Results 1 - 20 of 49366
  • 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 新竹市 東區

    聯絡人:周麗紅 聯絡電話:31963 一、職級:講師(含)以上1名 (以一學年一聘為原則) 二、專長:工業設計せ數位製造、互動科技之實務技術與/或工作室管理 三、任務:協助本所與本校跨域學程之實務教學工作 四、資格:具國內外大學之碩士學位或教育部講師(含)以上證書者尤佳,或具教育部「大學聘任專業技術人員擔任教學辦法」講師級專業技術人員(含)以上資格。 五、應徵資料: 1. 個人履歷資料 (請詳列創新設計、互動科技實務、數位製造設備營運、大專任教或產業專職經驗) 2.教學計畫或可開授課程綱要說明 3.推薦信函 2 封 4.最高學歷證明、最高學歷修業期間之修課成績單 5. 五年內創新設計、數位製造、或互動科技相關之代表性創作或產品開發3 件。 6. 作品集及其他參考資料(如:獲獎證明、數位製造相關之國內外認證、大專教學成果) 六、截止日期:即日起 至 108 年9 月19 日(含)止,請將資料寄至 300 新竹市大學路 1001 號 國立交通大學『應用藝術研究所教評會』收。 信封請註明「應徵約聘專案實作教學教師」。(應徵文件恕不退還) 七、聯絡人:周麗紅小姐 電話:03-5731963 E...

  • 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 Taibei

    國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 用人單位:國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 職缺公告日期:2019-08-30 報名截止日期:2019-09-19 開缺職缺:專任講師以上 x 1名 學校地址:新竹市大學路1001號 工作地點:新竹市300大學路1001號 國立交通大學 學術專長:人文及藝術領域(人文/藝術/設計學門) 公告內容: 一、職級:講師(含)以上1名 (以一學年一聘為原則) 二、專長:工業設計丶數位製造、互動科技之實務技術與/或工作室管理 三、任務:協助本所與本校跨域學程之實務教學工作 四、資格:具國內外大學之碩士學位或教育部講師(含)以上證書者尤佳,或具教育部「大學聘任專業技術人員擔任教學辦法」講師級專業技術人員(含)以上資格。 五、應徵資料: 1. 個人履歷資料 (請詳列創新設計、互動科技實務、數位製造設備營運、大專任教或產業專職經驗) 2.教學計畫或可開授課程綱要說明 3.推薦信函 2 封 4.最高學歷證明、最高學歷修業期間之修課成績單 5. 五年內創新設計、數位製造、或互動科技相關之代表性創作或產品開發3 件。 6. 作品集及其他參考資料(如:獲獎證明、數位製造相關之國內外認證、...

  • 上海申大物业有限公司 Shanghai

    1、负责指导房办、业委会对物业工作的监督与管理 2、要求懂物业管理知识,法律法规 3、物业行业工作5年以上 4、有丰富的物业管理工作经验 5、懂电脑 6、只招聘退休人员 职能类别:物业管理经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:淮海中路附近...

  • 上海好运物流有限公司 Shanghai

    Job description: Develop NR market include Domestic & Foreign Country (Southeast Asia); Responsible for maintaining KA customers; Responsible for Optimum -sales order data accurately; Cooperate with OPS & Finance team to billing invoice monthly, Make sure CR/SC’s #SO are billed in time; Cooperate with Finance team to follow up AR collection & Control OD% and DSO. Cooperate with CS team to complete EH/Damage collection; Weekly and monthly working reports Qualification: Bachelor degree...

  • 上海荣格展览有限公司 Shanghai

    职位描述: 1. Building a regional strategy for Ringier Digital Communication for Mainland customers. 2. On-Going content creation of online products catalogue with new product introductions as well as updates of existing products: About Ringier existing Products: Communication Packages (Text packages, Banner Packages, Showroom Packages, Video Packages, White Paper etc..) Online events (Webinar, Broadcast, WeChat groups Panel discussion) Direct Marketing services (EDM & E-News) Contextual Advertis...

  • 上海嘉曼商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Responsibilities 职责要求: 1. Conduct inline and/or final inspection using the AQL system. 用AQL标准进行中期及尾期质量检验 2. Problem shooting for the defects found on site. 针对现场检验中发现的质量问题, 帮助工厂找出解决问题的方法 3. Review varies quality reports with factories, and work with relative factories for correction plan to improve the overall quality level. 与工厂一起分析各类质量报表,制定切实有效的改进计划,以提高质量水平 4. Supervise and/or advise the packers workers from forwarders. 监督并指导包装工人完成日常工作 5. Write the inspection report after the control is fini...

  • 星坊家具(上海)有限公司 上海市 嘉定区

    上海市 嘉定区 Work Scope: 1、Provide administrative support for the CEO and other company executives, providing liaison between the CEO, key executives, and employees; 2、Assistant the CEO to carry out execution decision and implementation of action plan; 3、To carry routine tasks for the CEO, e.g. Process files and manage paper tasks, reply phone calls, mails, letters and related correspondences; 4、Signatures application and approval for varies documents. e.g. contracts, payment applications etc; 5、Coor...

  • 汉斯安海 查看所有职位 上海市 徐汇区

    The Division Manager for Einhell China’s Private Label & International Business acts as the window between Einhell China and 1) all of Einhell’s 20+ daughter companies 2) as well as the key-account-managers of the discounter and private label business in Germany. As the leader of a team of three people he/she is responsible for a combined turnover of over RMB 1.2 bn. Job description Meet typical leadership obligations for a team consisting of two project coordinators and one team assistant D...

  • 上海嘉曼商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Role and Responsibility 职责要求: 1. Conduct inline and/or final inspection using the AQL system. 用AQL标准进行中期及尾期质量检验 2. Problem shooting for the defects found on site. 针对现场检验中发现的质量问题, 帮助工厂找出解决问题的方法 3. Review varies quality reports with factories, and work with relative factories for correction plan to improve the overall quality level. 与工厂一起分析各类质量报表,制定切实有效的改进计划,以提高质量水平 4. Supervise and/or advise the packers workers from forwarders. 监督并指导包装工人完成日常工作 5. Write the inspection report after the control ...

  • 上海申大物业有限公司 Shanghai

    1、负责NGO组织的项目管理工作 2、具有五大行物业管理经验 3、熟练电脑操作 4、年龄45~60岁 5、退休返聘人员优先 6、年薪10万 职能类别:物业管理经理 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:淮海中路附近...

  • 上海高卓餐饮有限公司 Shanghai

    意大利餐厅咖啡师 任职要求: 1.热爱咖啡文化,从事咖啡或西餐厅调制咖啡2年以上工作经验; 2.熟悉吧台饮品操作流程,熟悉咖啡专业知识,熟练掌握各类咖啡、饮品等制作工艺;熟悉各类咖啡设备操作优先; 3. 25~35岁,男女不限; 4.身体健康,性格开朗、诚实勤奋、踏实细心,有较强的责任心; 5.有一定英文基础者优先。 岗位职责: 1. 使用咖啡设备、咖啡器具制作咖啡; 2. 对公司的产品有充分了解和认知; 3. 为顾客提供咖啡服务; 4. 传播咖啡文化。 工作地点:卢湾区新天地;浦东陆家嘴国金中心;静安区恒隆广场;淮海中路香港新世界大厦 福利待遇: 良好的薪酬待遇、法定假日上班3倍加班费 全面的福利体系(公司福利包括养老险、生育险、失业险、医疗险、工伤险、重大疾病险等) 丰富的假期福利:每周休两天(排班)、带薪年假等 职能类别: 调酒师/侍酒师/吧台员 餐饮服务员 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:南京西路恒隆广场...

  • 上海理工大学中英国际学院 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    上海市 Key Responsibilities: 1. Brand management 1) Establish and encourage adoption of a consistent collegiate image, including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, logos, spirit marks, etc. 2) Managing college souvenir and Coordinating stock products. 3) Designing college materials. 2. Public Relations 1) Developing a social media strategy and plan for implementation. 2) Developing monthly and annual calendar of digital marketing activities, implement report and optimize regularly based on anal...

  • 上海恩派社会创新发展中心 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 实习生 日薪100元 岗位职责: 1、 协助财务部门日常工作处理; 2、 协助部门账本装订整理工作; 3、 外勤税务工作; 4、 上级领导布置的其他工作; 岗位要求: 1、 对NGO及公益事业有兴趣,愿意在工作实践中增进了解。 2、 要求每周至少可到岗三天,每天8小时; 3、 大专及以上学历,财务相关专业在读学生或者应届毕业优先考虑。 职能类别: 出纳员 关键字: 记账凭证 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市浦东新区峨山路613号A楼2层...

  • 上海德威外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 上海市 闵行区

    JOB DESCRIPTION DCS believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and that contributions should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. Therefore, this job description is designed to outline primary responsibilities but not limit the employee nor DCS to only the work identified. It is the expectation of the school, that each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our organization. Job Title : AEN/SEN As...

  • 上海思创网络有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1.负责企业e-learning学习运营和需求研制项目的监管和指导; 2.深入研究项目相关的关键任务,如网络学习的开展、社区运营、知识管理、数据挖掘等,为客户提供有价值的学习建议,为项目人员提供建设性的指导; 3.负责组织学习活动方案和宣传方案的策划; 4.负责内容策划与开发; 5.其它项目相关工作。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历; 2. 具有以下任一行业背景:e-Learning行业的科研、教学设计、运营策划背景;企业培训背景;管理咨询行业背景;有3年以上该行业岗位工作经验; 3. 具有独立管理项目的经验,能为客户提供专业性培训策划建议; 4. 具备较高的职业素养,有良好的书面和口头沟通能力; 5. 有团队管理经验者优先考虑。 我们为您提供: 1、双休,双休,双休,重要的事情说3遍; 2、有竞争力的薪酬,我们就是“别人家的公司”,你懂得; 3、年度体检、五险一金?根本不需要再提!妥妥的; 4、节日福利,年度outing,各种团建各种趴,一年到头有吃有喝有玩; 5、带薪年假、带薪病假,工作生活两不误; 6、专业培训,广阔的职业发展平台、系统完善的专业培训、价值百万精品培...

  • 上海沃德医疗有限公司 上海市 浦东新区

    上海市 浦东新区 Job Summary To provide appropriate nursing care by applying clinical nursing knowledge and skills, and ensure the safety and comfort of patients/families according to legal, institutional, and professional standards. Qualifications 1.College degree or above in nursing, 2.Minimum 3 years relevant working experience in OR department of hospital or clinic, overseas or joint venture health organization experience preferred 3.Hold current nursing license; 4.Good communication skills in Engli...

  • 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校 查看所有职位 上海市 浦东新区

    Harrow International School Shanghai is looking for Peripatetic Music Tutors to teach the following instruments Drums and Guitar Woodwind and Piano The ability to offer ABRSM Music Theory tuition would be of benefit. The successful candidate will Have experience teaching students from different nationalities Be an excellent teacher and communicator as well as a proficient player Have fluent English, as lessons are taught in this language Working days/hours can be flexible, with Tutors paid on a ...

  • 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区

    上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Chemistry & Biology teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ le...

  • 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区

    上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Mathematics teacher With teaching certification At least Master degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progres...

  • 上海松江区领科教育专修学校 查看所有职位 上海市 松江区

    上海市 松江区 WE ARE SEEKING: An enthusiastic, committed and ambitious Art teacher With teaching certification At least Bachelor degree in relevant subject At least two years IGCSE, A-Level, IB, AP teaching experience JOB DESCRIPTION: According to CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) syllabus, teaching relevant A Level /IGCSE subject course in English or bilingual. Assigning appropriate homework and correcting homework on time. Supervising students and monitoring students’ learning progress. Pre...

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