Results 1 - 20 of 10710
  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    澳门 兼职, 实习生 We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description: - Support the team with various projects and events, as needed, such as props preparation, logistic planning, venue setting, etc. Assists in the preparation of training materials and other pertinent documents. Assists in the update and maintenance of training databases and attendance. Assists in training room set up and maint...

  • 天境生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Major Responsibilities and Duties: Act as CMC lead to manage integrated IND enabling projects outsourced to CDMO, be responsible for overall CMC budget, timeline, deliverable and IND filing, 1-2 projects annually. Act as function lead to manage functional activities of CMC development at CDMO site, multiple projects in parallel, including experimental designing, report reviewing, on-site support, dossier writing etc. Coordinate internal and external communications for in-licensed and out-license...

  • 高德美贸易有限公司 上海市 黄浦区

    Core mission Lead and manage activities related to Quality Assurance Maintain the local Quality Management System and monitor its compliance status Contribute proactively as an effective leader, functioning responsibly and autonomously while working within the framework of internal and external regulatory guidelines and procedures. Main responsibilities Responsible for ensuring Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is complied with for products imported and wholesaled Perform Quality and compliance s...

  • 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    上海市 闵行区 Title: Import & Export Officer (Contractor) Location: Shanghai Key Responsibilities: The position encompasses various topics and requires managing partially or totally initiatives and logistics projects for IBD & OBD until their effective and successful implementation. In particular, projects and initiatives related to Reviewing and improving the distribution of our products to our customers; Improving the efficiency of OBD activities and flow. Developing logistics reports, recor...

  • 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    Job responsibility: Responsible for recruitment full circle for junior positions including searching, screening, interview and selection. Support activities in the social media , e.g. WeChat Maintain job adverts and posting them to different platforms Support other recruitment activities and other HR events including campus program, trainings and etc. Job Requirement: Have a full time active university semester now Are self-confident in English communication Are interested in HR processes and th...

  • 上海美都管理咨询有限公司 上海市 徐汇区

    上海市 徐汇区 Qualification and Requirements: 1. Bachelor or Master Degree holders in Education, Language studies (English), Translation, and any related field in English teaching 2. At least 3 years of teaching experience 3. TEFL/TESOL certificate preferred 4. Strong presentation and communication skills 5. Desire to teach and coach. The full-time teacher is directly accountable to the ESL Department for the following responsibilities. 1. Complete the teaching tasks based on each individual's exp...

  • 剑桥美国高中联盟 查看所有职位 宁波市 镇海区

    宁波市 镇海区 Job Responsibilities: Cooperate with the school dean and the daily operation of the team and assist in fulfilling the work and life requirements of the supervisor and the teacher; Strive to improve the efficiency and efficiency of support services (human resources, information technology and finance) and improve campus and teacher operations by improving coordination and communication Drafting of document notices and preparation of copywriting materials; Sorting and statistics of departm...

  • 沈阳美德因妇儿医院股份有限公司 沈阳市 皇姑区

    岗位职责: 1.在科室主任的领导下,服从科室主任工作安排; 2.检查时细心,仔细,全面,完整,及时书写诊断报告及发放,诊断明确,无误; 3.遵纪守法,廉洁行医,认真执行各项规章制度,作风严谨,一丝不苟,尊重科学,实事求是,不谎报数据,不出假报告。 4.爱护仪器,熟悉性能,严格遵守操作规程,认真执行医疗器械管理制度,定期保养,维修并对仪器进行检测。 5.保管好各种检查记录,建立档案,完善医疗资料,以便随访。 任职要求: 1、女,大专以上学历,本市户口优先; 2、具有三年以上超声工作经验,***是三维四维工作方面; 3、具有执业医师资格证书,掌握超声产前诊断相关技术; 4、医学基础知识扎实,临床工作经验丰富,技术精湛; 5、有敬业精神,稳定性强; 6、具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识,具有团队协作精神,有责任心和亲和力; 7、待人和善,有耐心,身体健康 职能类别: 超声影像/放射科医师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区泰山路15号 公司信息 美德因妇儿医院(Madein Wowen and Children’s Hospital)是根据中华人民共和国相关法规、严格按照ACOG(Th...

  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Responsibilities: Design, develop and operate Data Warehouse and other data platforms to provide efficient & reliable data services to our partner teams Implement best practices/design to ensure efficient data pipelines performance, diagnose and solve issues in existing data pipelines Communicate with data users to understand the key business re...

  • 三生制药集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 1. 协助审计经理完成集团审计部年度工作计划,可以独立开展审计工作,并提出优化建议; 2. 独立开展项目调查,收集落实审计证据,分析并论证问题发现,初拟审计报告; 3. 对审计发现需整改的问题进行反馈和后续跟进,监督整改措施的执行落实; 4. 按照要求形成规范的工作底稿,归档后妥善保管审计档案; 5. 完成领导交付的其他工作任务。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,管理类、法律类专业优先; 2. 拥有营销管理、财经管理相关知识,具备医药销售管理工作经验者优先考虑; 3. 3年及以上医药营销审计工作经验,能够承受压力; 4. 逻辑思维清晰,有较强的分析能力、沟通协调能力和较好的文案表达功底; 5. 有较强的学习能力,能独立进行项目调查,综合分析并撰写审计报告; 6. 熟练掌握Office办公软件,尤其是PowerPoint和Word。 JD: 1. Assist the audit manager to complete the annual work plan of the group audit department, and independently carry out ...

  • Bureau Veritas 必维申美商品检测有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    ESSENTIAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITES: Ensures HR Services are effectively delivered in the related BU. This includes but is not limited to: Talent Acquisition, Training & Development, Performance Management, and Employee Relations. Implements HR strategies to support business unit goals. Understands functional objectives, business objectives, and HR's role in delivering on the objectives effectively. Proactively seeks feedback to improve service levels and recommends relevant policy / ...

  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Ensures that minimum brand standards have been implemented Assists to ensure that the Food and Beverage activities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and that the Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate Ensure that the outlet is operated in line with maximizing profit while delivering on the brand promise Handles all guest...

  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Responsibilities: Performs all types of food preparation as instructed by the Sous chef in a professional way to ensure quality and consistency, is fully responsible for assigned section. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times and meets the hotel standard Requir...

  • 芬美意香料有限公司 上海市 闵行区

    上海市 闵行区 实习生 Job Responsibility: Prepare the sensory samples Manage the reference samples Manage the document . Job Requirement: Major in food or related disciplines. Good plan and communication skills and high work efficiency. Basic knowledge of English. High attention to detail, great reliability when following pre-established procedures. 职能类别: 质量检验员/测试员 实习生 关键字: 质检 质量控制 实习生 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市莘庄工业区金都路3901号...

  • 南京世和基因生物技术有限公司 南京市 浦口区

    1. 参加团队会议与讨论,并给予有意义的建议; 2. 协助后端团队和架构师完成数据库相关的设计与开发; 3. 协助业务部门抓取、分析数据。 任职要求: 1. 熟悉SQL、ETL、等等,能独立编写语句、交易、ETL任务; 2. 对计算机算法有良好的理解与实践经历; 3. 能够完成基本的数据处理与转换; 4. 具有优秀的沟通能力,包括口头与书面的交流能力; 5. 能同时进行并完成多个项目,有优秀的时间管理能力; 职能类别:数据库工程师/管理员 微信 联系方式 上班地址:江北新区新锦湖路3号-1中丹园B座18楼 公司信息 一、关于世和基因 世和基因(Geneseeq)是致力于新一代高通量基因测序技术临床及健康管理应用开发的转化医学研发中心。2008年启航于加拿大多伦多大学Banting & Best学院和MaRS产业园,致力于临床肿瘤精准分子检测、液态活检及临床转化研究。2013年,世和基因中国总部坐落南京,在江苏省及南京市政府的大力支持下,成立了江苏省精准医学基因检测工程中心、江苏省肿瘤精准医疗工程技术研究中心。 2013年,世和基因在国内创新推出大panel实体瘤NGS基因检测。...

  • 上海优仕美地医疗有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    Primary Responsibilities: Examines, diagnoses, and treats acute and chronic diseases and injuries within the scope of Family Medicine in both the outpatient and inpatient setting (optional). Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. Conducts ward rounds (optional) and prescribes therapy. Administers and prescribes t...

  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    澳门 We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Responsibilities: Performs all types of food preparation as instructed by the Sous chef in a professional way to ensure quality and consistency, is fully responsible for assigned section. Ensures quality and freshness of all food preparation Ensure that production is done according to the standard recipes at all times and meets the hotel standard Req...

  • 星坊家具(上海)有限公司 上海市 嘉定区

    岗位职责 1、协助总裁对公司进行团队管理; 2、做公司战略规划、日常管理的智囊; 3、负责总裁的日常行程安排; 4、负责总裁文件,信件,函电的接收与转达; 5、负责总裁日常经营工作中文件的起草; 6、负责来访的接待、商务随行; 7、协助安排外出行程、翻译资料。 任职资格 1、30-40岁,MBA毕业优先;身体健康,相貌端正; 2、有五年以上大中型企业中层管理经验,具有营销及管理工作经验优先; 3、人品善良,性格开朗、直率;责任心、事业心强,能承受工作压力,团队协作能力佳; 4、具备良好的沟通协调能力,公文写作功底扎实; 5、有严密的逻辑思维能力和全面的分析判断能力,较强的统筹协调能力,书面及口头表达能力优秀; 6、有海外留学或海外工作背景优先; 7、熟练的英语听说读写能力,商务水平。 职能类别: 总裁助理/总经理助理 企业秘书/董事会秘书 关键字: 董事长助理 企业秘书 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:马陆镇励学路1368号...

  • 美光半导体咨询有限责任公司 西安市

    西安市 Micron Technology’s vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life and our dedication to people, innovation, tenacity, partnership, and customer focus allows us to fulfill our mission to be a global leader in memory and storage solutions. This means conducting business with integrity, accountability, and collaboration while supporting our global community. Job Description- MXA Electrical FA engineer Job Description As a MXA Electrical FA engineer, you will be responsibl...

  • 美高梅(MGM) 澳门

    We are proud to offer excellent opportunities for talented individuals to join the roaring team of MGM China. 我們誠邀才華出眾的您,把握美高梅中國事業機會,與金獅再闖另一座高峰。 Job Description: - Learn and perform operational activities of Talent Acquisition Coordinate activities and events with other HR functional teams for Talent Acquisition related issues Assist in organizing recruitment events, which includes but not limited to recruitment days, university career fairs and other hiring initiatives Assist in student visits ...

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