- 印度瑞迪博士实验室有限公司 Beijing
As Dr. Reddys’ IT Support Engineer should provide technical support, planning and coordinate for End User touch points of the distributed computer environment, including desktop, software and hardware installation, support and distribution, and remote access technologies. Responsibility: ? Performs analysing, diagnosing, installation, and resolution of desktop computer, operating system and hardware technologies and associated problems. ? Performs analysing, diagnosing, installation, and resolut...
- 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 月薪15,000 - 25,000元 1、负责PC和移动端,多语言网站的SEO推广工作的管理和执行,项目策划与实施,提升公司产品在各大搜索引擎的排名; 2、整体把握实施、监控、跟进、SEO工作,对SEO用户质量、转化率负责; 3、监测主流搜索引擎收录和排名,按阶段汇报优化结果、监控结果和研究结果; 4、分析和总结优秀网站的 SEO 优化方法,能提出专业的行业观点、拓展业务新方向,保持公司的 SEO 能力在业内的领先地位; 5、与运营、技术、产品部门配合,促进 SEO 优化工作的系统化,提升团队整体效率,提高各页面的转化率,加强核心竞争力; 6、负责相关人员或部门的SEO培训工作。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,5 年以上 SEO 行业从业经验,有成功的案例; 2、熟悉google搜索引擎算法,排名机制和优化原则,持续观察分析主流搜索引擎收录和排名规则, 提出 SEO 策略,不断调整完善各 SEO 实施方案; 3、具有较强的运营分析能力和看法,对市场发展方向和动态有较强的分析能力擅长通过网站分析工具分析网站存在的问题及给出合理的解决方案; 4、熟悉使用google an...
- 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 Responsibilities: 1. Lead project from target selection to preclinical development with internal and external partners in a goal-orientated manner. 2. Provide biological functional assay design and data analysis/interpretation on molecular and cellular immunology, receptor pharmacology and signal transduction for target validation and mode of action of drug candidate leads 3. Collaborate with other R&D functions and support cross-department activity by serving as liaison between depa...
- 南京金斯瑞生物科技有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 江宁区 月薪15,000 - 25,000元 工作职责: 搭建集团社交媒体矩阵,根据公司品牌策略,运用互联网及新媒体,制定有效的品牌运营方案 负责公司各平台新媒体账号的选题策划、内容产出、运营管理,以创新的传播方式,提升集团品牌在不同圈层目标受众中的好感度 关注国内外生命科学、细胞治疗、合成生物学等领域的科研和行业应用的进展,打造公司在垂直领域的意见领袖地位; 与业务部门的市场营销团队紧密合作,基于业务和产品策略制定选题及内容撰写,策划执行传播项目,并对传播效果进行追踪和优化 配合媒体关系团队生产专业内容,提升内容质量和传播度,利用全方位的传统及社交媒体平台提升公司品牌 维护并拓展社交媒体关系,管理社交媒体数据库,跟进媒体合作的策划及实施 任职资格: 生物相关专业,本科及以上学历 具有3年以上生物医药领域新媒体运营经验,能独立完成新媒体日常运营,包括内容编辑、发布、维护、管理、互动等 善于发现热点和痛点,富有创造力,熟悉新媒体传播特点,对新媒体运营有较强的驾驭能力,对热点话题捕捉具备敏锐度 善于并热爱写作,能够撰写高质量原创文章 具备良好的英语读写译功底,以及逻辑分析和归纳能力...
- 成都天符人瑞教育咨询有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 月薪8,000 - 18,000元 第一外语:法语 (精通) 工作性质:全职 职位描述与任职要求 薪酬福利: 量才定薪:8-18K(根据面试的情况来谈薪资) 丰厚的奖金(每半年发放一次奖金) 团建Team building(2个月一次) 每年一次海外旅游(东南亚等) 免费水果和零食+每月生日会餐贴和车贴(入职第三个月开始200元每月车贴,入职第7个月起300元每月餐贴) 免费晚餐(每天晚上18点到18点30分左右提供) 缴纳五险一金补充商业保险(公立医院社保部分100%负担,私立医院社保部分70%负担) 12天带薪病假+10天带薪年假(每在公司多做一年多增加一天年假,最高不超过15天) 节日红包或是礼物 职责描述: 1. 根据公司业务发展需求,负责公司内部的语言翻译及优化工作; 2. 负责翻译文件的质量审核,保证翻译的及时性和准确性; 3. 具备良好的业务逻辑性,有自我提升和学习的能力,会归纳和整理相关翻译内容; 4. 积极履行自己的工作职责以及完成公司和上级领导交付的其他相关工作。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,具备对应语种学习经历及相关语言证书,持有笔译证书者优先; 2...
- 马瑞利集团车灯系统 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Responsibilities ? Provide effective Purchasing support for the acquisition and development of the new projects ? Target cost evaluation and definition of sourcing strategy with Magneti Marelli Commodity team ? Propose potential cost improvements idea ? Secure achievement of the project KPI defined in RQA phase ? Negotiation of prices, terms and conditions with suppliers for mechanical parts ? Supplier selections and contractual nomination ? Follow-up defined mechanical content until SOP ? Drive...
- 香港瑞时信制品有限公司东莞代表处 Dongguan
东莞市 月薪4,500 - 6,000元 职位信息 The incumbent of this position is responsible for overall daily operations in administrative work and reception in Dongguan office. 在职者需负责东莞办公室的行政管理及接待方面的日常事务。 Main Job Duties and Responsibilities工作职责: Manage reception desk. 前台接待 Courier arrangement. 快递收发 General administration i.e. central filing, update staff leave record, handling the incoming calls, dispatching the incoming document/fax/parcels, organizing the outgoing document/parcels, posting the letter, manage th...
- 深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 responsible for (but not limited to): ? Building, managing and executing the detailed readiness plan for PMLS business line. ? Review progress - track, adjust, escalate ? Communicate progress and effectively managing through issues and escalations ? Engage with leadership to identify key capability gaps, and build/manage project teams to enable review, assessment, and sales readiness of those capabilities ? Drive ongoing optimization related to key readiness milestones, processes and handoff...
- 恒瑞集团-北京拓界生物医药科技有限公司 Beijing
北京市 昌平区 Job Responsibility: 1. Establish internal peptide drug discovery platform; 2. Responsible for the design, synthesis, purification and characterization of peptides to achieve optimized pharmacological, chemical and biophysical properties; 3. Integrate cutting-edge peptide chemistry and protein bio-conjugation technologies to the discovery of novel bio-therapeutics; 4. Identify and execute contract with appropriate CROs to support peptide drug discovery; 5. Effectively communicate project ...
- 瑞昱 Xinzhu
工作經驗: 3年 學歷要求: 大學 Job Description 1.Responsible for competitive landscape, market information, industrial and technology trend analysis. 2.Responsible for technology strategy development and management. 3.Responsible for brand customer project management. Requirement: 1.3 or more years of experiences in technology and business management . 2.Ability to analyze and interpret research data and market information for technology and business strategy formulation and development. 3.Experienced in the...
tw.indeed.comAugust 26,2019 - 乐瑞中国 Zhongshan
中山市 职位信息 Preparing and able to fully clarify the details of development requests. Develop and maintain supplier base in order to be able to select designated fabric and trimming suppliers to be developed. Collect viable samples and cost information. Provide and support new technology and new quality creation for Designer options. Execute fabric and trimming development and provide solutions where necessary to achieve both quality compliance and milestone catching, taking the responsibility for a...
- 辉瑞中国 Beijing
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 ROLE SUMMARY As part of the Data Monitoring and Management (DMM) group, an integral delivery unit within the Global Biometrics and Data Management (GBDM) organization, the Data Management Reporting Analyst (Associate) has responsibilities for the collection, documentation and programming of study and asset level data cleaning and monitoring report requirements. The Data Management and Reporting Analyst (Associate) will have responsibilities for the timely and high quality de...
- 昱乔设计装潢有限公司 Shanghai
高薪挖角,欢迎跳槽! 高薪挖角,欢迎跳槽! 高薪挖角,欢迎跳槽! Job Description 1. Assist the Project Team in preparing project documentation and drawings 2. Get bidding documents done with the help of Project Managers. 3. Assistant to Project Manager to coordinate with the resources/vender/subcontractor that are required for planning to projects. Qualifications 1. Bechelor degree in Interior Design, Architecture, Engineering or other related field 2. Minimum 2 years project managment experience in retail and boutique store d...
- 乐瑞婴童中国 Zhongshan
中山市 职位信息 Preparing and able to fully clarify the details of development requests. Develop and maintain supplier base in order to be able to select designated fabric and trimming suppliers to be developed. Collect viable samples and cost information. Provide and support new technology and new quality creation for Designer options. Execute fabric and trimming development and provide solutions where necessary to achieve both quality compliance and milestone catching, taking the responsibility for a...
- 谢瑞麟珠宝有限公司 Wuxi
无锡市 月薪6,000 - 8,000元 主要职责 : 执行公司营销策略,在严格控制折扣率的基础上带领组员完成/超越每月的营业目标,积极认真落实公司的各项推广活动以创造更理想的销售业绩 。 协助主管了解竞争对手之市场资料,包括市场走势,人流状况,同行竞争对手的营销策略及顾客需求等,并及时将市场数据提供给主管参考。 带领组员执行全面优质服务管理(TQS),确保所在营业小组各方面服务均达致优质水平,并督导各下属贯彻执行以提高优质服务的持续性及稳定性,力求建立满足顾客的优质服务。 协助主管制定分店货品组合及销售策略,严格执行及督导下属严格执行公司货品管理的各项工作流程及指引,定期向主管反映有关货品信息,确保分店有足够、合乎要求及标准的产品销售以满足营运之需要,从而提升公司的市场竞争力,并达至营业目标。 负责分店金库货品管理及***管理,并严格监管货品操作流程,确保帐货相符及货品安全。 指导并带领下属严格执行《分店营运手册》,督导组员的日常工作规范,如仪容仪表、工作纪律、货品陈列、后勤工作等。 协助主管建立开放的内部沟通渠道及推动分店的团队合作精神,加强组员间的合作与交流,以提升整体的工作效率...
- 德瑞兴咨询有限公司 Shenzhen
With the rising and challenging business in China, we’re looking for two Merchandisers to support our growth and our customer services. If you like to challenge yourself in a competitive trading business, welcome to take the chance to join us! As Merchandisers, you are the leader to manage all the supply chain related issues from customer side to factory side. As our window to the customers, you represent the culture of our company and the spirit of our service by your daily actions and communic...
- 陕西瑞骐机械有限公司 Xi'an
西安市 未央区 月薪4,000 - 6,000元 工作职责 Alibaba平台 /公司官网 负责店铺产品内容更新和维护,产品上传,产品资料编辑等 对平台的排名、流量点击进行详细系统的分析以及效果评估 负责平台推广运营,提高平台点击率和浏览量 收集店铺及产品各项指标数据,保证店铺正常运营。对国外市场需求进行分析、预测, 制定销售计划和指标,。 公司提供的职业支持: 1、谷歌平台核心技术培训; 2,阿里巴巴国际站核心技术培训 3,SNS 核心站技术培训 4、行业、产品知识培训; 5、互帮互助的团队氛围,让你的工作效率事半功倍; 基本要求: 1.熟悉跨境电商运营的工作流程 2.掌握html语言和前台js技术 3.具有良好的逻辑思维和沟通能力 4.能熟练使用Photo Shop,熟练使用Office等办公软件 岗位要求: 1.工作细心,且有较强的学习能力 2.熟悉谷歌等主流搜索引擎的使用,对搜索引擎的工作方式有一定的了解 大专学历及以上,电子商务 ,市场营销等相关专业优先 英语四级及以上或英文写作能力优秀 有1年以上平台相关工作经验优先 对跨境电商行业感兴趣 做事细心,有耐心,责任心强,有较强...
- 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
Private Banker 私人银行家-Client Advisor 外资私人银行(瑞士银行),专注于服务高净值,超高净值的个人客户。 Your role As a Client Advisor you need to have the desire to build your portfolio of clients using the resources and expertise of UBS's platforms, products and services and global networks. Motivation to succeed with a self-started can do attitude will be essential. Responsible for acquisition and successful maintenance of trust and long-term client relationships; Identify prospects within the relevant market and used in-de...
- 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai
Private Banker 私人银行家-Client Advisor 外资私人银行(瑞银证券),专注于服务高净值,超高净值的个人客户。 Your role As a Client Advisor you need to have the desire to build your portfolio of clients using the resources and expertise of UBS's platforms, products and services and global networks. Motivation to succeed with a self-started can do attitude will be essential. Responsible for acquisition and successful maintenance of trust and long-term client relationships; Identify prospects within the relevant market and used in-de...
- 考普瑞西元器件有限公司 Zhuhai
珠海市 金湾区 1 - JOB DESCRIPTION AND DUTIES · Report to Asia Sales Director. Implement the defined market strategy in China. Responsible of sales related activities for Copreci business in China. Maintain and enhance the Copreci worldwide reputation as a trusted adviser to our clients by fostering the Copreci values in China. Establish and maintain good relationships with assigned customers. Assist customers in cooperation with headquarter sales teams, technical team and plants. Promote sales through...
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