- 深圳雷炎科技有限公司 深圳市 宝安区
Job Description: Research industry-related topics (combining online sources, interviews and studies) Write clear marketing copy to promote our products/services Proofread and edit blog posts before publication Coordinate with marketing and design teams to illustrate articles Conduct simple keyword research and use SEO guidelines to increase web traffic Promote content on social media Identify customers’ needs and gaps in our content and recommend new topics Ensure all-around consistency (style, ...
- 國泰世華商業銀行 Taibei
Content 1.擬訂年度公關廣宣目標、執行方案與KPI 2.公關、品牌活動、粉絲團經營企劃與執行 3.媒體策略規劃與執行、新聞稿撰寫 4.各類贊助活動評估與執行 5.其他主管交辦事項 Type: Full-time Expatriation: Business trip/expatriation not required Work hour: Day shift Location: 台北市 Leave system: Negotiable Required number of employee: 1 ~ 1 person(s) Requirements Work experience: No restriction Required education level: Master Above Required program: 國內外大學(商學、企業管理、廣告、行銷、大眾傳播、新聞)碩士 Required language ability: English -Proficient Proficient skill: 熟悉電腦文書軟體操作,若擅長美編軟體(Photoshop、Illu...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 21,2019 - 小蚁科技 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区
职位描述: 1、 制定公司的海外品牌战略和销售战略。 2、 负责组建和管理公司海外销售团队,制定销售管理制度,规范销售流程。 3、 负责制定年度销售目标和分解计划,负责销售计划的执行及完成情况的考核。 4、 负责公司海外市场的渠道拓展及销售网络建设,负责公司客户资源的开发和管理。 5、 负责海外市场相关的市场及技术信息收集和分析,协助总经理做好海外产品规划。 6、 协调公司财务、计划、采购、技术等部门,建立完整的海外供应流程。 7、 领导交办的其他工作。 职位要求: 1、10年以上电子产品行业海外销售或市场工作经验,5年以上团队管理经验; 2、熟悉传统市场推广体系,也有互联网新媒体市场推广的实操经验 3、优秀的管理能力和沟通能力;较强的事业心和责任心; 4、英语流利(听说读写),有海外留学和工作背景者优先; 5、优先考虑安防、通讯行业人才 职能类别: 销售总监 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:川和路55弄科创园18号B3栋...
- 武汉昊飞网络科技有限公司 深圳市 南山区
1、根据策划文档完成游戏逻辑功能模块的后端开发工作,提高服务器整体稳定性和执行效率; 2、配合游戏前端进行各个功能模块的联调; 3、保障系统可用性、稳定性及可扩展性; 4、负责优化服务器性能,完善开发工具; 5、负责编写相关技术文档及服务器系统日常维护。 职位要求: 1、计算机基础知识扎实,1年以上游戏服务端开发工作经验; 2、具有良好的程序设计能力以及编程习惯; 3、1年以上lua开发经验; 4、熟悉MySQL,Redis,MogoDB等数据库; 5、熟悉高并发处理,了解skynet游戏框架,actor编程模型或协程程序开发优先; 6、熟悉Linux C/C++ 多线程开发或有捕鱼类游戏开发经验优先; 7、熟悉Linux开发环境,shell, python 优先; 8、熟悉TCP/IP、HTTP/HTTPS等网络通信协议; 9、自主学习能力强,良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力,责任心强,能够承受工作压力。 职能类别:多媒体/游戏开发工程师 关键字:C++ 上班地址:科兴科学园A2栋1002室...
- 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Mongkok
工作職責 基本店面及後台工作 處理客人點單及收銀 調配台式飲品、出杯 調煮珍珠、預備配料 存貨盤點、搬運 店舖清潔 入職要求 經驗不拘 (有相關經驗者優先) 有禮親切、守時、有責任感、有團隊精神 工作時間 每天工作10小時 (包1小時用膳時間) 輪班輪休 員工福利 年終雙糧 年終花紅 加班津貼 營業表現獎金 有薪年假8天起 勞工假期 晉升機會 MPF 【有意者請致電 9600 4264 秦先生約見】...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 20,2019 - 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Causeway Bay
工作職責 基本店面及後台工作 處理客人點單及收銀 調配台式飲品、出杯 調煮珍珠、預備配料 存貨盤點、搬運 店舖清潔 入職要求 經驗不拘 (有相關經驗者優先) 有禮親切、守時、有責任感、有團隊精神 工作時間 每天工作10小時 (包1小時用膳時間) 輪班輪休 員工福利 年終雙糧 年終花紅 加班津貼 營業表現獎金 有薪年假8天起 勞工假期 晉升機會 MPF 【有意者請致電 9600 4264 秦先生約見】...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 20,2019 - 國泰金融集團 Taibei
Content (1)Spring boot 微服務程式開發。 (2)Camel / Fuse EIP程式開發。 (3)Message / Event Kafka程式開發。 (4)微服務架構設計導入。 (5)EIP架構設計導入。 (6)Message Broker / Event Sourcing架構設計導入。 Type: Full-time Expatriation: Business trip/expatriation not required Work hour: Day shift Location: 台北市 Leave system: Negotiable Required number of employee: 0 ~ 0 person(s) Requirements Work experience: No restriction Required education level: Bachelor Above Required program: 不拘 Required language ability: No restriction Proficient skill: 不...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 20,2019 - 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司 沈阳市 大东区
沈阳市 大东区 实习生 日薪100元 1.Major requirement: business,accounting,management,economics,English and their related majors. 2.Education requiremental: bachelor degree or above. 3.English skill: CET-6 and fluent in listening,speaking and writing.(English is the working language.) 4.Personal trait: responsible,scrupulous, and good at communicating. 5.Others: relevant work experience is preferred. 职能类别: 实习生 关键字: 国际贸易 国际商务 进出口贸易 国际结算 微信 联系方式 上班地址:沈阳市大东区东望街39号 公司信息 华晨雷诺金杯汽车有限公司成立于2017年12月15日,是由全球知名的先进汽车企业雷诺集团...
- 东方丝路科技有限公司 深圳市 宝安区
工作职责: 1. 职位概述/Job Description ? Generate original English content and edit or translate existing content for: online product listings, packaging, product manuals, social media, company website, and promotional videos and materials. ? Provide culturally relevant insight for marketing, sales, and customer support teams. ? Work directly with customer support team to help provide native language customer service. 2. 主要职责/Native English Copywriting 主要内容/Assist the Language Center Manager with proofre...
- 港專 Kowloon
職責: 登記僱主空缺登記、處理求職申請等; 評估學員的就業取向及能力、提供就業輔導、轉介合適工作及跟進留職等; 教授個人素養技巧訓練,包括製作教材、課堂評核; 負責與就業服務相關工作,包括安排活動、帶領小組及工作坊等。 要求: 大專或以上程度學歷,主修社會工作、人力資源或心理輔導優先考慮; 具備最少三年人事培訓、社會服務或相關工作經驗(不包括實習工作); 良好的中英文會話及書寫技巧; 具僱員再培訓局「人才發展計劃」及計劃管理經驗者優先考慮。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 19,2019 - 上海复星高科技有限公司 上海市 黄浦区
1. Plan the whole professional life cycle training from new team leader's entry to growth, and ensure the team leader's leading ability and route presentation ability meet the core user experience delivery requirements of the company's business routes at all levels 2. Improve the recruitment, training, assessment, evaluation and other aspects of the rule, and responsible for the implementation 3. Supervise and evaluate the service quality of tour leader,introduce objective data and o...
- 天津和意致中教育科技有限公司 天津市 西青区
Personal Qualities: 1.Excellent communication skills. 2.A love of children and teaching. 3.A passionate, energetic and enthusiastic love of teaching in their words and attitude. 4.A willingness to work diligently as a contributing team player. 5.A willingness to accept Company Policy regarding the Learning Centre's operations and regulations. 6.A willingness to learn new ways of doing and thinking about education and the teaching process. 7.An ability to view the acquisition of new skills as...
- 趨勢科技 Taibei
Join Trend ‧ Join New Generation 趨勢科技 - 全球雲端資安領航者 / 全亞洲最大軟體公司 / 企業版圖橫跨五大洲 / 趨勢全球研發基地在台灣 ========================================================================================= Overview We're looking for talented front-end developers join our team to develop web portal for TMRM(Trend Micro Remote Manager) and WFBS-SVC(Worry-Free Business Security Services). TMRM is a central management console for Trend Micro partner to manage multiple security services for their end customers. And WFBS-SVC...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 18,2019 - 联宝电子科技有限公司 合肥市 蜀山区
1.产品生命周期管理,明确客户需求,熟悉并转化为具体产品规 格,领导项目团队提出行业领先/极具竞争力的设计方案并落地; 2.负责项目计划的制定、跟踪和维护,管控项目生命周期,评估和建立明确合理的项目时间表,项目预算; 3.合理制定项目目标,明确划分工作内容,并可根据各种变化及时调整项目计划,协调项目之间资源合理分配; 4.项目质量控制、风险控制,定期组织项目设计评审,及时发现跟踪解决影响项目进度的相关问题,积极推动和解决; 5.规范和不断优化端到端开发流程、项目管理流程,优化产品开发周期,降低开发成本、提升产品质量,确保项目有序推进; 6.PCR生命周期管理,领导项目团队完成PCR的评估,执行及导入; 7.主持参与项目相关之BMS,执行过程管理,及时发现并协调解决与计划相冲突的关键问题点。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历; 2. 5-8年及以上电子产品行业工作经验,其中3年及以上PC行业研发经验; 3. 至少3年以上项目管理经验,精通项目管理过程,有敏捷项目管理经验者优先; 4. 具有大局观,能有效控制项目目标达成;工作细致,思维敏捷,具有快速学习能力和应对快速变化的能力。具有丰富的...
- 东方丝路科技有限公司 深圳市 宝安区
工作职责: Job De"script"ion: 1、Generate original German / English content and edit or translate existing content for: online product listings, packaging, product manuals, social media, company website, and promotional videos and materials. 2、Provide culturally relevant insight for marketing, sales, and customer support teams. 3、Work directly with customer support team to help provide native language customer. 任职资格: Job Requirements: 1、Bachelor’s degree or higher. 2、Native German /Japanese sp...
- Donghai International Financial Holdings Company Limited 東海國際金融控股有限公司 Central
Job Responsibilities: 1. Business communication and relationship maintenance with Securities Software Vendors; 2. Brokerage Software bugs/requirements collection, software vendor communication and explanations, bug fix timetable management, and take responsibility to each tech regarding project; 3. Maintain Hundsun Ayers Technologies trading system and business-related systems to ensure system’s reliability, performance and stability; 4. Liaise with software vendors for system enhancements, syst...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 方恩医药科技发展有限公司 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Location: Yerevan Armenia Job Responsibilities: Finance Controlling: Creating financial format for Cash in advance request and reimbursement report; Formulating the financial procedure within Armenia Organization (65 people); Reviewing all financial reports; Helping calculate the salaries of all the employees; Negotiating with suppliers, making contracts and purchases, and following up the contracts. l Marketing and BD activities: Writing Proposal for different events; Creating company P...
- 德科斯米尔汽车配件有限公司 沈阳市 沈北新区
沈阳市 沈北新区 Objectives of job Supervise an extensive/complex department (container- and transportation logistics asia, planning and management) in Logistics/SCM Receives technical directives from PL4 Vilsbiburg Principle activities Support the strategic planning of the department/unit (Abteilung/Fachbereich) by breaking down or developing the strategic planning for the group, within a short or medium-range time frame Plan and administer the budget in his/her area of responsibility, in cooperation w...
- 榮華食品製造業有限公司 Wing Wah Food Manufactory Limited Yuen Long
Requirements Yuen Long, 5-6days/week Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or equivalent with Min. 2 years experience in ERP and POS systems Experience in ERP and POS system implementation Experience in MS NAV and prepare SOPs is an advantage Experience in back end development for Microsoft Server Hand-on experience in SQL database Knowledge in Web and Mobile Apps development is a plus Strong in problem solving, design, analytical skills and able to work independently Responsible, independent, e...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 17,2019 - 榮華食品製造業有限公司 Wing Wah Food Manufactory Limited Yuen Long
Requirements Location: Yuen Long 5 – 6 days/week Form 6 or above in Information Technology or related disciplines. Good command in English and fluent in Chinese. At least 3-4 years working experience in IT Technical Support. Good experience in Windows platforms, Email System, POS and MS Applications. Knowledge in networking equipment and products is a must. Knowledge in ERP, Web and programming is preferable. Work independently, under pressure, self-motivated and good team player. Good analytica...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 17,2019
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