- 易贝乐少儿英语丽水莲都校区 查看所有职位 丽水市 莲都区
关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、承担3-12岁少儿英语日常教学工作。 2、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 3、积极参与总部教师培训会议。 4、定期参与校区内部教研会,提升教学质量。 5、配合中心教务部门完成教学的监测与评估工作。 6、定期与家长沟通,进行电话回访,不断完善教学工作质量。 7、完成学员续费、转介绍等工作。 8、完成教学主管安排的其他工作事项。 任职要求: 1、性格开朗,喜爱孩子,有较强的亲和力。 2、具有专业英语考级证书,专业水平过硬,发音标准,口语流利,具有良好的职业道德。 3、踏实、有责任心,能吃苦,具有良好的职业形象。 4、乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式。 5、大专以上学历,年龄22-...
- 上海中科新生命生物科技有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 Job Responsibilities: Formulate the overall corporate IT architecture plan, drive new initiatives of enterprise information management within the business, develop IT solutions and facilitate the implementation in line with the needs of rapid business development. Prepare for IT budget; in charge of IT asset management. Establish and improve related policies and working procedures, continuously develop the team capabilities and optimize the team structure; direct and manage subordinates’...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 Implements corporate policy at the business unit or division level. Facilitates organization and leadership development efforts, working with employees and managers to address root causes of human resources issues. May play a significant role in administering talent management and succession planning activity within client organization. Resolves employee relations issues through a systematic approach. Assists senior management in the development of solutions through cultural and process per...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
中山市 月薪20,000 - 25,000元 职位信息 Follow the handling procedures as laid down for customers Process import and export declarations including preparation of necessary documentation. Liaise with customs to rectify and issues Ensure that all customer orders are fulfilled daily and respond shipment enquiries to customers on a timely manner Ensure the accuracy of system transactions and documents creation Track and trace shipments where necessary, i.e. critical orders, delayed orders etc. and communicate p...
- 亚历山大麦昆贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 The house of Alexander McQueen is known for the emotional power and raw energy of their shows as well as the romantic but determinedly contemporary nature of the collections. Integral to the McQueen culture is the juxtaposition between contrasting elements: fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity. An openly emotional and even passionate viewpoint is realized with a profound respect and influence for the arts and crafts tradition. McQueen’s collections combine a...
- 迈科清洗科技(中山)有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 工作内容: Job Content 1. 更新和改编适合当地市场(产品和文化)的培训文件,根据总部的蓝图,为迈科员工/经销商/合作伙伴制定和实施基本的培训课程。 Adapt and update training documentation for the local market (product and culture), Schedule and carry out basic training sessions for MEIKO Employees/ dealers/ partners according to the Head quarter’s blueprint. 2. 用适当的方法和教学模式教授课程单元: 达到学习目标(一般目标和具体目标); 对经销商、规划师和设计师等伙伴作培训; 提高经销商和专业规划师、解决方案经销商的咨询技巧(提供清洁解决方案)。 Teach the course units with appropriate methods and didactic approach. Reach learning goals (both genera...
- 佛山市利华珠宝包装有限公司 Foshan
职位信息 ・ 处理客人图纸,画木工图,2D图纸,统筹跟进样板开发项目的进度 Transfer customer drawings into company inner drawings, make wood drawings, 2D drawings, follow all developing project. ・ 根据客人提供的方案画图,并报告给运营经理,讨论确定最终方案和图纸。 Present designs and reports to Operation Director for approval and discuss need for modification. ・ 研究产品特性,例如产品的安全性能、质量,产品设计与实际打样的可行性分析,产品使用和持续发展更新开发。 Investigate product characteristics such as the product's safety and handling qualities, how efficiently it can be produced, and ways of using and main...
- 山特维克矿山工程机械贸易有限公司 Shanghai
JOB PURPOSE The roles has the responsibility to manage and fulfill customer orders for local and foreign currency transactions on a daily basis, which including customer quotation and other special service activities during the order implementation, act as the key customer interface to ensure the delivery on time and keep the operations of order to cash smoothly with good customer satisfaction. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Response to customer quotation inquiry or other shipment issue complaint with go...
- 臺北市政府衛生局 Taibei
公務電話 02-27287147#7146 官職等 無 職系 無 人員區分 其他人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、280薪點(月薪34916元): 1.經教育部承認之國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.高中以上學校畢業,並具有與擬任工作性質相當之2年以上工作經驗。二、中華民國國籍且未具雙重國籍或多重國籍者(如為大陸地區人士需設籍滿10年)。 三、無公務人員任用法第28條各款不得任用情事人員。 四、熟悉電腦作業系統有線上規劃能力,可配合業務積極任事勇於負責者。 五、抗壓性高,能配合職務作機動調整,具企劃、溝通協調能力、認同團隊合作且可配合業務加班及配合即時上班,優先錄用。 六、視成績酌列備取,惟名額不得逾職缺數2倍,自甄選結果確定之翌日起算,其候補期間為3個月。 七、具身障手冊或原住民身分者佳。 工作項目 1、辦理食品、藥物、化粧品等之違規廣告、品質、標示之稽查取締、行政罰鍰及行政救濟等工作。 2、辦理藥商、藥局、藥事人員及營養師登記、執業管理,藥物廣告審查許可等業務。 3、受理消費者有關食品、藥物、化粧品之消費申訴、檢舉案件及中藥掺西藥送驗等業務。 4、辦理消費者...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 5,2019 - 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
中山市 月薪40,000 - 50,000元 职位信息 Roles and Responsibilities: Hospitality Maintenance Strategy, Hospitality EHS Strategy, Hospitality Security Strategy, Hospitality Transportation Strategy, Hospitality Canteen Strategy, Hospitality Dormitory Strategy, Hospitality Medical Strategy, Hospitality Customer Strategy, Hospitality Construction Strategy Key Decisions Hospitality Maintenance Strategy SLA's, Hospitality EHS Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Security Strategy SLA's, Hospitality Transportati...
- 佛山光寰贸易有限公司 Foshan
工作地点在佛山市高明区 Responsibilities Hospitality Services (Transportation & Accommodation) Assist Line Manager to execute Hospitality strategy in daily operation to manage hospitality services at defined standard(s), incl. but not limited to: A. Transportation Arrangement for both staff and visitors Car arrangement Budget control, booking record and analysis B. Dome Home/Resort booking for both staff and visitors Update and maintain room reservation list for Lychee Garden and Resort Booking record a...
- 中山欧科电子有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 Responsible for defining, developing, and implementing the brand strategy for specific products, product lines, lines of business on a company-wide campaign basis. Applies consumer insights and market intelligence to the process of developing approaches to linking a brand identity to the company and its products. Collaborates with business units, regions, and channels to understand their market needs and links brand positioning to maximize customer loyalty and connection to the product and ...
- 中山市亚太医院管理有限公司 Zhongshan
职位信息 1、大专学历以上,具有麻醉师资格证,无不良执业记录; 2、熟悉麻醉机常用设备,并能正确操作使用;熟悉手术病人常见的麻醉病情; 3、能主导独立开展全麻工作; 职能类别:麻醉医生 关键字:麻醉医生麻醉师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:中山市西区富华道37号 亚太健康-中山协和医院 地图 公司信息 亚太健康(Asia Pacific Health)是一家集健康管理、临床医疗、居家护理及科、教、研一体化的医疗健康管理集团。集团下设亚太健康管理(Asia Pacific Health Management)、中山亚太医院(Asia Pacific Hospital)、中山协和医院(Zhongshan Union Hospital)、亚太居家护理(Asia Pacific Home Care)、亚太诊所(Asia Pacific Clinics)、亚太护士培训(Asia Pacific Nurse Training)等板块。致力于为客户提供一流的、一体化的、以客户为中心的综合健康服务。 亚太健康管理(中山市摩氏亚太健康管理有限公司) 健康管理服务是亚太健康集团业务的一大特色。亚太健康管理...
- 恒生银行有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 实习生 A Career with HANGSENG-CN Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services. We seek to attract high-caliber talent by offering a dynamic working environment, good career development opportunities and competitive compensation packages. Principal responsibilities Being as the coordinator to deal with the company ...
- 本来生活 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 岗位描述: 1、负责业务系统SQL SERVER,MySQL等数据库的管理和维护工作; 2、支持高可用、高性能数据库系统,保障业务7×24小时正常运行; 3、深入业务系统逻辑,持续关注数据库服务的性能,并进行深度优化; 4、支持开发人员进行数据库的规划、设计以及SQL的评审和优化,为开发工程师提供数据库SQL优化建议; 5、制定和持续改进数据库相关流程、规范、预案。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上相关学历; 2、要求有强烈责任心和进取心 3、至少3年以上SQL SERVER DBA经验和1年以上的MySQL DBA经验; 4、熟练掌握SQL SERVER、MySQL数据库结构设计(物理、逻辑); 5、具备丰富的数据库性能调优经验,善于利用各种工具、日志发现数据库性能问题并进行优化,具备SQL语句的调优经验; 6、熟悉SQL SERVER、MySQL的高可用技术,有数据库规划、实施、运维经验; 7、有良好的学习能力和对新技术的追求精神、良好的团队协作能力,积极主动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力。 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信分享 ...
- 山东弘力实业集团有限公司 临沂市 兰山区
社会保险年终奖奖金提成 工作地点: 山东省临沂市兰山区 职位月薪: 20K-30K(可面议) 招聘人数: 1人 最低学历: 本科 年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 6~10年 招聘方式: 全职 收藏 投诉 岗位职责: 1、制定和实施公司战略,预算计划,确定公司业务的经营方针和经营形式 2、发掘市场机会,主持拟订公司的业务目标和业务计划,实现公司业务和投资回报的快速增长 3、监督、控制整个实施过程,对经营结果负责,组织实施财务预算方案及利润分配、使用方案等 4、负责与董事会保持良好沟通,向董事会汇报企业经营发展和计划的执行情况,资金运用情况和盈亏情况 5、建立公司与上级主管部门,政府机构金融机构,媒体等部门间的沟通渠道;领导开展公司的涉立公共关系活动,树立良好的企业形象 6、对重大事项进行决策,代表公司参加重大外事或重要活动,、审核签发以公司名义发出的文件,负责处理公司重大突发事件 7、建立公司组织体系和业务体系,负责高层管理团队的建设,选拔中高层管理人员,审定公司内部管理机构的设置方案和基本管理制度 8、全面主持公司的管理工作,制定年度业绩目标及经营发展战略方案,整体营销策划方案,实现企业...
- 上海华医淀山湖疗养院有限公司 Shanghai
1. 具备中医主治及以上医师资格及执业证书,深入了解传统中医学理论和实践; 2. 擅于沟通,临床经验丰富,能够引导客人建立健康生活 该职位工作地点在青浦金泽,市区从徐汇及闵行或青浦城区区域上下班有班车接送,可提供住宿,欢迎加入华医大家庭! 工作地址:青浦区金泽镇金商公路2121号 联系方式:maria@hy-shhs.com 或直接拨打 15900677527 职能类别: 中医科医生 针灸/推拿 关键字: 中医内科 中医全科 中医师 中医医生 中医全科医生 中医内科医生 中医名医 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金泽...
- 上海浦东新区民办惠立学校Huili School Shanghai 查看所有职位 Shanghai
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Teaching and Learning Contribute to the holistic well-being of all pupils and specifically to those assigned to your individual care. Make all pupils aware of the school vision, values and identity, and display them in an innovative and informative fashion in the classroom and adjacent corridors. Undertake class management as a class teacher. Complete teaching plans on time and to a high standard. Teach Social Studies (history/geography) lessons independently. Participate i...
- 生特瑞工程顾问股份有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 Job Specification: 1、Prepare conceptual design of assigned projects; 2、Review design calculations and CAD drawings from design institute; 3、Prepare technical specifications and work scope in liaison with client and project team; 4、Review and evaluate tenders for construction projects from technical standpoint; 5、Provide technical support for the construction team; 6、Make dynamic analysis and design drawings for the assigned projects; 7、Write professional report to client and project team...
- 上海浦东新区民办惠立学校Huili School Shanghai 查看所有职位 Shanghai
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Teaching and learning contribute to the holistic well-being of all pupils and specifically to those in your form class make all pupils aware of the Huili vision, values and identity, and display them in an innovative and informative fashion in the classroom and adjacent corridors undertake class management as a class teacher complete teaching plans on time and to a high standard through collaboration with an international co-teacher. teach Chinese language and literature le...
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