- 英标管理体系认证有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 欢迎境内外及港澳台人士 Job Title: Senior Project Advisor - ICT Reports To: Head of ICT Excellent Centre Location: Shanghai Purpose of Position To meet training or project delivery target, maintain sound relationship with clients to enhance customers’ loyalty. Key responsibilities & accountabilities ? Deliver internal and external ICT related projects or training to an agreed service level ? Support sale on an ad hoc basis by translating technical requirement from clients into business opportuni...
- 上海英汉思教育培训有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 杨浦区 岗位职责(Must): 1、有英语教学经验的优秀本硕生(优先考虑ABC, BBC 和CBC),英语国家留学的学士、硕士优先考虑; 2、英语综合能力强,发音纯正(英式or 美式都可以); 3、课堂气氛活跃,互动性强; 4、全职。 任职资格(Plus): 1、持有CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)证书或者ESOL( English for speaker of other language s)证书优先;剑桥大学TKT证书优先;TESOL证书优先;以上证书至少具备一个 2、TESOL专业毕业优先 3、1年以上的英语教学经验; 4、有爱心、耐心、责任心;有亲和力; 5、热爱英语教学 职能类别: 外语培训师 小学教师 关键字: 全职,英语 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:凤城路1号同和凤城创意园1号楼105...
- 英华利汽车模具系统有限公司 Shenzhen
Requirements: 1. Education: college degree or above 2. Major: mechanical and electronic engineering, etc.. 3. Work experience: more than 5 years SQE/QE related working experience, experienced in scooter ,electric vehicle or automobile field is plus. 4. English proficiency: proficient in reading and writing, be able to write quality documents and communicate by e-mail in English, and able to communicate in oral English. Responsibilities: According to the requirements of products (mainly skateboar...
- 英飞凌科技有限公司 Shanghai
Part of your life. Part of tomorrow. We make life easier, safer and greener - with technology that achieves more, consumes less and is accessible to everyone. Microelectronics from Infineon is the key to a better future. Efficient use of energy, environmentally-friendly mobility and security in a connected world - we solve some of the most critical challenges that our society faces while taking a conscientious approach to the use of natural resources. 公司:英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司 DNA:德国 行业:半导体芯片 地址:上海市浦东新区川...
- 英特体育发展有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 罗湖区 1 MAINTAIN THE STABLE AND RELIABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE TO N/O a. Work closely with PMD to secure proper DIFOT within a cross-department cooperation and cross-functional management of resources. b. Maintain the stable service in helpdesk system to support N/O on special request. c. Provide support in the ad hoc case 2 MAINTAIN THE STABLE AND EFFICIENT ORDER CONSOLIDATION a. Optimize the N/O order fulfillment in the IIC MOQ Order Consolidation by providing solution (Add Qty, Upcharge, alterna...
- 北京融英乐知科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 月薪5,000 - 8,000元 任职要求: 1. 学历不得低于大专,男女不限,年龄20周岁-30周岁之间; 2. 可接受入门基础人员,只要你有很强的学习能力; 3. 跟随项目经理辅助完成项目相关工作; 4. 有良好学习与团队协作能力,肯吃苦耐劳; 5. 踏实稳定,有意愿从事技术岗位工作; 6. 想获得一份有长远发展、稳定、有晋升空间的工作。 福利待遇: 1、无责基本工资6-8+福利补贴+外地员工可以提供住宿; 2、五险(养老、失业、工伤、医疗、生育)一金(公积金); 3 、公司设立良好的晋升机制并提供内部招聘、职位轮换机会; 4、全体员工除享受以上福利待遇外还将享受带薪年假、婚假、产假等国家法定节假日; 5、早9:00-晚18:00,周末双休,不加班 职能类别:业务跟单 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:西红门北京城乡文化科技园...
- 北京融英乐知科技有限公司 Beijing
任职要求: 1. 学历不得低于大专,男女不限,年龄20周岁-30周岁之间; 2. 可接受入门基础人员,只要你有很强的学习能力; 3. 跟随项目经理辅助完成项目相关工作; 4. 有良好学习与团队协作能力,肯吃苦耐劳; 5. 踏实稳定,有意愿从事技术岗位工作; 6. 想获得一份有长远发展、稳定、有晋升空间的工作。 福利待遇: 1、无责基本工资6-9+福利补贴+外地员工可以提供住宿; 2、五险(养老、失业、工伤、医疗、生育)一金(公积金); 3 、公司设立良好的晋升机制并提供内部招聘、职位轮换机会; 4、全体员工除享受以上福利待遇外还将享受带薪年假、婚假、产假等国家法定节假日; 5、早9:00-晚18:00,周末双休,不加班 职能类别: 网络/在线客服 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:西红门北京城乡文化科技园...
- 英国朗道实验诊断有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 普陀区 Promotion and education surrounding Randox products. Build, maintain and develop business relationships between Randox and customers (clinical laboratories, veterinary laboratories, centres of research, hospitals) Present Randox to customers on a one-to-one basis or in a seminar setting. Engage and develop relationships with all key persons in the relevant territory. Map out laboratories, including details such as suppliers and all other relevant information to develop a good overall kno...
- 易贝乐少儿英语 查看所有职位 Shanghai
上海市 松江区 E-blocks E-Blocks China, which is an English institute, brings students’ interaction with software to a new dimension. With EBlocks children ages 2.5 to 12, learn English. Children learn with exciting pictures, music, animations, and games that encourage collaborative work and make learning meaningful, successful, and a concrete social experience. All the programs in the EBlocks family use a consistent innovative approach to learning. Therefore, the same sensory panel can be used to exte...
- 苏州爱特精英教育培训中心 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Introduce to clients the information of the educational system, application policy, universities and majors, application requirements and application procedures of their applying countries; Provide clients with profile/background evaluation as well as professional consulting services on school selection and major/program selection; Design custom-tailored training plan and application plan including the Preliminary School List and the Application Schedule; Provide profile sculpting servi...
- 易贝乐少儿英语丽水莲都校区 查看所有职位 丽水市 莲都区
关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、全面负责管理教学部各项工作,带领教学团队营造积极向上的氛围; 2、依据整体运营目标,把握中心教学和学术工作的关键指标; 3、负责确保所有教师按照校区英语教学标准和大纲,提供高质量的教学服务; 4、监控中心的教学质量同时兼顾各部门间的沟通工作; 5、为校区的招生发挥教学的优势,激励教师团队作出绩效方案; 6、负责培训新教师,培养提拔优秀教师;管理学术团队,培养和建立学术人员梯队; 7、负责进行家长学生满意度调查; 8、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 9、服从校长安排的其它工作; 晋升:TUTOR-tutor主管-校长-区域总监 任职要求: 1、 本科以上学历,专业英语8级,英语...
- 易贝乐少儿英语丽水莲都校区 查看所有职位 丽水市 莲都区
关于易贝乐: 易贝乐少儿英语是世界500强Positivo集团旗下教育品牌E-Blocks的教学体系,是针对全球3—12岁EFL(English as a Foreign Language)国家儿童的英语启蒙标准课程,荣获联合国WSA教育大奖,目前校区遍及北上广深,杭州、大连、青岛、长沙等多个城市,在全国成立了近400家学习中心,服务于近20万个家庭。诚邀各方精英的加入! 岗位职责 1、承担3-12岁少儿英语日常教学工作。 2、协助市场、销售完成DEMO课、公开课的演示,展示教学成果。 3、积极参与总部教师培训会议。 4、定期参与校区内部教研会,提升教学质量。 5、配合中心教务部门完成教学的监测与评估工作。 6、定期与家长沟通,进行电话回访,不断完善教学工作质量。 7、完成学员续费、转介绍等工作。 8、完成教学主管安排的其他工作事项。 任职要求: 1、性格开朗,喜爱孩子,有较强的亲和力。 2、具有专业英语考级证书,专业水平过硬,发音标准,口语流利,具有良好的职业道德。 3、踏实、有责任心,能吃苦,具有良好的职业形象。 4、乐于接受全新的教育理念和教学模式。 5、大专以上学历,年龄22-...
- 臺北市政府觀光傳播局 Taibei
公務電話 02-27208889#2042 官職等 委任第5職等或薦任第6職等至第7職等 職系 新聞 人員區分 一般人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 一、大學以上畢業,公務人員高等考試三級或特種考試三等考試以上及格,具新聞職系任用資格者。 二、無特考特用限制調任之情形及未具公務人員任用法第26、28條各款不得任用及公務人員陞遷法第12條不得陞任情事,且未受懲戒處分、品性端正者。 三、需有服務熱忱、耐心及良好溝通協調能力,具執行力與電腦操作及文書處理能力。 工作項目 一、辦理國內外旅展相關事宜。 二、辦理MICE產業相關事宜。 三、協助辦理重要節慶活動。 四、辦理觀光政策及推廣相關事宜。 五、其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 信義區 工作地址 11008臺北市政府觀光傳播局觀光發展科(臺北市信義區市府路1號中央區4樓) 聯絡方式 一、意者請檢具以下表件: 1.公務人員履歷表(含照片、自傳及日、夜間聯絡電話、手機號碼) 2.現職派令或最後1筆派令影本。 3.現任及曾任之銓敘部審定函影本。 4.最近5年考績通知書影本。 5.最高學歷畢業證書影本(持國外學歷者,需檢...
tw.indeed.comAugust 29,2019 - 醫院管理局 - 九龍中醫院聯網 Kowloon
Please submit application on-line at https://ha.taleo.net/careersection/ha_int_cs/jobdetail.ftl?job=KCC1908042&lang=en on or before 29/8/2019. For enquiries, please telephone 3506 8763. Rank : Executive Assistant II Office : Facility Management Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Salary : HK$16,994 per month Key Responsibilities: 1. To provide administrative support to the hospital administration relating to facilities management and building / maintenance projects issues. 2. To assis...
www.cpjobs.comAugust 29,2019 - 英域成语言培训有限公司 Beijing
You will mainly: Maintain a good image of the front desk area of the office . 保持办公室前台区域的良好形象。 Receive and welcome office visitors and provide appropriate direction. 接待和欢迎办公室访客, 并提供适当的引导。 Receive, direct and relay public inquiries, telephone messages. 接收、指导和转发公众查询、电话信息 Prepare welcome packs, staff ID cards and relevant on-boarding service for new office staff. 为办公室新员工准备欢迎礼包、员工卡和相关的入职服务。 Provide ordering service and distribution service of office supplies and maintain an adequate inventory of offi...
- 北京英伦翰林教育咨询有限公司 Beijing
职位描述 JD: 1、 教授A-LEVEL/GCSE(地理 /历史 / 英语文学 / 社会人文/ 物理 /化学 / 数学 / 会计 / 经济 / 商务)相关课程; Teaching A-LEVEL/GCSE (geography /history /literature /physics /chemistry /math /account /economy /business); 2、 根据学员学习进度定期制定教学计划; Regularly making teaching plan for students on their learning process; 积极参加学校和部门组织的各种培训、教研、试讲、会议等活动; ntributing to training, teaching and researching, demo, meeting and so on; 班级人数:一对一或小班课 ass size: one on one or small group 积极完成领导交代的其他工作。 tively complete the works assigned by the leade...
- IMC精英|精隼|精明 嘉義市
職務編號: IMC930940E09 工作地區: 嘉義市東區 工作類型: 中高階 產業類別: 機械設備五金 職務類別: 經營管理 職務內容: Manage a medium‐sized plant in order to deliver the products on time, at the right cost and at the best quality for maximizing customer satisfaction. Improve the order fulfilment process. Install a “learning organization” that is able to develop processes continuously. Work with team to align operations with the strategic and financial needs of the business. 薪 資: NTD / 面議 (經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 福 利: 勞工退休金提撥 / 勞、健保 / 依法令規定之相關福利 特 色: 彈...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - IMC精英|精隼|精明 Taibei
個案編號: R45699B23 工作地區: 臺北市 工作類型: 中高階 產業類別: 特定功能組件 職務類別: 財務經營分析 職務內容: 1. Support the tender manager on financial aspects. Provide input to negotiate on commercial issues and local risk review process. 2. Prepare project invoices, financial accounting and reporting. Drive and seek for optimization of project cash flow, revenues and GM contributions. 3. Oversees currency risk, bonds and guarantees and tax issues. 4. Participates in opportunity/rish identification, monitor all required mitigation act...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 韦博国际英语(Web Education) China
中国 Position Summary: We are looking for an ESL Content and Curriculum Designer to work on the curriculum design based in headquarters of WEB in Xu Hui District in Shanghai. He/she will work with the Education Department team to improve, write and develop an ESL curriculum based on industry best practices and current company material with an emphasis on conversational English and pronunciation. The candidate will work on creating a detailed curriculum and supporting lesson plans to establish: cle...
- 英迈投资有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: 1. Handle legal project of the company, including company establishment, merger and acquisition. 2. Draft/revise/review all kinds of agreements from business team, such as vendor contract, customer contract, and other legal documents; 3. Deliver compliance trainings to employees. 4. Provide legal advice to company's managers and customers. Requirements: 1. Qualified PRC lawyer, fluent in English and Chinese; 2. Major in Law with education from oversea or famous law school w...
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