。 2.個人履歷表(含自傳及現職)。 3.學經歷影本。 4.成績單(持國外學歷者,畢業證書、成績單須經駐外單位驗證;博士候選人請附指導委員會主席(Committee Chairman)或院、系(所)主管(Dean, Chairperson )完成論文答辯、審查及畢業日期證明函)。 5.博士論文及相關研究著作(作品)。 6.可教授之課程及其內容大綱。 四、聯絡人:張政元系主任(電話:03-2654800;E-mail:ccy@cycu.edu.tw) 五、收件截止日:108年2月28日止,以掛號送達(郵戳為憑)。 六、收件地址:320桃園市中壢區中北路200號 中原...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 銘傳大學 台灣
2019.08.17 [Position Openings] Ming Chuan University announces 6 part-time teacher positions (Application Deadline: 2019/8/22) 1. Unit: English Language Center 2. Job Title: Part-time Instructor or above 3. Number of Candidates: 6 4. Location: Taipei (Shih-Lin District), Taoyuan (Gui-Shan District) , (Kinmen: Jin-Sha Township) 5. Education: M.A. or Ph.D. in one of the following fields 6. Fields of Specialty: TESOL, Linguistics 7. Application Materials Required: (1). Curriculum Vitae (Autobiograp...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 中原大學 Taibei
中原大學人事室 用人單位:中原大學人事室 職缺公告日期:2019-07-09 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任助理教授 x 1名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 工作地點:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 學術專長: 公告內容: ~中原大學土木工程學系徵聘短期專任助理教授(含)以上1名 一、學歷:博士學歷 二、專精領域: 1.結構工程(鋼筋混凝土工程、鋼結構工程或其他結構專長)或大地工程。 2.具英語授課能力及有工程實務經驗為佳。 3.願意擔任本系一般性課程並具高度研究潛力。 三、應徵教師需具備英語授課能力且合乎下列條件者請備妥: 1.推薦函三封。 2.個人履歷表(含自傳及現職)。 3.學經歷影本。 4.成績單(持國外學歷者,畢業證書、成績單須經駐外單位驗證;博士候選人請 附指導委員會主席(Committee Chairman)或院、系(所)主管(Dean, Chairperson )完成論文答辯、審查及畢業日期證明函)。 5.博士論文及相關研究著作(作品)。 6.可教授之課程及其內容大綱。 四、聯絡人:朱美娟小姐(電話:03-2654202;E-mail:meich...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 人大附中杭州学校 查看所有职位 杭州市 余杭区
ABOUT THE ROLE Teachers must be ambitious for the pupils' learning and put their pupils first in everything that they do. Teachers should actively promote the School's Mission and Vision through their enthusiastic and full participation in school life. Every teacher has key academic and pastoral responsibilities. These are listed in the following section and it is important that we all take these responsibilities seriously: ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To contribute to the establishment ...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 苏州市
苏州市 Job Responsibility 1. Work with supplier to improve their quality level and FPY index, After couple of month, let’s supplier can reach what we expect in term of mindset, knowledge and autonomous. 2. Support supplier to prepare their painting process according to FMT project demand and SPEC. 3. Responsible for the coating (including painting and powder)simulation analysis and evaluation. 4. Optimize supplier process or working flow to improve supplier efficiency and increase their capacity. 5...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 长春市 朝阳区
1.Handling QA complaints and managing engineering services at multinational companies in automotive and electronics industries. 2.Provide high QA services meeting customer’s expectations for partners; constantly follow the customer requirements; keep professional contact partners’ representatives 3.Plan,manage and monitor the activities of subordinates; motivate and evaluate of their performance 4.In case of QA problem follow the process of handling the complaint; inform the partners about the p...
- 銘傳大學 台灣
教師升等案經本校自行審查教師資格審定通過,並送教育部備查取得證書,升聘教師如下: 序 姓名 系所 升等職稱 代表著作暨參考著作 升聘年月 號 以「住宅變異性對居住穩定性影響分析」為 1 胡志平 都防系 教授 107 年 2 月 主要代表作暨參考作 8 篇審定通過。 以「1.跨媒介敘事與擴展「敘事網絡」歷程 初探:以國際大獎繪本之跨媒介轉述為例 2. 圖像敘事之跨媒介改編與美感接收端詮釋之 2 賴玉釵 新聞系 教授 分析面向初探:理論視角之反思 3.繪本敘事 107 年 2 月 轉述為影像歷程初探:以繪本《雨果的祕 密》之跨媒介轉述為例」為主要代表作暨參 考作 13 篇審定通過。 以「Effect of esterification condensation on the Folin-Ciocalteu method for the 3 梁致遠 生科系 教授 quantitative measurement of total 107 年 2 月 phenols」為主要代表作暨參考作 14 篇審定 通過。 以「緩起訴負擔條件之刑罰性探討」為主要 4 許絲捷 法律系 副教授 107 年 2 ...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 中原大學 Taibei
中原大學人事室 用人單位:中原大學人事室 職缺公告日期:2019-07-16 報名截止日期:2019-10-15 開缺職缺:專任助理教授以上 x 1名 學校地址:桃園市中壢區中北路200號 工作地點:桃園市中壢市中北路200號 學術專長:教育領域(教育學門) 公告內容: ~中原大學特殊教育學系徵聘專任助理教授(以上)1名 一、學歷:博士學位以上 二、專精領域:身心障礙領域(具特殊教育教學實務經驗者尤佳) 三、應徵教師需具備英語授課能力且合乎條件者請備妥: 1. 推薦函三封。 2.個人履歷表(含自傳及現職)。 3.學經歷影本。 4.成績單(持國外學歷者,畢業證書、成績單須經駐外單位驗證;博士 候選人請附指導委員會主席(Committee Chairman)或院、系(所)主管 (Dean, Chairperson )完成論文答辯、審查及畢業日期證明函)。 5.博士論文及相關研究著作(作品)。 6.可教授之課程及其內容大綱。 7.其他:應具備英語授課能力。 四、聯絡人:蘇慧峮助理(電話:03-2656701;E-mail:toheidisu@cycu.edu.tw) 五、收件截止日:108年...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 長庚大學 桃園市 龜山區
一、工作內容:高教深耕計畫業務、其他行政庶務及主管交辦事項。 二、學歷:大學畢業,科系不拘。 三、條件:具公文撰寫、文書處理、網際網路、網頁編輯、電腦基本操作(Microsoft word、excel、powerpoint)。 四、聘期:每年一聘。 五、工作時間:週一至週五(8:30-17:00),享勞健保、三節獎金等。 六、薪資:31,520元(依年度考核通過者,薪級得予晉級)。 七、應徵方式: (一)意者請備齊履歷(附相片)、自傳、最高學歷成績單、畢業證書影本、應徵人員個人資料蒐集告知條款及同意書等相關書面資料,於 108 年 9 月 23 日 (一 ) 前 (以郵戳為憑)函寄33302桃園市龜山區文化一路259號長庚大學人事室麥小姐。 *信封封面請備註應徵研發行政組行政助理。 (二)請以書面寄送應徵,其餘應徵方式,恕不審查或回覆。 (三)通過初審者,將通知筆試與面試時間,不合者將不另行通知,應徵資料恕不退還。 (四)個人資料造假不實者,本校將取消錄取資格或予以免職。 八、聯絡人:人事室麥小姐或研發處葉小姐,電話:(03)211-8800分機3471或5014。...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 北京赛译睿科科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区
Responsibility: A part-time job; Edit and grade product documentation, user interfaces, and marketing materials, etc; Make the checklist that incorporates common errors and suggestions; Create an analysis report on the current status of written English and develop training courses (with case studies from the reviewed documents); Settle disputes on the existing and would-be language points, word usage, sentence patterns and templates; Set criteria for scoring technical documents. Qualification: M...
- 北京宏元富成科技有限公司 北京市 海淀区
北京市 海淀区 Description: Responsible for Software Introduction and Training script proofreading Work with video production team to proofread the high-quality scripts and coordinate with video production team member. Qualification: Native Speaker from English-speaking countries Familiar with Software Training script writing format Have enough time to proof read the scripts and eficiently complete the task with good quality 职能类别: 英语翻译 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中关村大街1号13层...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 江苏省
Major Responsibilities Supplier evaluation within the supplier selection process with the tools Supplier Pre Evaluation and Risk Assessment with the focus on product and process quality, quality management system and manufacturing technologies and documented in QMT Visit Report QMT Evaluation of qualification costs and definition of required measurements and agreement with the supplier before supplier nomination Steering and monitoring of QMT part for Global Sourcing and Local Content Projects a...
- 北京特高质量技术有限公司 长春市
Responsibilities: Handling QA complaints and managing engineering services at multinational companies in automotive and electronics industries. Provide high – QA services meeting customer’s expectations for partners ; constantly follow the customer requirements; keep professional contact partners’ representatives Plan, manage and monitor the activities of subordinates; motivate and evaluate of their performance In case of QA problem follow the process of handling the complaint; inform the partne...
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