Results 1 - 20 of 4008
  • 大连康莱德酒店&大连富力希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Dalian

    大连市 中山区 1.配合吧台领导并积极开展各项工作 2.负责所有物品的清点登记统筹 3.掌握各项设备的使用方法 4.调酒技巧过硬 职能类别: 调酒师/侍酒师/吧台员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:大连市中山区港浦路1号 部门信息 所属部门:餐饮部 公司信息 大连康莱德酒店和大连富力希尔顿酒店并由国际品牌酒店管理领导者希尔顿集团旗下希尔顿管理。 具有210 间客房的大连康莱德酒店和 370间客房的大连富力希尔顿酒店,是共同位于一幢 36 层的现代化建筑中,希尔顿酒店将位于6-25层。整幢建筑位于大连中央商务区的海边,,是拥有国际会议中心、艺术画廊、品牌服饰专卖店、剧院、游轮码头和游艇俱乐部的全景海景酒店。它们将成为大连市“群贤毕至之所”。 大连富力希尔顿酒店将拥有各种特色的餐厅,包括东北街,推荐东北亚菜式—中国、韩国和日本的菜肴。创新会议空间包括1688平方米的大宴会厅、多功能厅和会议室。客人将能够选择酒店健身中心、水疗中心、游泳池作为娱乐消遣的场所。 大连康莱德酒店是奢华酒店品牌,旨在为当代旅行者提供充满惊喜和个性化体验的高端商务酒店。 联系方式:周一至周五 08:30 - 17:30 8...

  • 上海稷熙教育科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 杨浦区 雅思老师岗位职责: 1.给学生提供课程辅导,包括一对一辅导,一对三或一对多辅导。 2.监督学生完成作业 岗位要求: 1、雅思IELTS 7.5分及以上。或者托福TOEFL 110分及以上。 2、有海外留学背景的优先考虑。 3、有国际学校教学经验的优先考虑 3、善于与学生沟通,激发学生学习的自主积极性 4、沟通能力强,具有耐心,心态积极热情 福利待遇: 1、缴纳五险一金(限全职老师) 2、工作时间灵活,无坐班 3、发展空间大,团队氛围融洽,都是一群有理想,有活力的小伙伴在一起做国际教育,工作环境简单清爽。 职能类别: 外语培训师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:营口路588号海尚杰座2座13M室...

  • 阿斯利康(中国) Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 招聘人数: 1 语言要求: 英语 良好 学 历: 本科 职位描述 JOB PURPOSE 工 作 目 的 Provide business support and administration services to ClinOps study management team in China. China Hub Assistant is accountable for the provision of an excellent administration service to Clinical Development by leading, developing and line managing the Clinical Administration staff. NATURE & SCOPE 工 作 性 质 及 范 围 (a) Organization structure 组 织 机 构 Functionally reports to 功 能 汇 报 Senior Clinical Hub Assitant Operationally reports...

  • 阿斯利康(中国) Shanghai

    招聘人数: 1 语言要求: 英语 熟练 学 历: 本科 职位描述 Responsibilities: Provide support to Brand teams (e.g. meeting organization, teleconferences, appointment, preparation of documents and accounting forms, booking hotels and travel tickets, etc.). Logistic support for Academic Congresses/Sponsorships/Meetings(Hotel related issues, transportation, KOL arrangements, air tickets, reception etc..) Ensure business compliance to processing/ordering expenses Work with and share best practice across Brand Teams Budget Tra...

  • 康美包有限公司 Suzhou

    苏州市 工业园区 Execution of the ordering process and SAP master data creation/ maintaining Support of the category manager downstream global (located in Germany/ Linnich) Disposition of Global Spare parts demands and support of the DS serial business High competence in communication due to being the contact person for internal customers and external suppliers Analysis and reporting of internal key figures to optimize the business Close collaboration with the related DS R+D, Service and Procurement tea...

  • 江苏祥康科技有限公司 Changzhou

    常州市 钟楼区 月薪8,000 - 15,000元 岗位职责: 技术要求:熟练掌握SolidWorks composer动画模拟设计。 主要工作:依据产品机械结构设计师己建成的零部件三维模型,制作产品装配关系的动画效果图,作为产品安装、维修和市场宣传资料。 任职要求: 艺术设计类相关专业毕业,三年以上相关工作经验,理解能力强,有配合项目制作经验。 职能类别:动画/3D设计 微信 联系方式 上班地址:怀德中路48号申龙商务广场 公司信息 江苏祥康科技是江苏省级高新技术企业、国家认定的软件企业。公司具有完整的软硬件应用产品的研发、设计、生产和销售推广的完整能力。 祥康的地理位置优越,员工上下班交通方便。运行管理和销售服务中心位于市中心的怀德桥东堍;软硬件产品的研发中心位于新北区通江大道万达广场东侧的太阳城商务广场;硬件产品的生产基地位于钟楼开发区。 祥康推动和引领危化品气瓶为核心的全寿命追溯管理信息化行业的发展。先后承担了与2008年北京奥运会、2016年杭州G20安保工作中有关危化品气瓶的安全监管技术保障任务。 祥康的产品与技术已经被江苏省、福建省和天津市的政府部门作为统一推广项目,以及...

  • 阿斯利康药业有限公司 Wuxi

    无锡市 Responsibilities: Ensure PR issued timely and accurate Monitor material supply plan VIA regular demand changes review and cross functional communication to reduce supply risk Monitor stock level and keep them in reasonable stock level Closely focus on material supply abnormal case of logistic & quality complaints etc. Timely escalate for big supply risk in terms of material supply Have regular S&D meeting with other supply sites Own the material planning meeting, which have interacti...

  • 康斯博格汽车部件有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Responsible to set up and optimize production processes. Responsible for production cost calculation during RFQ phase for new business. Prepare new production line design concept and supplier recommendation. Creation of processes/machines/tooling requirement, discussion with supplier Prepare FEMA ,WI etc which shall be unify with DFMEA,CP. Improvement of the product quality through analysis from processes and systems Support the productivity improvement through processes and system anal...

  • 北京康斯泰克广告有限公司 Beijing

    职位描述: 1. 深入洞察客户需求与相关医学领域内的发展动向,与客户就学术推广策略、医学信息、项目进展等情况进行良好的沟通 2. 独立负责医药产品的医学定位、策略、故事撰写及评估,为长期/重要客户提供高附加值的学术咨询服务 3. 灵活针对不同层次的终端用户(KOL,HCP,患者等),高质量地完成专业学术推广或教育材料(如幻灯、DA、Newsletter等) 4. 协助医学部负责人、客户部项目开发人员合作完成项目提案的创意与编写 5. 积极配合客户部与客户的沟通,共同保障医学项目顺利执行 6. 与部门成员定期学术交流,持续提高工作技能" 任职要求: 1.基础、临床医学专业,硕士及以上学历,肿瘤、糖尿病、心血管领域经验优先; 2.一年以上工作经验,较强的文字功底和医学编辑功底( PPT 、 DA 、学术文章等),有团队管理经验者优先考虑; 3. 精通医学专业英文翻译、医学专业文献检索并有较强的摘要能力; 4. 对医疗行业市场信息服务有一定兴趣,并对医疗行业有一定程度的了解; 5. 为人诚实守信,工作主动,具备极强的进取心,以及较强的团队合作精神。, 6. 良好的沟通能力,高度的工作...

  • 康稳移动供电设备有限公司 Wuhan

    本公司薪资保密,以上薪资范围不作参考,最终由人力资源部面谈确定薪资。 1、 提供产品设计和技术指导,与现有团队成员一起,提高产品的市场竞争力; Provide product design and technical guidance, work with existing team members to improve the market competitiveness of products; 2、 通过实际应用或数据的分析以深入评估风险与机会,来解决复杂问题; In-depth evaluation of risks and opportunities through practical application or data analysis to solve complex problems; 3、 根据项目要求完成机械部分的设计与方案制定,绘制图纸并编制BOM清单。 Based on project request to make design, make detail drawing and BOM list. 4、 制作产品设计所需文档资料, 首样报告,通过确认; M...

  • 创业慧康科技股份有限公司 Hangzhou

    1.计算机或相关专业全日制专科及以上学,40岁以内,大专学历及以上,具有3年以上ORACLE/SQL SERVER DBA工作经验;有OCP、MSCA及上证书优先; 2.技术/技能要求: (1) 精通Oracle或MSSQL数据库的安装、管理、调优、备份及数据恢复、数据库安全管理等技术。 (2) 精通ORACLE RAC、Data Guard或者MSSQL HA、Alwayson配置管理以及故障排除。 (3) 对Oracle或MSSQL数据库有较深理解和认识,精通Oracle或MSSQL内部结构,对于索引、SQL及执行计划、内存机制、ASM设备管理等方面具备深入的理解。 (4) 精通数据库设计,能为开发人员开发高性能系统提供配合和指导,编写数据库设计文档。sql调优,精通pl/sql。能独立进行应用排错、调优(索引、sql语句的优化等)。 (5) 熟悉Linux操作系统的使用,熟悉Shell Perl编程,能使用脚本编写工具提升工作效率。 (6) 熟悉数据库系统存储结构,可根据应用系统情况预测未来存储要求,制定存储方案。 (7) 熟悉主机/存储等硬件环境者优先考虑。 职能类别:数据库工...

  • 美国艾滋病健康基金会 查看所有职位 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Summary: Managing AHF China’s advocacy and marketing work with support to country project objectives and Global advocacy & Marketing priorities. Collaborating with multi- partners (stakeholders) internally and externally, driving integrated resources to create China advocacy and marketing strategy and plan, and lead the execution accordingly for the purpose of making sure the organization’s mission and best practice can be well received and resonated in China, hence affect the relate...

  • 深圳碳云智能数字生命健康管理有限公司 Shenzhen

    岗位职责: Research Scientist position available focused on translational research in metabolic diseases such as dyslipidemia, obesity, atherosclerosis, NAFLD, and type 2 diabetes. The scientist will be expected to implement studies aimed at understanding the roles of novel regulators of metabolic diseases from the interactive molecular networks generated from multi-omics platform and bioinformatics analysis. 任职资格: Applicants should at least have master degree (PhD preferred) with research training e...

  • 上海熙曈电子有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 松江区 Shanghai Eyes Electronics Founded in 2008,Shanghai Eyes has been focusing on providing the Customizable designs and most cost-effective Commercial Kiosk Display products for many years. Integrated research, development, manufacturing,and selling,Shanghai Eyes always puts herself at the forefront of the DS(Digital Signage) industrial field. For additional information, go to Job Title: International Sales : Responsibilities: Find Overseas customers Establish and main...

  • 上海爵熙珠宝设计有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 【关于我们】 T R E A S I T R O V I 爵西俪苏高级珠宝,源于美国加州的卡尔斯巴德,由GIA美国宝石协会认证的宝石学家“Graduate Gemologists" 创立。TREASI TROVI - Treasure Trove, 意为“等待被发掘的珍宝”,旨在将优质宝石带给大众,让沉睡的珠宝之美重放光彩。 我们主营:中小克拉彩宝和钻石首饰、珠宝私人定制和国外独立设计师品牌首饰。 我们是一家创业型珠宝品牌公司, 我们没有大品牌公司的光环,但在这里,您能够实际参与公司运营的各个方面; 我们没有大品牌公司的上下等级制度,在这里,领导和员工紧密沟通,协同工作; 我们没有高大尚的楼宇办公室,但我们有漂亮的花园和时尚创意的工作环境; 如您加入我们,相信您会喜欢在这里的工作,因为这里有充满正能量的工作氛围;我们相信,轻松愉悦的工作环境,带来积极正面的工作效应。 如果您也是一位积极乐观、拥有正能量的人,欢迎加入我们的团队,愿并肩同行、共同进步! 【工作内容】 协助设计师完成从产品构思、绘图、到与工厂对接生产的整个流程 定期搜...

  • 艺康投资有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 普陀区 R00091780 【What You Will Do:】 Training ?Deliver high-impact, interactive, and consistent training solutions for Institutional Field Associates to increase their competence, confidence, and commitment in serving customers and achieving business success ?Deliver and facilitate training programs which include formal classroom training, eLearning, live-virtual training programs, and small-group training events in the Field ?Maintain the highest level of professionalism, inclusive and respect...

  • 康宁光纤有限公司 Beijing

    Major Responsibility Office Tasks: Monthly/quarterly/yearly payment and PR initiation (rental, building management expense, network, green plants, cleaning, telephone, drinking water, etc.) and office stationery procurement Act as site safety and IP lead. Be the point of contact and coordinator for safety, IP, and IT for Beijing office (policy communication, emergencies and etc.) Build office management rules and notices and communication Report for maintenance if office facilities break down Co...

  • 康明斯滤清系统(上海)有.. Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities: HSE Part Provides leadership in overall management, planning, co-ordination, application and support of all safety, health, environmental and security aspects of the manufacturing works and plant processes. Promotes the implementation, enhancement and the improvement of safety, health and environmental management systems. Develops and maintains procedures and programs to create and reinforce awareness of HSE both on and off the job/site. Provide the communication and traini...

  • 康明斯(中国)投资有限公司 Beijing

    JOB SUMMARY岗位综述 : This applied science position utilizes the core competencies of thermal and fluid sciences, using and advancing analytical and experimental approaches to answer key questions about the performance and architecture of a system or component. This drives decisions and creates technical content which ultimately leads to state of the art, highly effective, environmentally friendly, and competitive products. 基于热力学和流体力学的理论知识,应用分析和试验的工程方法优化技术路线和产品性能,推动制定高质量的决策来支持开发先进,高效,环保和有竞争力的产品。 KEY...

  • AECOM Ltd 艾奕康 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Position Title Imagine working for a truly global company with more than 45,000 employees who share a singular passion: to make the world a better place. We enjoy what we do at AECOM. We bring projects to life in the cities and communities in which we work, and we’re driven by a set of values and a common purpose – to create, enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments. Innovation is built into every project we manage and every community we serve. We’ll provide you sup...

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