- 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong
職責: 負責處理老闆業務及私人事務; 安排老闆日程表,需處理老闆指派其他雜項工作。 資歷: DSC或以上學歷; 私人助理經驗; 良好的組織能力,人際關係,溝通和表達能力, 有責任感、有禮及守時; 良好粵語、 良好普通話、良好英語,懂讀寫中文及讀寫英文; 有需要時加班。 待遇: 每天9小時工作, 每週工作6天,輪休。 雙糧,花紅,加班津貼。...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 24,2019 - 晨星资讯有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 The Group: Morningstar’s Business Development & Sales group is responsible for helping our advisor and institutional clients build their businesses and provide better outcomes for investors. The group is structured primarily along the following client segments: Advisor, Asset Management, Retirement, Strategic Alliances and Redistributor, and Commodities & Energy. The Role: As a Sales Operations Associate , you will assist with increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of Mornin...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Hangzhou
Summary of Key Responsibilities Develops and enhances logistics and customer service process to ensure timely and accurate flow of products that meet the retails stores’ requirements. Assesses the financial and operation impact of business initiatives that optimize Starbucks national distribution network and recommends or implements solution. Develops and Leads Request For Proposal documents, evaluation bids, negotiating contracts and monitor performance of 3PLs. Implementation of warehouse and ...
- 石通瑞吉亚太电子有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical/Automation/Electronics & Electrical Engineering. Experienced in actuator product in the automotive industry (3 years+) Eager to learn. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Mandarin. Strong skills in technical communication. Familiar with CAD software (CATIA/UG/Pro-e…etc.) is preferred. Have a full picture of various actuator applications in vehicle. Have a good sense and judgement of market demand of actuators. E...
- 星巴克中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Main Purpose and Job Scope This job contributes to Starbucks success by providing professional and friendly incoming call and front desk reception to the Starbucks Support Center (SSC), meeting facilities scheduling support, and administrative support to the processes, operations, and partners of the Facilities Department. Models and acts in accordance with Starbucks guiding principles. Key Accountabilities Responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following...
- 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei
全球領先的臉部追蹤技術開發商,為虛擬試穿、社交平台與擴增實境提供創新的O2O商務市場應用。 工作內容 公司內部文件審核 對亞太地區 需求條件 美國律師執照 工作地點 台北市 薪資待遇 面議 聯絡資訊 Belle Hsieh 謝蒨儀 belle.hsieh@tw-rising.com 02-6636-2428...
tw.indeed.comAugust 24,2019 - 深圳市星园文化传媒有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 月薪5,000 - 20,000元 招聘:主播、 工作内容: 正规的直播,绿色健康直播、方式不限(唱歌、舞蹈、说唱、乐器、聊天、卖萌、DJ、二次元Cosplay等),公司所有的设备都免费提供使用。 或许因为你的颜值,或许因为你的才艺,又或许因为你的有趣,很多人喜欢看你的直播,突然你就火了,成为网红了,甚至走入演艺圈,成为明星了。 给自己一个机会,让自己试几个月,我们会培训一些唱歌技巧,以及简单的套路段子小游戏与观众互动。打造有内容的优质网红主播。 如果运气好,月入几万甚至几十万。如果运气差,那也包住拿底薪过几个月。至少还尝试过呢。 在公司做主播的优势:公司提供顶尖的视频,音响,声卡等专业设备,价值1万左右。还会有专业的培训,让你快速入门。比自己在家小打小闹好很多。后期如果你的赚钱效果明显,你们主播可以拿将近90%的利润,所以跟自己单独做的收益差不多。 上班时间: 按自己的习惯,直播6小时每天,一个月休息4天 可以到公司来,或者在家直播都可以。 薪资: ***个月5000-10000底薪+礼物提成。 第二个月保底薪资,礼物提成高于保底,按照实际的55分成。 后面收益高起来了。分成...
- 利星行机械设备(中国)有限公司 Tianjin
工作经验: 2年以上 最低学历: 初中以上 管理经验: 工作性质: 全职 综合月薪: 面议 职位类别: 铲车・叉车工 年龄要求: 福利待遇: 五险一金|班车|管吃|常白班 职位描述: 使用叉车搬运CAT各种零部件,要求熟练安全操作15T叉车,装运12T左右货物 职位要求: 技校以上学历; 3年以上叉车司机从业经验; 有叉车准驾证; 有团队合作精神; 利星行机械设备(中国)有限公司 联系方式(Contact us): 请在线投递简历 公司地址:天津港保税区...
- 直观复星医疗器械技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 浦东新区 Position Objective & Summary : We are looking for an IT business analyst, who will take manufacturing related IT application work supporting in a new plant we newly setup in China. ERP implementation will be an immediate key focus. This IT business analyst will work very closely with local business team, local IT team, 3rd party consulting vendor, global IT and business teams to make sure we go live successfully as per planned scope and schedule. He/she should have strong business p...
- 美吉姆国际儿童教育中心 查看所有职位 Xi'an
西安市 雁塔区 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 岗位名称:早教教师(Teacher) 工作职责: 1、高质量完成课程的教授,完善课程内容,不断提高授课技巧,保证课程品质; 2、负责教学设备的维护和管理,避免安全隐患; 3、配合市场及销售部门进行试听课设计并保证实施,与家长及时沟通解决宝宝成长发展中遇到的问题; 4、维护品牌形象。 职位要求: 1、统招本科及以上学历(专业不限); 2、优秀的英语会话能力,英文水平不低于CET4; 3、优秀的人际沟通能力和领导力,具有团队合作精神; 4、具有儿童教育行业(0-6岁)相关工作经验优先; 5、热情、外向、有活力,热爱和孩子一起的工作,并且愿意为孩子的成长付出时间和精力。 岗位晋升渠道: 1、个人能力方向:实习老师——初级/高级老师——认证及专家级老师 2、专业管理方向:早教老师——教学主管/ 总部培训师——中心运营管理。 在美吉姆您还可以享受到: 1 、完善的五险保障,解决您的后顾之忧; 2 、带薪节、假日,让您在工作之余放松身心; 3 、专业高效的在职培训,助力您的职业发展; 4 、持续不断的内部竞聘,加速个人提升脚步; 5 、子女免费入学...
- 碧艾吉科技有限公司 Tianjin
Responsibilities: Implement and administer Microsoft native High Availability and Replication technologies as well as those of third parties' in Disaster Recovery and Scale-out scenario. Create, administer & fine-tune the database backup, restore and archiving strategies and processes. - Proficient in database performance tuning & optimization; Apply server and database wide settings based on dynamic need of resources - memory, CPU & storage. Coordinate with the Network Administe...
- 嘉吉投资(中国)有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities 1. Supporting campus hiring event, including campus talk, job posting, resume screening, phone interview and other interview arrangement; 2. Internal communication with different teams; 3. Promotion materials preparation and checking with vendors; 4. Other administration work for teams; Requirements 1. Bachelor or Master students, interested in human resource related work, especially recruiting 2. Can work at least 3 months with 3 days per week; 3. Good English communication ski...
- 以星综合航运有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 Job responsibilities Arrange discharge and loading of containers at port of call. Coordinate with Shenzhen and Hong Kong customer service team for cargo arrangements. Coordinate with counterparts and terminal on cargo operation issues. Prepare voyage loading and discharging reports after ship sailing. System maintenance for data accuracy. Requirements College graduate. Related shipping industry experience is preferable. Responsible, careful. Stable and willing to work under pressure. 职能类...
- 南昌星马教育科技有限公司 Nanchang
职位描述Job description: 1.雅思、新托福课程的教学(听力、阅读、写作、口语); The ielts/toefl teaching (listening, reading, writing, speaking); 2.雅思、新托福学术研究工作(教学方法的学习和研究); The ielts/toefl academic research work (study and research of teaching methods); 3.雅思、新托福课程及教材的研发工作(参与教材的编写和教学资料的收集整理)。 Ielts//toefl courses and teaching materials research and development work, to participate in the writing of the textbooks and teaching materials collected). 职位要求Job requirements: 1、大学英语专业本科以上学历,通过大学英语专业8级或有雅思托福考试经验,口语流利; bachelor degree ...
- 南宁火星人信息科技有限公司 Nanning
南宁市 职位信息 岗位职责: 1、参与微信小程序前端开发; 2、参与公司内部系统建设; 3. 配合后台开发人员实现产品界面和功能; 4. 思路清晰,思维敏捷,有快速的学习能力,有良好的团队合作意识。 任职要求: 1、熟悉HTML、CSS,页面架构和布局; 2、熟悉使用Bootstrap等前端开发框架 3、熟悉Ajax、JavaScript、DOM、JSON等前端技术 4、熟悉HTTP的基本工作原理以及常用Web开发调试工具。 福利待遇: 1、互联网公司,进入一个高速发展的行业,项目氛围好,领导nice; 2、技术涉猎深,提升快;定期技术培训;正常工作强度,偶尔加班; 3、有广阔的学习,成长,晋升空间; 4、优美的产业园区办公环境; 5、人性化管理,弹性工作时间,员工聚会旅游活动; 6、周末双休、项目奖、年终奖。 火星人集团总部设立在北京。此岗位由南宁分公司代招并且在南宁分公司入职,日后根据个人能力发展和个人意愿可选择入职北京总部,集团公司项目面向全国,正处于高速成长期,欢迎各位优秀伙伴的加入! 职能类别: 软件工程师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:南宁市科园大道东五路4号南宁软件园1楼...
- 扬州市海星数控制刷设备有限公司 Yangzhou
扬子人才网(www.yzjob.net)成立于2000年(前身为扬州人才网、扬州招聘网),2002年起面向江苏地区。怎样识别假冒的扬子人才网(请点击进入) 首页 地区频道: 广陵 邗江 开发区 宝应 高邮 江都 仪征 其他地区 网站导航: 岗位搜索 人才搜索 高级人才 招聘价格 付款方式 联系我们 招聘会 免费注册简历 单位招聘注册 热门职位: 更多... 免费注册个人简历 招聘单位注册 '; }); $('#search-job-keywords-right ul').html(html); }); $.getJSON('/job/JobCategoryJson.asp', function(data){ var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i,item){ html += ''; }); $('#search-resume-wjc').append(html); }); })(); 扬州市海星数控制刷设备有限公司 招聘单位: 扬州市海星数控制刷设备有限公司 ...
- 吉利德科学 Dalian
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 The Azure Big Data Architect role drives high priority customer initiatives, leveraging Azure data services to solve the biggest and most complex data challenges faced by customers. The Big Data Architect own’s the Azure Data Services technical architecture: data architecture design sessions, implementation projects and/or Proofs of Concepts. The ideal candidate will have experience in customer facing roles and success leading deep technical architecture and design discussio...
- 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Hong Kong
Responsibilities: Personal assistant to Director Support marketing, filing documents, HR & Office Admin Collect and prepare information for use in both internal and external organizations. Handles details of a confidential and critical nature. Other ad-hoc business tasks assigned by Director. Qualification Good communication skills with both written and spoken English and Cantonese Demonstrate extend experience use of MS Office applications: Word, Excel & Powerpoint Familiar with Ado...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 22,2019 - 吉龍糖黑糖茶飲專賣 Causeway
協助管理店舖日常運作 負責店鋪正常運作、沖調飲品、廚房備料、收銀等工作 負責管理及培訓員工...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 22,2019 - 四星贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
Responsible for development of product from design hand off through production hand off for assigned categories. Work closely with Director of Merchandising to develop product that meets company margins while maintaining design intent and targeted market goals. Handle all daily communication with all vendors for assigned categories. Some factory visitl may be required. Partner with designers in making comments on all submits Participate in sourcing decisions based on volume, technique, fabricati...
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