- RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電: 9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 9,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度或以上、經驗不拘 持有效地產代理牌照優先 主動進取、具團隊精神 完善福利配套、良好晉升機制...
www.cpjobs.comFebruary 6,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 29,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 29,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 29,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) , Hong Kong is now recruiting enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above position for the school year beginning August 2020: Requirements and experience: Relevant degree, teacher qualification and teaching experience preferred Experience in providing and coordinating the support for students with special educational needs Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively as part of a dynamic team Applicants please download and complete the ap...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 19,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
VSA is now recruiting an enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above position for the school year beginning August 2020. The ideal candidate will have An undergraduate degree in English or Humanities A recognised teaching qualification Experience in teaching Humanities and English as well Familiarity with and ideally experience teaching IB (MYP and DP) A commitment to student centred inquiry based learning A growth-mindset looking to continually improve Demonstrated ability to adapt to a ne...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 14,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
VSA is now recruiting an enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above position for the school year beginning August 2020. The ideal candidate will have An undergraduate degree in Geography A recognised teaching qualification Experience in teaching Humanities and English as well Familiarity with and ideally experience teaching IB (MYP and DP) A commitment to student centred inquiry based learning A growth-mindset looking to continually improve Demonstrated ability to adapt to a new cultural e...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 14,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 13,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 13,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Hong kong
- 中五程度,無須經驗 - 薪高佣厚,有獎金 - 專業培訓,龍頭旺舖 有意請電 9195 6638 Kim Wong 利嘉閣地產有限公司...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 13,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
- 年齡不限,無需經驗 - 肯學肯做 - 肯為自己前途打拚,勤力,懂國語優先 - (年薪可達 HK$100萬以上) 底薪加高額佣金兼享醫療津貼及有薪年假 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 13,2020 - ISLP建築設計有限会社 Fuzhou
建築設計デザイナー(日本人) ISLP(ISLP建築設計有限会社)は2010年に中国福建省の福州市に設立した唯一の日系建築設計会社です。日本での建築設計経験を積み重ねてきたベテランの建築デザイナーをはじめとし、現在20名以上の建築設計者が在籍しています。現在は都市計画、観光地の計画、養老産業、TOD、別荘、住宅、ホテル及びオフィスなど様々な分野の計画に取り組んでいます。そのため、優秀な建築設計者を募集しています。 募集職種 ・建築設計デザイナー(日本人) 雇用形態 ・正社員 仕事内容 主に建築基本設計から詳細図までの立面の品質の管理を担当していただきます。 その他: ① デザイン性と実現性が両立した計画の提案及び図面作成・管理をしていただきます。 ② プレゼン資料の品質を管理していただきます。 ③ 会社宣伝用の資料創り(ホームページ、名刺など)に協力していただきます。 ④ 社員の設計レベル向上のため、日本の建築の分析及び発表をしていただきます。 ⑤ 上司による他の仕事。 応募資格 ・国籍:日本 ・四年制大学(建築系)卒業以上、あるいは同等以上の能力のある方。 ・8年以上の建築設計あるい...
www.expatjobschina.comJanuary 13,2020 - 華聯塑膠產品有限公司 Hunghom
職 責 : - 於夜間巡視公司辦公室樓層,以及確保警鐘操作正常 要 求 : - 具責任心及保密意識 - 持保安人員許可證優先 福 利 : - 雙糧、年終花紅、醫療保險等 以上職位紅磡區上班,有意者請於星期一至五致電 2765-3313 與王小姐洽...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 9,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
VSA is now recruiting an enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above position for the school year beginning August 2020. The ideal candidate will have An undergraduate degree in Geography A recognised teaching qualification Experience in teaching Humanities and English as well Familiarity with and ideally experience teaching IB (MYP and DP) A commitment to student centred inquiry based learning A growth-mindset looking to continually improve Demonstrated ability to adapt to a new cultural e...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 8,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Aberdeen
VSA is now recruiting an enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above position for the school year beginning August 2020. The ideal candidate will have Bachelor’s Degree with professional qualifications in Chinese history and Chinese language education Native Mandarin speaker with an excellent command of English An in-depth understanding of Chinese history, Chinese languages and cultural heritage Experience in a bilingual work place Familiarity with and ideally experience teaching IB (MYP an...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 8,2020 - VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 滬江維多利亞學校 Hong kong
Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA) , Hong Kong is now recruiting enthusiastic and committed teacher for the above positions for the school year beginning August 2020: Relevant teaching experience in primary schools A commitment to student centred inquiry based learning IB/PYP experience an advantage but not essential Flexibility to co-teach with a Chinese teaching partner Applicants please download and complete the application form and email along with a statement of your educational philosophy a...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 8,2020 - 華聯塑膠產品有限公司 Hunghom
( 工作期: 2020年1月8日至23日 ) 職 責 : - 負責外勤事務,送遞文件及貨辦; - 需往來香港至中國內地等 要 求 : - 小學程度, - 一年相關經驗, - 良好粵語 - 勤奮及願意超時工作 - 即時上班優先 以上職位紅磡區上班,有意者請於星期一至五致電 2765-3313 與王小姐洽...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 7,2020 - 華聯塑膠產品有限公司 Hunghom
職 責 : - 於夜間巡視公司辦公室樓層,以及確保警鐘操作正常 要 求 : - 具責任心及保密意識 - 持保安人員許可證優先 福 利 : - 雙糧、年終花紅、醫療保險等 以上職位紅磡區上班,有意者請於星期一至五致電 2765-3313 與王小姐洽...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 7,2020 - RICACORP PROPERTIES 利嘉閣 Tai kok tsui
歡迎同行轉區加盟 (所有資料絕對保密) 有意請致電:9832 1503 阮小姐...
www.cpjobs.comJanuary 5,2020
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