Results 1 - 20 of 13821
  • 國立交通大學產業合作組 Xinzhu

    聯絡人:江亞儒 聯絡電話:50070 Qualification 1. Thai students. 2. Fluent in Thai. Work-level Chinese and English is preferable. 3. Priority will be given to 3rd or 4th year bachelor degree students or 2rd year master degree students. 4. Priority will give to candidates who will consider to work at DET after graduation. Student Background Open to all qualified NCTU students. EE, CS, ME, Management students will be given priority. Job Opening 1. R&D 2. Sales 3. ES 4. QE 5. MFG 6. Material (International B...

  • 南通诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Nantong

    岗位职责Job Duties: 1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学...

  • 南通诺德安达双语学校 查看所有职位 Nantong

    1.激发学生的自信,建立同事之间的相互信任感 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 2.在教学实践中和同事友好合作并能够灵活的适应多语言的环境要求 To motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues 3.在课堂中与同事互相配合不断激发学生的学习热情 To demonstrate team spirit through teaching activities and constantly motivate passion for learning among students 4.具有一定的分析能力,探索新的教学方法拓展学生的学习体验 To demonstrate fair analytical skills and explore new teaching methods for expanded learning experiences 5.通过坚持不懈的自我学习,不断提高自己的职业素养与教学...

  • 通用汽车 Shanghai

    上海市 实习生 招聘类型:校招 工作性质:实习 职位描述 Requirements: 1. China daily and weekly summary report on sales and production 2. Forecast sales track and demand 3. Update databases 4. Information collection and competitor analysis 5. Other required job content Benefits: 1.In GM China HQ, you can explore the trend of automobile market closely 2.Good atmosphere provided, nice colleges and supervisors, quickly enhance your desktop skills. 3.Shuttles from different parts of city 任职条件 Qualifications: 1.Bachelor or Mas...

  • 爱驰汽车 Shanghai

    上海市 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位类型:海外事业部 职位描述 1.Project Management:According to the company's instructions, start the KD project, maintain the project from pre-research to implementation and operation, and coordinate various resources to promote the progress of the project 2.Project Research:Responsible for organizing overseas KD project pre-research, making project master plan, compiling project general budget, coordinating resources of all parties, evaluating the feasibility of overseas KD project i...

  • 爱驰汽车 Shanghai

    上海市 杨浦区 招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位类型:海外事业部 职位描述 1.To study the charging policies, regulations and other requirements in the target regions or countries. 2.To study the charging infrastructure, energy supply and user charging habits in the target area. 3.To formulate charging service plans by region, and set up charging service systems. 4.To study the differences in charging requirements in different target markets, and make target market compliance assessment for the product development plan. As interna...

  • 东风汽车有限公司东风日产乘用车公... Guangzhou

    职位信息 工作职责: 承担白车身相关的强度、耐久、法规安全领域的实验评价业务,主要包括: 1、能够承担本领域新车型开发的实验评价工作; 2、能够进行本领域关联的市场客户用车环境调查、竞争力分析; 3、能够承担本领域关联的品质课题解析和品质改善,掌握基本的品质管理改善、改善的方法 4、负责本领域关联的实验评价标准的制定和更新; 任职资格: 要求从事过3年及以上汽车测试关联的工作,包括但不限于试车场载荷谱的采集、处理,以及白车身的强度、耐久、法规安全领域的台架实验等工作,能够独立的输出测试报告。 职能类别: 汽车机构工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:广州市花都区风神大道8号 地图 部门信息 所属部门:技术中心 公司信息 东风日产乘用车公司成立于2003年6月16日,是东风汽车有限公司旗下重要的乘用车板块,从事NISSAN品牌乘用车的研发、采购、制造、销售、服务业务,是国内为数不多的具备全价值链的汽车企业。 东风日产乘用车公司由乘用车公司机关、花都工厂、襄阳工厂、郑州工厂、大连工厂,以及发动机分公司和技术中心组成。截至2017年1月,拥有员工17611人。 东风日产目前已形成广州、襄阳、...

  • 用友汽车信息科技股份有限公司 Shanghai

    : 1. 数据库模型(概念、逻辑、物理)设计; 2. 数据库模型设计; 3. 数据库运行监控; 4. 数据库优化 5. 数据ETL,数据抽取 任职要求: 1.计算机或相关专业本科以上学历 2.有软件行业技术性工作经验,有实际需求分析工作经验有实施经验的优先考虑;; 3.要求在需求分析(工具、技术和方法论)以及某些特定的业务领域,有深刻认识和理解,要求有丰富的实践经验; 4.能收熟练使用Power Designer进行模型设计 5.熟练使用Kettle等开源ETL工具 6.精通MySQL、Oracle、DB2等数据库的设计、开发 7.熟悉各类操作系统(Windows/Linux/AIX/Soloaris) 8.有Oracle OCP认证和IBM DB2认证通过者优先 9.良好的沟通能力及团队合作精神,责任心强 职能类别: 数据库工程师/管理员 关键字: ETL DBA 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市定西路1100号辽油大厦11楼...

  • 安通林汽车配件制造有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Job Responsibilities: Responsible for VP office's daily support and administrative work. Responsible for internal and external coordination, passing on the instructions of VP and ensuring the implementation. To provide daily administrative support to VP, responsible for making, coordinating and confirming travel arrangement, managing calendar, coordinating and confirming business appointments. Responsible for meeting coordination, material preparation, meeting minutes, etc. Responsib...

  • 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 年薪400,000 - 550,000元 岗位概要: Key Performance Area 负责新店设计规范的制定与执行,协调设计与工程项目实施间的问题,管理设计单位的进度、方案标准和完图质量;提供装饰材料的建议、工艺革新,考虑提高店铺布局效率的机会点。参与品牌代际设计概念的开发,跟踪与实施。 Responsible for the formulation and implementation of new store design, solve problems between project design and implementation, control the progress, project standards and drawing quality of design company; Provide suggestions on decoration materials and technological innovation, try to improve the efficiency of store layout. Participate ...

  • 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 The position is to deploy HSE systems and build capabilities into HD kitchens, HD shops in Asia as per requirements by global HSE system and Zero Loss culture strategy. This role is also responsible for driving initiatives to cultivate and promote safety culture across responsible locations. Key Job Responsibility Responsible for deploying HSE management system to innovation center, Ice cream manufacturing sites, and HD shops by implementing global HSE system and Zero Loss Culture strate...

  • 光宝汽车电子有限公司 Changzhou

    常州市 武进区 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 工作經歷:PM相關工作經驗至少3以上 汽車行業擔任專案管理至少3年以上經驗 有管理經驗尤佳 汽車電子產業為佳 會使用Microsoft Project 熟悉 TS 16949品保體系運作 語文: 英文/日文/德文(任一)聽說讀寫流利,能對應外國客戶(TOEIC 700優先) 個性: 主動積極,抗壓性強,優良溝通協調能力 其他: 能配合公司彈性出差 职能类别: 产品工艺/制程工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:阳湖路88号武进保税区内光宝集团A5厂房内 公司信息 台湾光宝集团创立于1975年,是台湾第一家上市电子公司,致力于核心光电组件及电子关键零组件的发展,产品广泛应用于计算机、通讯、消费性电子、汽车电子、LED照明、云端运算、工业自动化及生技医疗等领域,其中光电产品、信息科技、储存装置、掌上型机构件等居全球领先地位。 光宝汽车电子(常州)有限公司位于武进国家高新区,成立于2017年,总投资1.05亿美元。在LED车灯、ADAS传感器、雷达、摄像头、马达控制等的制造领域精益求精,致力于打造安全、便捷又节能的交通工具,从人性出发,不断探索...

  • 光宝汽车电子有限公司 Changzhou

    常州市 武进区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 岗位职责 1.根据生产计划制定物料采购订单,核准后和供应商签订正式合同; 2.管理和跟踪采购合同,严格按公司采购流程进行采购; 3.保证生产的前提下进行库存及交期把控; 4.开发新供应商,在保证质量的前提下降低采购成本; 5.新老供应商的评审与维护; 6.对帐,请款。日常采购票据及相关信息的记录、汇总、呈报工作。 任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历,机械电子类专业优先; 2. 至少2年以上采购经验,有电子厂采购经验或汽车行业采购经验者优先; 3.工作积极主动,认真负责,以及良好的抗压能力和协调沟通能力; 4.了解ERP,MRP, 能看懂CAD图纸,熟练操作OFFICE. 职能类别: 采购员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:阳湖路88号武进保税区内光宝集团A5厂房内 公司信息 台湾光宝集团创立于1975年,是台湾第一家上市电子公司,致力于核心光电组件及电子关键零组件的发展,产品广泛应用于计算机、通讯、消费性电子、汽车电子、LED照明、云端运算、工业自动化及生技医疗等领域,其中光电产品、信息科技、储存装置、掌上型机构件等居全球领先地位。 光宝汽车电子...

  • 北京奔驰汽车有限公司 Beijing

    岗位职责: 1. 负责公司党委宣传业务的日常运营管理Responsible for corporate publicity operation on party committee, 2. 负责公司内外部宣传活动的创意、组织、策划 Responsible for internal & external publicity activities designing, planning and organization 3. 根据政府及公司最新政策,制定公司党委宣传发展战略并推进相关业务落地 Responsible for planning corporate publicity development and operating daily business based on government & corporate latest strategies. 4. 围绕公司发展战略打造传播内容,以宣传工作带动各项政策实施落地 Following the corporate development strategy and making publicity content ...

  • 博世汽车部件有限公司 Changzhou

    Job Summary: Software maintenance for exsiting I4.0 and manufactoring application Project management in application roll out and implementation Business requirement analysis in I4.0 and manufactoring application solution Software development experience will be high prefered Job Responsibilities: Lead I4.0 and manufactoring application project Analyze the business requirements from internal customers Documentation and technical support manufactoring software in business level and technical level ...

  • 华晨宝马汽车有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Deliver technical training to reach training target and ensure trainees to obtain the required skills and knowledge. Develop the training course and curriculum, or optimize the existing course based on business command and dealer needs. Major Responsibilities Develop & update training materials with latest BMW Technology and base on the market needs Cooperation with business department to collect training needs, information and continually update the training course Conducting each t...

  • 博世汽车部件有限公司 Changzhou

    Company Description Do you want beneficial technologies being shaped by your ideas? Whether in the areas of mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology - with us, you will have the chance to improve quality of life all across the globe. Welcome to Bosch. Job Description 1.??Lead I4.0 and manufacturing application project 2. Analyze the business requirements from internal customers 3.Documentation and technical support manufacturing software in busi...

  • 华晨宝马汽车有限公司 Shenyang

    Tasks We are looking to hire highly motivated, innovated, best-in-class Network Engineers for our Network & IOT team to drive the stability and sustainability of our next-generation networks, digital factory and industry 4.0 to discover innovative ways to automate and scale our network and internet of things as we expand. Key Responsibilities To be as a service owner to define and maintain the network related service architectures including performance, stability, sustainability by using int...

  • 华晨宝马汽车有限公司 Shenyang

    Tasks To realize HVB Prototype Build and Test with the knowledge of battery assembly processes and technologies, to solve techinical and software issues related with low voltage and high voltage working systems, and to manage the HVB Prototype workshop facilities, toolings and softwares within the workshop. Key Responsibilities Provide assembly manual of each build phases. Know well assembly sequence and all tightening values, be capable of creating program in tightening gun. Train associates wi...

  • 博世汽车部件有限公司 Changzhou

    常州市 Company Description Do you want beneficial technologies being shaped by your ideas? Whether in the areas of mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology - with us, you will have the chance to improve quality of life all across the globe. Welcome to Bosch. Job Description Lead I4.0 and manufacturing application project Analyze the business requirements from internal customers Documentation and technical support manufacturing software in business ...

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