- 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市
长沙市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 岗位职责: 1、lcourse系统入学测试口语批改、个性化学院测试批改; 2、系统资料录入、组卷、发布试卷; 3、更新维护资料库及试卷; 4、及时解决助教/老师成绩查询、试卷批改等问题; 5、雅思、托福等全真模考安排、监考及模考试卷批改; 6、每周统计各校区学员出分、分析进退步率; 任职要求: 1、性格沉稳,英语基本功扎实; 2、通过专八或英语六级550分以上; 3、熟练运用word,excel等软件; 4、学历本科及以上; 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金; 2、一对一培训+业务技能培训+丰富知识培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动,轻松快乐的工作氛围; 5、国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 职能类别: 培训督导 外语培训师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼18楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专...
- 万宝盛华企业管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai
web developer, we need follow domain knowledge and experience: 2+ yrs full time working experience as web developer; Good JavaScript web application development experience using MVVM design patterns.(React/Angular/Vue, experience with Angular is plus) Strong understanding of JavaScript technologies, such as ES6+, TypeScript, and RxJS. Experience with visualization and mapping libraries, such as Echarts, D3,Google Maps, Baidu Map, AMap, etc. Experience in Agile environments. Good communication sk...
- 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
This position is responsible for meeting and exceeding the individual revenue goals set by DOS/ ADOS and to efficiently follow the sales strategy implemented by the hotel or Commercial Director. 负责实现并超越销售总监、销售副总监设置的个人收入目标,并有效跟进酒店商务总监实施的销售策略。 1. To follow up hotel and departmental rules and SOP. 跟进酒店及部门规章和标准操作步骤。 2. To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’ needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 对指定的账户进行客户拜访,跟进客户的需要,销售...
- 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 闵行区 This position is responsible for meeting and exceeding the individual revenue goals set by DOS/ ADOS and to efficiently follow the sales strategy implemented by the hotel or Commercial Director. 负责实现并超越销售总监、销售副总监设置的个人收入目标,并有效跟进酒店商务总监实施的销售策略。 1. To follow up hotel and departmental rules and SOP. 跟进酒店及部门规章和标准操作步骤。 2. To make regular sales calls on accounts assigned to and keep up-to-date on the clients’ needs and sell the products of the hotel that will satisfy those needs. 对指定的账户进行客户拜访,跟进...
- 深圳市冠旭电子股份有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 龙岗区 Main Responsibilities: 1. Daily contact with all visual design requirements of the company department; 2. Derivative peripheral product design, and various internal and external online and offline design requirements; 3. Responsible for VI specification and product packaging design of the company; 4. Participated in the creation of various activity schemes, and able to drive a variety of different design styles; 5. Responsible for or organized the complete design process of individual in...
- 深圳市卡琳娜化妆用具有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 We are urgently recruiting some sales executives for our fast growing company that offers great benefits with opportunities to learn and polish your skills alongside great business leaders. Enhance your English skills by daily working with foreigners all over the world. Karina is a fast growing company making beauty brush and tool products, our products mainly selling to Western market. We’re doing both OEM and ODM business. Our goal is to be the #1 in the industry, we need strong indivi...
- 广州市白云区米格包装图形设计中心... 佛山市 高明区
Minimum 5 years of relevant experience with at least 3 years at supervisory level, preferably gained from sizeable MNC or trading companies. Strong leadership, communications and interpersonal skills. Strong analytical and consulting skills. High level of integrity with good initiative. 职能类别:人事主管人事经理 关键字:英语流利六大模块招聘员工关系 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:高明...
- 潘多拉珠宝有限公司 Anshan
鞍山市 铁东区 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 工作职责: ? 始终追求为顾客提供卓越的服务,以实现营运和销售目标的达成 ? 确保完全了解并严格遵守店铺所有安全程序 ? 始终贯彻坚持PANDORA服务之道 ? 确保不断学习了解产品知识,包括目标客群、产品系列和销售指标 ? 确保妥善保管店铺营业账款 任职要求: ? 高中及以上学历 ? 年龄22- 35岁,身高1.60米以上; ? 具有良好的口头表达能力,礼仪知识,强烈的责任心,服务意识及团队合作精神优先; ? 二年以上店铺销售经验,有珠宝销售经验优先; ? 能吃苦耐劳,敬业,有自信和有亲和力,富有团队精神; 职能类别: 珠宝销售顾问 奢侈品业务 关键字: 珠宝销售 店员 奢侈品销售 微信 联系方式 上班地址:鞍山市铁东区二道街88号一楼 公司信息 丹麦国际珠宝品牌 PANDORA 设计、生产并销售由珍贵材料以手工完成的珠宝,并以卓越水平、工艺、质量及设计而闻名。PANDORA 鼓励女 士忠于其独立精神及演绎真我个性,以时尚优雅的首饰系列捕捉女 士生命中每个难忘时刻。PANDORA 运用创新的科技将经典的手工技艺与精致独特的设计结合,并...
- 孚宝(钦州)码头有限公司 钦州市
Areas of Primary Responsibility : Assist GM in all daily matters, including documentation, phone calls management, travel transport arrangement etc Taking of minutes during Management Meeting. Housekeeping and general matters relating to the main office building, eg – renovation, furniture, janitor, plants etc All stationeries and refreshment in the terminal. Admin matters – Employees transportation, employee meals arrangement, travel arrangement, notice board information, printing equipment etc...
- 上海贝塔斯曼商业服务有限公司 Shanghai
Description: Data Mining team is one of the backbones of Arvato’s BI division. As a key contributor to this team, you will participate to design and develop scalable statistical and machine learning algorithms for some of the most top-notch brands in the market upon request. Primary Responsibilities: Decide what data are needed to be collected to answer specific questions; Apply both statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to solve practical problems; Analyze data and interpret outpu...
- 新北市政府社會局 Xinbei
截止日期:2019-09-22 發佈單位:新北市政府社會局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1.臉書粉絲專頁日常經營維護,以時事流行梗搭配創造話題,提升粉絲互動,喜歡逛各大社群,天馬行空發揮創意,能理解粉絲心態並熱情互動,並針對TA做適當調整。 2.社群活動發想與執行,製作相關的社群內容及圖文影音。 3.後續針對貼文、活動優化與流量成效追蹤。 4.其他主管交辦及社群行銷相關等事項。 工作地點:新北市 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 徵才條件: 應符合下列條件: 1.大學以上畢業,且具公部門經驗或熟悉社會福利者尤佳。 2.熟悉社群媒體操作、對社群媒體有想法有創意。 3.有文字基礎,基礎口語表達與溝通協調能力。 4.基本作圖能力(懂作圖軟體,最少可以resize或revise別人的圖),有製圖和影片編輯能力尤佳。 5.認真負責具溝通協調、主動積極、思惟縝密及團隊合作等任事態度及才能。 報名手續: 1.意者請檢附(1)「新北市政府非編制人員甄選報名表」(請務必使用新版報名表,請至本局網站-布告欄-徵才資訊下載:http://www.sw.ntpc.gov.tw/care...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 澳門城市大學(City University of Macau) Macao
澳门 Responsible to manage the administrative work and daily operations Design and develop yearly plan and course curriculum for continuing education Liaise with external vendors/service providers to organize courses Coordinate and arrange class schedule and venue Design marketing tools to promote courses to public Provide supportive services for in-house trainings Prepare departmental budget, statistic and reports Perform ad hoc projects/duties as assigned Requirement Master degree holder or abov...
- 新北市政府捷運工程局 Xinbei
截止日期:2019-09-09 發佈單位:新北市政府捷運工程局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 辦理捷運工程新聞、行銷相關業務及臨時交辦工作。 工作地點:新北市政府捷運工程局(新北市蘆洲區集賢路245號) 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 一、國內外大學畢業者,具有與擬任工作性質相當之訓練或工作經驗者。 二、具Office文書處理能力。 三、有任職政府機關經驗尤佳。 四、具有新聞、行銷相關工作經驗優先考慮。 五、依規定本機關長官對於配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親,不得在本機關任用,有上開情形者,請勿應徵。 報名手續: 一、報名日期:108年9月3日起至108年9月9日截止。 二、報名方式:意者請於108年9月9日下午5點前將應徵資料送達新北市蘆州區集賢路245號新北市政府捷運工程局人事室黃先生收,掛號郵寄者以郵戳為憑,並請於信封上註明應徵職務及職等(逾期或證件不齊者以棄權論)。 三、檢附資料:除報名表外證件以A4格式影印後依下列順序裝訂: (1)非編制人員甄選報名表(正本並須親自簽名或蓋章)請至新北市政府捷運工程局-機關介紹-最新消息-徵才資訊網頁下載...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 广州市南沙优联教育中心 Guangzhou
Job Title: Administrative Assistant Position Description: The Administrative Assistant coordinates all apartment leases, maintenance and repair work at apartments with properties owners and other outside contractors and assists with the administration of the day-to-day operations of the Administrative department functions and duties. The Administrative Assistant carries out responsibilities in some or all of the following functional areas: organizes, manages and follows up the work order system,...
- 艺普得城市设计咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 徐汇区 Graphic Designer is supporting marketing and design teams with visual design expertise, he is a profound user of Adobe CC Suite and has experience in image processing. Graphic Designer assists senior designers to create landscape diagrams, infographics and other visual design elements, and in the same time assists marketing team efforts such as WeChat and Newsletter promotions. Part of responsibilities includes designing marketing collaterals, maintaining website, creating and updating v...
- 台北市室內設計裝修商業同業公會 Taibei
1.網路(臉書)po文 網路經營管理 2.收發文、檔案管理、資料整理 3.電話接聽、業務協助 有實際擔任網路小編經驗者優先 新聞/廣告科系畢業或在職學生 職務類別 : 行政助理 平面設計/美編 網站行銷企劃 休假制度 : 週休二日 上班時段 : 09:00~17:30 年 8 月 23 日 需求人數 : 1人 薪資待遇 : 月薪 23,100 至 25,000 元每月薪資行情表我要申訴 工作性質 : 兼職-短期 管理人數 : 不需負擔管理責任 工作條件 學歷要求 : 大學以上 科系要求 : 不拘 工作經驗 : 不拘 技能與求職專長 電腦技能:辦公室應用:Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook 必備附件 履歷照片 <職場性格測驗>報告 應徵方式 連絡人 : 徐小姐 Email : 若有意應徵,請直接按「我要應徵」投遞履歷即可。...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 9,2019 - 深圳市加丰贸易有限公司 Shenzhen
COMPANY CAFOM GROUP (www.cafom.com) is the leader in European household market with his wide and complementary portfolio of brands such as Habitat, Vente-Unique.com, BUT franchisee stores, Directlowcost.com and Sia Home. To support its expansion in Asia/Oceania, CAFOM is opening a new position of Business Development Manager. She/He will be part of the talented team of 50 young and multicultural talents working in Shenzhen office in the heart of expatriate district, Shekou. MISSION: Business Exp...
- 深圳市惠泰医疗器械有限公司 河北省
1、负责部分地区销售市场的维护和开发工作; 2、负责所属区域的产品宣传、推广和销售,完成销售指标; 3、与临床科室保持有效沟通,帮助科室解决业务、临床质量问题,协助科室推动电生理的发展,推广科室知名度; 4、管理经销商,与经销商一起维护客情关系,做好产品相关培训,协助完成招投标工作; 5、举办地区性临床培训活动,参加学术性会议; 6、定期完成并递交公司要求的销售报告。 任职资格: 1、专科及以上学历,具备一定行业销售经验和较强的销售能力,熟悉高值耗材的销售、采购模式的优先考虑; 2、心脏科医学背景或有心内科高值耗材销售经验的,优先考虑; 3、良好的沟通能力,可以与医生,代理商和上级主管进行很好的沟通; 4、较强的执行能力,对工作安排认真执行; 5、具有很好的团队合作精神; 6、应届毕业生或无行业经验者本科及以上教育背景,有行业经验者可放宽至大专。 福利待遇: 1、入职购买五险一金,且足额缴纳。 2、享受国家法定假期,过节费等各项福利。 3、13薪+年终丰厚奖金。 4、行业前景好,国内领先医疗器械。 5、在职培训、团队氛围好。 职能类别:销售主管 微信 联系方式 上班地址:驻家办公Hom...
- 广州市童心教育有限责任公司 Guangzhou
Required conditions: 1. In responsible for kids English class aged from 2 to 12. 2. English foreign teachers (part-time or full-time) wanted. 3. Love children and education career, with relevant work experience or teaching experience is preferred. 4. Open-minded and easy-going, love to communicate with children. This job required person with patience, love, friendly,lively, stong sense of responsibility. 5. Helping to manage teaching and research activity is preferred. 6. If you are interested i...
- 上海欧逸市场营销顾问有限公司 Shanghai
Associate Consultant (Entry-level research executive) Position Summary: 1. Assist manager/consultant to plan, design, supervise and analyze research projects. 2. Contact with client, build client rapport and address their general information and analysis request Roles and Responsibilities: Assist consultant to perform project management including project supervising, data analyze and reporting of research projects: Understand consultant's project briefing, and help to do the research design ...
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