- 安拓国际人力资源(广州)有限公司 广州市
广州市 职位信息 Job Responsibility: 1、Curriculum: Incharge of designing the school curriculum according to GIA requirement andstandard, confirm the standards in all areas of the school. Meanwhile,participate the teaching differentiation plan for students who will attend APtest. 2、Teaching: In chargeof the management and quality control of the teaching of all courses of theschool. Conduct the teaching assessment in a professional manner to improvethe teaching quality effectively. Set up academic goals a...
- 苏州国际外语学校 查看所有职位 苏州市 相城区
苏州市 相城区 Job Duties: 1. The main duty of the ‘Head of University Counselor’ is following counseling-related work, proving professional and sound counseling support for students and parents: a) Keeping a track of and assisting with the running of students’ activities and school-scale events, by working with CAS coordinator and responsible staff of other activities; b) Follow up with extramural organizations regarding the outsourced service and collaboration activities, e,g. language training compa...
- 西交利物浦大学 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 100-101 | 苏州 工业园区 | 全职 | 本科 | 经验3年 年终奖 绩效奖金 职位介绍 性别:不限 | 驾照:不要求 岗位职责: Responsibilities To liaise with clients to ascertain their needs and to operate or support the use of associated equipment and resources involved in the capture and editing of digital video and audio content. To coordinate booking of the digital video and audio content capture and production facilities by clients and ensure associated equipment and resources are prepared and ready for use as necessary. To maintain the...
- 广州英国学校 广州市
职位信息 The British School of Guangzhou is looking for someone to manage front desk operations and handle administration work for Music department. Ensure that the Head of Music and Principal's PA receive high quality administrative support. Job Description: Receptionist 1. Greet visitors, and direct them to appropriate areas of the school, provide visitors with drinks (coffee, tea etc) 2. Handle all reasonable requests from members of staff, intended for official school affairs 3. Identify and...
- 李健駕駛學校 Tai Kok Tsui
職責及工作內容 : - 負責處理日常會計工作 - 處理收支現金 - 處理收支單據及電腦記帳 - 處理銀行月結單 - 輸入及呈交薪金及強積金報表 - 整理財務報表 要求/資歷: - 熟悉或中英文電腦文書 - 5年相關工作經驗 - 持有會計證書 - 熱衷工作、有責任心、主動、勤奮 待 遇 : - 每週5天工作 - 可即時上班優先 - 大角咀工作 薪 金 : 每月$18,000 - $22,000, 或面議 申請方法 : 有意應徵者,請將履歷及要求待遇電郵至 hr@leekin.com.hk ,預約面試。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 20,2019 - 苏州市汇杰企业管理咨询有限公司 苏州市 工业园区
苏州市 工业园区 Job Responsibilities: In charge of the School’s academic system and DP curriculum. Provided leadership of DP teaching faculty Provide academic training to teachers. Aided in executive facilitation with hiring, operations, management oversight, budget oversight, strategic plan objectives, and supported as one of the educational lead executive team administrators Implement and monitor academic budgets in assigned areas of responsibility, as well as budget reviews, and analyzing financial ...
- 广州尚宸企业管理顾问有限公司 广州市 天河区
广州市 天河区 Identify and define use cases for data science and machine learning to solve business problems throughout Banking and Wealth Management Asia Pacific, and communicating these to senior and working level business partners across multiple functions. Work with the wider Analytics Centre of Excellence to deliver the use cases in a timely manner, including tracking results and communication to relevant business partners. Build and embed the data science and machine learning capability in Banki...
- 诺力昂化学品有限公司 宁波市 镇海区
宁波市 镇海区 ALPS deployment (Mainly focus but not limited to maintenance and capex) Lead/ support the local ALPS implementation and build-up of required capabilities and ensure ALPS full and successful implementation and practical application on a daily base Network within the Nouryon CI community/ALPS team and share insights, problems and opportunities to promote improved performance and problem-solving across the company as well as encourage others to do the same Develop 5S standards and lead to p...
- 天津和意致中教育科技有限公司 天津市 西青区
Personal Qualities: 1.Excellent communication skills. 2.A love of children and teaching. 3.A passionate, energetic and enthusiastic love of teaching in their words and attitude. 4.A willingness to work diligently as a contributing team player. 5.A willingness to accept Company Policy regarding the Learning Centre's operations and regulations. 6.A willingness to learn new ways of doing and thinking about education and the teaching process. 7.An ability to view the acquisition of new skills as...
- 上海耀华国际教育学校 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
上海市 长宁区 Professional Duties: 1. Teaching; (a) Planning and preparing ICT/Computer Science courses and lessons according to IGCSE/A-Level syllabus. (b) Teaching pupils assigned according to their educational needs, including the setting and grading of work to be carried out by the pupils in the school. (c) Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils. (d) On occasions, to provide cover for teachers who are indisposed. (e) Providing reports, oral and wri...
- 李健駕駛學校 Tai Kok Tsui
職責及工作內容 : - 負責處理日常會計工作 - 處理收支現金 - 處理收支單據及電腦記帳 - 處理銀行月結單 - 輸入及呈交薪金及強積金報表 - 整理財務報表 要求/資歷: - 熟悉或中英文電腦文書 - 5年相關工作經驗 - 持有會計證書 - 熱衷工作、有責任心、主動、勤奮 待 遇 : - 每週5天工作 - 可即時上班優先 - 大角咀工作 薪 金 : 每月$18,000 - $22,000, 或面議 申請方法 : 有意應徵者,請將履歷及要求待遇電郵至 hr@leekin.com.hk ,預約面試。...
www.cpjobs.comSeptember 18,2019 - 陶氏化学投资有限公司 上海市 浦东新区
Job Description: Supporting team daily operation, such like room reservation and New Hire on Boarding support, etc. Organize and maintain manager's calendar, schedule meetings, appointment and travels accordingly Organize all kinds meetings, make all necessary logistics arrangements required for the success of the meetings, such as meeting notice, agenda, venue, meeting room set-up and materials etc. Make business travel arrangement for team members and visitors, visa application/document pr...
- ANFIELD SCHOOL 安菲爾學校 Hong Kong
We are looking for enthusiastic and experienced day-to-day Teaching Assistant who can assist with our primary students’ learning. The successful candidate will need to be flexible and may be required to work across the school as directed by the Principal. Previous experience of working with children is essential. The successful candidate will be given a comprehensive induction and appropriate training. Main duties: Work under the guidance of teachers, in the classroom and with withdrawal groups ...
www.indeed.hkSeptember 17,2019 - 广州贝斯特教育科技有限公司 广州市 海珠区
Responsibilities: 1. Designing and developing curriculum systems and educational products for our campuses, including A. Curriculum systems for junior-high level and senior-high level international programs, such as AP courses, TOEFL courses, SAT courses, as well as courses of IB and A-level programs; B. Study tour products, mainly the activity design and route plan of summer camps and winter camps; C. Other educational products for future development. 2. Training and organizing faculty members ...
- 成都市温江区艾尚英语培训学校 查看所有职位 成都市 温江区
School Introduction: AiShang English Training School is in wenjiang distric of Chengdu city of sichuan province China, is a professional English training school. Since the establishment in 2009 we have developed and offer two types of education: small-size classes that primarily focus on task-based teaching methodology and VIP one-on-one type classes. We are persistent on hiring full-time professional teachers that are required to pass the all-round two month long training which we provide; we a...
- 美联英语成都培训中心/学校 查看所有职位 成都市
成都市 月薪8,000 - 12,000元 1、根据区域教学部对资源利用的要求,制定工作方案及组织实施,以达成年度/季度/月度的资源利用指标; 2、根据总部教学部的要求,负责本中心对外教、中教和教务专员的培训工作; 3、根据总部绩效考核部门的要求,每季度对中教(LT)、教学助理(TA)和外教(FT)进行考核和评估,并按照流程按时提交相关文件与反馈,且根据规定对团队人员调整级别,并向人事部门备案; 4、根据总部教学部对中心的业务要求,对教学服务,教学质量,和中心英文氛围进行全方位的把握,并根据环境变化迅速有效地调整,保障学员按照正常进度学习和毕业; 5、管理教学资料、教案和外籍员工档案。 任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,英语相关专业; 2、英语专八以上或相当的英语能力,有较强的语言教育功底; 3、3年或相等能力的教学经验,1年以上管理经验,教育行业优先; 4、专业技能强,有较强的沟通协调及管理能力; 5、有同行业管理经验者优先。 发展空间: Head Teacher-教学主管-教学经理 福利待遇: 1、 岗前培训:完善的新人岗前带薪培训,教您全面掌握工作技能技巧; 2、 提供五险一金:社...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市
长沙市 月薪5,000 - 8,000元 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金(养老、医疗、生育、失业、工伤保险和公积金:长沙购房、落户必备); 2、一对一培训+业务技能培训+丰富知识培训+员工免费英语培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+生日福利+节假日福利+年终奖金+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动+轻松快乐的工作氛围+便利的交通+优越的办公环境; 5、国家法定节假日和婚假、产假、陪产假、带薪年假等; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 岗位职责: 1、负责基础英语课程(词汇、语法、新概念等)的教学。 2、对英文考试最新的发展趋势进行研究,总结科学有效的应对体系,用学生容易接受的方法进行教学。 3、不断对学生的学习成果进行调查,以改进教学过程。 4、配合参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、讲座、会议、和学生服务等活动; 5、服从教学主管的安排,完成相关任务。 任职要求: 1、学历:本科及以上学历,英语相关专业; 2、知识:专业英语八级;有雅思、托福成绩者优先考虑; 3、经验:有英语教学工作经验者优先; 4、能力:英语发音纯正;有较强的表达能力,教学能力; 5、技能:善于用幽默或者激情...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市 芙蓉区
长沙市 芙蓉区 年薪60,000 - 80,000元 1、负责学生留学申请方案的确定; 2、严格按照公司及项目规定的工作标准及服务流程,配合团队其他同事提供高质的文书制作和支持服务; 3、负责为学生设计切实可行并有自身特色的留学申请文书方案,指导和负责学生文书头脑风暴、文书素材挖掘和思路指导,主动与规划顾问合作共同完成文书写作方案。 4、负责学生签证以及行前培训材料整理以及签证培训工作; 5、负责帮助签约客户完成留学申请过程中所需要的文书写作或者翻译工作; 6、负责归纳总结院校申请的文书要求及写作技巧,总结院校的特点并定期开展培训和学习。 任职要求: 1、本科或本科以上学历; 2、英语专业优先,非英语专业要求通过相关英语等级考试;或者才加相关出国英语等级考试 3、写作能力强,思路清晰,善于学习钻研,具有良好的人际交往、沟通能力及团队合作意识; 4、工作踏实、耐心细致,能面对工作压力,应变能力强; 5、熟悉美、加、英、澳等院校留学申请文书要求,具有海外留学经历或留学行业文书写作工作经验者优先考虑(英文版)。 职能类别:专业顾问咨询员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼11楼1...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 株洲市 天元区
1. 负责校区前台电话接听、转接,来宾访客接待及协助行政事务处理; 2. 校区固定资产和图书等的管理; 3. 负责与总部教务中心对接,对学员课表及情况进行管理。 4. 负责与数据中心对接,进行数据的录入与管理。 5. 负责与财务部对接,进行校区报名事项管理。 6. 配合校区负责人进行校区的日常管理事宜。 7. 校区人力资源的管理,配合校区负责人进行人员把控、氛围调动、考勤管理、招聘辅助。 任职要求: 1、学历:专科及以上学历,专业不限; 2、经验:有相关工作经验者优先考虑; 3、能力:普通话标准,亲和力强,思维敏捷,应变能力强; 4、技能:熟练使用办公软件和基础的办公设备,会用Excel进行较为复杂的数据库操作; 5、素养:有较强的服务意识,责任心强,能面对一定工作压力; 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金(养老、医疗、生育、失业、工伤保险和公积金:长沙购房、落户必备); 2、一对一培训+业务技能培训+丰富知识培训+员工免费英语培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+生日福利+节假日福利+年终奖金+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动+轻松快乐的工作氛围+便利的交通+优越的办公环境; 5、...
- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市 长沙县
1、负责新托福(TOEFL)课程的听说读写相关科目的教学; 2、对新托福最新的发展趋势进行研究,总结科学有效的应对体系,用学生容易接受的方法进行教学; 3、不断对学生的学习成果进行调查,以改进教学过程; 4、及时跟踪反馈所带班级的教学状况,实现学生的学习目标; 5、积极参加学校组织的教研教改,并提供教学案例; 6、服从教学主管的安排,完成相关任务。 任职要求: 1、学历:国内一类本科及以上学历,英语专业,或留学海归; 2、知识:英语专八良好或雅思7.5以上或托福100分以上; 3、经验:具有一年以上雅思、托福的相关教学经验; 4、能力:善于用幽默或者激情的方法调动学生的积极性,具有个人人格魅力; 5、技能:有扎实的英语功底,很强的表达能力; 6、素养:本着一个老师的职责,热爱教学,对学生认真负责。 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金; 2、一对一培训+教学技能培训+丰富知识培训; 3、员工旅游+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动,轻松快乐的工作氛围; 5、国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 职能类别: 讲师/助教 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长沙市五一广场...
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