Results 1 - 20 of 14343
  • 國立台灣大學理學院 台北市 大安區

    一、 應徵資格:具有地質科學相關博士學位,不限領域,但專長為 (1)構造地質與野外地質、 (2)沉積學與地層學、 (3)礦物學與岩石學、 (4)地質資源或水文與應用地質等領域者將優先考慮。 二、 截止收件日期:2020年1月5日(以電子郵件收件日期為憑)。 三、 預定起聘日期:2020年8月1日 四、 應檢具資料:個人履歷、學經歷證件影本、著作目錄、教學及研究計畫書、三位推薦人姓名及其聯絡方式、三至五篇最近七年內著作抽印本(其中一篇請自行指定為代表作,此代表作必須為2015年8月1日以後正式出版者)、與其它有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。 五、 申請者請將檢具資料以電子郵件寄至:臺灣大學地質科學系教師徵聘委員會召集人徐澔德教授(電子郵件地址 相關資訊請參閱臺大地質科學系網站: Faculty positions at the Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University The Department of Geosciences at the Na...

  • 國立台灣大學工學院 台北市 大安區

    Faculty Positions Open -Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University is seeking faculty members at all levels. Applicants with the following specialities are preferred: Mechanical Design, Solid Mechanics, System and Control, Advanced manufacturing technologies (Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing, Defense & Aeronautical Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing System &...

  • 华信永益信息技术有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Frontend/Mobile Software Engineer As a frontend/mobile software engineer, you will build compelling and robust web and mobile frontend that deliver focused solutions to local Chinese customers. Responsibilities Collaborate with backend engineers to define, assess and implement user interfaces, for visualizing, manipulating, and analyzing industrial data Collaborate with UX designers to balance implementation cost vs UX feature set Design, build and own high-quality frontend components, ...

  • 广东岭南职业技术学院 广州市

    职位信息 职位要求/Job Requirements Native English speaker Bachelor degree or above, with teaching certificate is preferred. At least one year of English teaching experience is required Clear thinking, pronunciation standards, the image of teachers are excellent, good at mobilizing the classroom atmosphere, a team spirit The candidate should have a passion of teaching, be responsible and be patient with students, have a strong sense of cooperation with colleagues and teamwork Weekly class hours: 10-20 ho...

  • 管理學院醫務管理學系 Taibei

    臺北醫學大學人力資源處 用人單位:管理學院醫務管理學系 職缺公告日期:2019-09-05 報名截止日期:2019-09-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:台北市信義區吳興街250號 工作地點:臺北市信義區 學術專長: 公告內容: 管理學院醫務管理學系誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上 1名(公告至108.09.30截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):財務金融領域或醫務管理相關領域 Ph.D. degree in Dept. of Finance or Dept. of Health Care Management -related *職務條件: (一)財務金融領域Financial: 以個體實證(績效評估、財務管理、醫療產業)為專長領域者優先。 Individual empirical (performance evaluation, financial management, medical industry) as a field of expertise. 能教授與醫務相關之成本會計、財務管理之課程。Can teach the courses of medical ...

  • 新北市政府工務局 新北市 板橋區

    截止日期:2019-09-16 發佈單位:新北市政府工務局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1.辦理新聞聯繫相關業務。 2.辦理一般行政相關業務。 3.其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點:新北市板橋區中山路1段161號13樓 待 遇:不註明 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 1.學歷:國內外專科以上學校畢業。 2.經歷:具有公關媒體互動經驗者尤佳。 3.其他:具有服務熱忱、學習力佳並能配合加班者。 報名手續: 符合資格且有意任職者,請於108年9月16日前(郵戳為憑)檢具以下資料郵寄至新北市政府工務局人事室收(機關地址:22001新北市板橋區中山路1段161號13樓),並請註明聯絡電話,信封請註明【應徵局本部5等職務代理人】。 1.非編制人員甄選報名表1份(如附檔,請親自簽名,須含學經歷及自傳)。 2.最高學歷畢業證書影本。 3.國民身分證正反面影本(請註明僅供查驗身分用,並影印於A4同一面勿裁切)。 4.其他資格證明。 甄 試: 初審合格者擇優另行通知面試,如審查不合者恕不另行退件。(請務必留下多種聯絡方式,以便聯絡) 錄取通知及相關作業: 1.初審合格者擇優通知面試進行甄選,資格不合或...

  • 康辰医疗综合门诊部 广州市 天河区

    1. 正规医学院校全日制临床医学专业毕业; 2. 具有医学学士或以上学位; 3. 持有效的医师执业资格证书和医师执业注册证书; 4. 在三甲医院或涉外医疗机构有五年或以上内科工作经验; 5. 具有责任心和亲和力,以及良好的沟通能力和服务意识; 5. 有良好的英语沟通能力者优先考虑; 6. 具有涉外医疗机构工作经验者优先考虑; 7. 具有在海外相关学习背景或工作经验者优先考虑。 职能类别:综合门诊/全科医生内科医生 关键字:全科,内科 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:华利路15~19号远洋明珠大厦首层...

  • 医学界 查看所有职位 上海市 杨浦区

    岗位职责: 对网站的数据信息进行采集和录入; 对网站已有的数据信息进行核对和修正; 公司安排的其他任务; 任职要求: 工作认真,有责任心,仔细有耐心; 拥有医疗相关背景(医学、药学、生物类专业)优先; 大专以上学历,在校生亦可; 会使用Office办公软件。 注:出勤方式可谈(第一周出勤至少三天,后期可Homebased)。 职能类别:新媒体运营 关键字:数据采集录入核对 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:政立路421号号近淞沪路 中航天盛广场3F...

  • 和铂医药有限责任公司 上海市 浦东新区

    Job Scope and Responsibilities: Support Head of Early Development on the scientific activities in drug discovery and development, especially in the DMPK, PKPD modeling, method development, toxicology, bioanalysis, biomarker, etc Be a going person for PK/PD needs A Key Opinion Leader within the company Be able to research scientific literature to analyze and provide project background information. Collects and analyzes metric-based global and local intelligence data; generate and maintain intelli...

  • 上海沃德医疗有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Summary To provide appropriate nursing care by applying clinical nursing knowledge and skills, and ensure the safety and comfort of patients/families according to legal, institutional, and professional standards. Qualifications 1.College degree or above in nursing, 2.Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in OR department of hospital or clinic, overseas or joint venture health organization experience preferred 3.Hold current nursing license; 4.Good communication skills in Engli...

  • 農學院森林暨自然資源學系 Taibei

    國立嘉義大學人事室 用人單位:農學院森林暨自然資源學系 職缺公告日期:2019-09-11 報名截止日期:2019-11-30 開缺職缺:專任教師 x 1名 學校地址:嘉義市鹿寮里學府路300號 工作地點:嘉義市學府路300號農學院森林暨自然資源學系 學術專長: 公告內容: 聘用單位:農學院森林暨自然資源學系 擬聘職稱及名額:專任助理教授(含)以上教師1名 起聘日期:109年8月1日(須完成本校聘任程序) 學歷:(具森林經營及統計相關領域之國內、外大學)博士學位 專長條件 一、取得博士學位後至應聘日止,應具備下列條件之一: (一)大專以上學校全職教學經驗2年以上,並至少有一篇SCI、SSCI著作。 (二)博士後研究全職工作經驗2年以上,並至少有一篇SCI、SSCI著作。 (三)森林經營及統計相關領域業界全職工作經驗2年以上。 (四)在國內外學術或業界專業領域具有卓越成就者(例如:獲科技部愛因斯坦培植計畫、哥倫布計畫等補助案),其具體特殊事蹟,應有明確之量化或質化數據資料佐證。 二、如無國外博士學位或國外博士後研究經歷1年以上者,須檢附外語能力檢定證書(英語能力:托福-網路測驗71分以上...

  • 千禧光医疗科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: Assist leadership teams in formulating the company's future direction and supporting tactical initiatives Support development of financial and tax strategies Manage the capital request and budgeting processe Ensure accuracy of the financial results of the company Implement internal controls to safeguard company assets and resource. Interact with external auditors for successful audit of the company Manage the accounting, tax, treasury for global operations and legal, IT for...

  • 科文斯医药研发有限公司 China

    中国 Responsibilities/Duties Provide clerical support to project team (e.g., word processing, proofreading and editing correspondence, large and small documents, mailings, shipment of study files, fax and photocopy documents, assemble study documents, and arrange meetings, etc.) Provide telephone coverage and related support duties Set up and maintain clinical investigator files and documentation Prepare investigator budget payments and tracking systems; generate tracking reports as assigned Data ...

  • 艾昆纬医药科技有限公司 上海市 徐汇区

    上海市 徐汇区 JOB FUNCTION To provide clinical research sites with the support required to achieve / exceed patient recruitment and retention goals CORE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provide practical support to study sites to maximize potential for patient enrolment. 2. Work with research sites to identify and address recruitment barriers – identify common site issues and work with the sponsor and relevant stakeholders to recommend creative options to overcome these barriers 3. Provide on-going trai...

  • 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区

    上海市 长宁区 Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills throug...

  • 莱佛士设计学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Responsibilities: 1. Research and compile teaching materials for modules assigned. 2. Plan and deliver these lessons in a clear and appropriate manner. 3. Develop students learning enthusiasm and monitor the learning styles and developmental stages of the students. 4. Ensure that students are appropriately supported and provided with timely and constructive guidance for their academic developments and pastoral care. 5. Develop students' creativities and problems solving skills through compet...

  • 新思科技Synopsys 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区

    Job Title: Dir. Human Resource Location: Shanghai Job description Know local talent market and understand biz needs and overall China biz strategy and partner with local executive to have a blend of view of local HR’s vision, strategy and operations. Key focus areas include but are not limited to talent acquisition strategy and employee’s retention, engagement, development, compensation strategy; coaching leaders and managers on organizational challenges, identifying and recommending responses t...

  • 麦朗医疗器材贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities: 1、Works closely with the Marketing Shanghai team to develop packaging and collateral artwork. 2、Proofing and delivers artwork copy in a timely manner including but not limited to: Packaging artwork Catalog (Flyer/Newsletter/Sales sheets) 3、Edit and proofread marketing materials for accurate use of grammar and consistency of brand voice. 4、Polish and fine-tune marketing materials to make sure they’re localized to major markets (primarily U.S.) and consumer-friendly. 5、Curate...

  • 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    苏州市 工业园区 基本职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的课程教学任务,保障教学质量,力求良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, undertake teaching tasks as arranged, maintain teaching quality as required and achieve good teaching results. 2、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的教学和指导,指导学生社团、社会服务活动。 Supervise students’ experiment programs and practical activities. 3、教书育人:承担学生思想品德和作风教育责任和学生管理责任,担任班主任、辅导员或其他学生管理工作角色。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, work as class teacher, student counselors or undertake related roles. 4、教学建设:参与课程...

  • 苏州百年职业学院 查看所有职位 苏州市 工业园区

    基本职责Basic Job Responsibilities 1、课程教学:承担学校安排的课程教学任务,保障教学质量,力求良好的教学效果。 Deliver lectures, undertake teaching tasks as arranged, maintain teaching quality as required and achieve good teaching results. 2、实践教学:承担实验课、实训课的教学和指导,及毕业论文(设计)、企业实习指导管理工作。 Supervise students’ experiment programs and practical activities. 3、教书育人:承担学生思想品德和作风教育责任和学生管理责任,担任班主任、辅导员或其他学生管理工作角色。 Undertake ideological and moral education to students, work as class teacher, student counselors or undertake related roles. 4、教学建设:参与专业建设...

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