Results 1 - 20 of 8156
  • 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Shanghai

    Your tasks Overseeing administrative activities across the business as contact person between management and wider team Provide front desk service and attend to our reception telephone Handle correspondence on international level and prepare internal announcements in coordination with the requesting department International travel coordination, flight and hotel bookings, cost tracking and management of frequent accounts Overseeing office and facilities management - stationery ordering, office su...

  • 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu

    招聘要求: 1.大专以上学历,在校生; 2.工科类专业(车辆类、机械类、材料类等); 3.勤奋好学; 职能类别: 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师) 关键字: 口模、机械 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson became a subsidiary of TOTAL Group. Being the world's fifth largest oil and natural gas company, Total Group involved in business activities of petroleum and chem...

  • 艾尔维汽车工程技术有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 嘉定区 Your tasks For various automotive manufacturers and suppliers, you are a development engineer (m / f) in the development of Infotainment systems with a focus on a certain function group implementation. The following interesting and varied tasks are the focus with your new role: Technical interface to the customer, including coordination between project management and testing Lead OEM function development process and ensure the milestone deliverables completed on time with quality Review ...

  • 迪桢瑟汽车配件科技有限公司 Shanghai

    工作职责: 1、负责系统设计和测试工作的管理,客户项目的管理沟通与协调工作; 2、负责牵头领导客户技术评审TR工作的准备,仿真分析,报告整理和技术演示与讲解; 3、定期拜访客户,进行深入的技术交流和售后问题的解决与支持; 4、验证并管理所有CAD,FEA技术部门的技术相关文件,图纸,数模等工作; 5、管理数据的内部培训资料制作,包括模型、耐久、RLDA.FEA等 6、校验有限元网格模型,及时跟踪和更改设计变更数据,跟踪EWO进行状态 7、定期拜访客户,解决客户的问题 8、为获取新项目收集项目信息 任职资格: 1、年龄:28岁至40岁; 2、学历/专业:全日制大学本科及以上学历;专业或相关专业; 3、 工作经验:具有汽车零部件相关行业工作经验;具有5年以上排气系统工作经验; 4、具有良好的综合素质,具有优秀的沟通能力,具有优秀的人际交往能力;团队凝聚力、较强的抗压能力; 5、要求具备基本的英语听说读写能力,能用英文,中文或者韩语进行技术问题讨论和交流,以及演示报告的讲解 其他要求: 办公软件:熟练应用Microsoft office软件,熟料UG,CATIA等设计软件,熟悉CAE分析软件...

  • 哈金森汽车橡胶制品有限公司 Chengdu

    成都市 经济技术开发区 实习生 月薪2,200 - 3,200元 岗位职责 1、员工入职、离职、考勤统计、结算,报销单审核等; 2、组织策划公司员工的各类活动; 3、负责办理各种证照,公司内刊的编制; 4、员工信息的维护与更新; 5、招聘录用各环节的相关工作; 6、HR相关的其他事宜。 任职资格 1、大三在校或研二在校,有较强意愿从事HR工作者,专业不限; 2、熟练使用办公自动化软件; 3、大学英语四级以上,读写良好; 4、认真负责,诚信,能承受一定的工作压力。 职能类别:实习生 关键字:人事行政实习 微信 联系方式 上班地址:武汉经济技术开发区沌阳大道五号工业区 公司信息 Hutchinson was founded in 1853. Back to 1853, An American engineer named Hiram Hutchinson established the Hutchinson Company in France, and now Hutchinson has a long history of 160 years. In 1974, Hutchinson b...

  • 迪桢瑟汽车配件科技有限公司 Shanghai

    工作职责: 1、负责系统设计和测试工作的管理,客户项目的管理沟通与协调工作; 2、负责牵头领导客户技术评审TR工作的准备,仿真分析,报告整理和技术演示与讲解; 3、定期拜访客户,进行深入的技术交流和售后问题的解决与支持; 4、验证并管理所有CAD,FEA技术部门的技术相关文件,图纸,数模等工作; 5、管理数据的内部培训资料制作,包括模型、耐久、RLDA.FEA等 6、校验有限元网格模型,及时跟踪和更改设计变更数据,跟踪EWO进行状态 7、定期拜访客户,解决客户的问题 8、为获取新项目收集项目信息 任职资格: 1、年龄:28岁至40岁; 2、学历/专业:全日制大学本科及以上学历;专业或相关专业; 3、 工作经验:具有汽车零部件相关行业工作经验;具有5年以上排气系统工作经验; 4、具有良好的综合素质,具有优秀的沟通能力,具有优秀的人际交往能力;团队凝聚力、较强的抗压能力; 5、要求具备基本的英语听说读写能力,能用英文,中文或者韩语进行技术问题讨论和交流,以及演示报告的讲解 其他要求: 办公软件:熟练应用Microsoft office软件,熟料UG,CATIA等设计软件,熟悉CAE分析软件...

  • 古驰贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Role mission The mission of this role is to manage all digital activities for within the region to reach full potential in each category, communicating a consistent brand and product story to our customers. He/she will be part of regional eCommerce team, reporting directly to the regional eCommerce Director and with a dotted line to the General Merchandising Manager. At the regional level, he/she will also be the point person for the Product Content, Consumer Relationship Management an...

  • 用友汽车信息科技股份有限公司 Shanghai

    : 1. 数据库模型(概念、逻辑、物理)设计; 2. 数据库模型设计; 3. 数据库运行监控; 4. 数据库优化 5. 数据ETL,数据抽取 任职要求: 1.计算机或相关专业本科以上学历 2.有软件行业技术性工作经验,有实际需求分析工作经验有实施经验的优先考虑;; 3.要求在需求分析(工具、技术和方法论)以及某些特定的业务领域,有深刻认识和理解,要求有丰富的实践经验; 4.能收熟练使用Power Designer进行模型设计 5.熟练使用Kettle等开源ETL工具 6.精通MySQL、Oracle、DB2等数据库的设计、开发 7.熟悉各类操作系统(Windows/Linux/AIX/Soloaris) 8.有Oracle OCP认证和IBM DB2认证通过者优先 9.良好的沟通能力及团队合作精神,责任心强 职能类别: 数据库工程师/管理员 关键字: ETL DBA 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市定西路1100号辽油大厦11楼...

  • 上海亚大汽车塑料制品有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 月薪8,000 - 10,000元 水泵设计(1人): 任职要求: 1.流体机械,热能与动力工程相关专业本科及以上学历; 2.有3年以上水泵设计经验,熟悉汽车水泵或者汽车电子水泵的开发设计过程、产品试验过程、生产线规划验证和批 量生产过程; 3.良好机械专业理论知识,能熟练使用至少一种二维.三维绘图软件,如UG或CATIA和办公软件 4.熟悉机电类产品设计规范和验收规范及各类水泵的设计标准,有新产品研发经验; 5. 熟悉FEA,CFD,能独立进行相关分析并对分析结果做出正确的评判并以此为指导进行设计改进 6.熟悉汽车行业TS16949质量管理体系 职责: 1.负责与客户方面的技术沟通和交流,掌握客户的需求; 2.按时完成产品概念设计、结构设计等相关工作 3.负责组织完成DFMEA、根据零件和系统的工作要求制定分析与试验验证计划; 4.负责组织 编制产品、零部件测量规范、外购件技术规范和样品控制计划等; 5. 支持工艺完成工艺规划和持续改进; 6. 分析、消化和评审客户技术规范,完成技术可行性评估报告和水泵设计参数的计算; 7. 协助建立和维护相关的程序文件及作业指导书;编写设计...

  • 卡斯马星乔瑞汽车系统有限公司 Hangzhou

    POSITION SUMMARY 工作概述 l 按项目要求负责新项目冲压件及其工装开发,保证达到量产要求及质量。 RESPONSIBILITIES 工作职责 l 负责新项目的前期报价及工艺可行性分析; l 负责新项目产品冲压工艺、模具及冲压参数评审和确定,负责相关技术协议的编订与图纸会签; l 负责新项目相关冲压件及模具开发和验收; l 负责在项目开发阶段对冲压件和模具供应商进行管理; l 负责新产品冲压线调试,相关工艺文件的编写; l 参与相关产品的质量问题分析与改进; l 组织参与质量改进,通过改进冲压工艺或提供冲压技术支持,进行降本增效等项目活动,实现产品目标的持续改进。 QUALIFICATIONS 任职要求 l 本科以上学历; l 5年以上冲压行业工作经验,具有较强的冲压方面专业知识,有热成型工艺设计或模具结构设计经验者优先; l 熟悉冲压件和模具开发流程,有编制复杂冲压件工艺方案,图纸审核和模具调试经验; l 大学本科学历,英语4级以上,口语、笔译熟练; l 精通办公室各种应用软件,熟练操作CAD、CATIA、UG等设计软件; l 精通AutoForm, Dynaform等...

  • 孚利模汽车饰件模具设备有限公司 Shanghai

    每两个月制定一次商务英语课程计划,按照课程主题上课。 工作日每天给公司员工上课,人数控制10人左右,时间:17:00-19:00,上课地点:上海市嘉定区马陆镇龙盘路568号1号厂房 岗位要求: 发音纯正地道,熟知商务英语。 能上英语口语和语法课程,有外企经验优先。 英语本科以上学历,听说读写流利,了解办公室英语的应用。 课时费:200元/小时 职能类别: 兼职教师 关键字: 英语老师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市嘉定区龙盘路568号1号厂房...

  • 爱梦骏会展有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Hello there! Is your head always bursting with grand ideas you are dying to execute and bring to life? Do you thrive in high-pressure situations? Most importantly, are you trying to find your place in the creative industry? If you’re feeling game for the challenge, we fellow mad cappers have been looking everywhere for you! Ambitious. Dynamic. Spontaneous. Curious. Is that how your friends would describe you? If so, keep reading because we have awesome opportunities waiting for you right...

  • 爱德威广告有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Job Description: 1,Manage all the marketing activities including digital marketing, promotional campaigns and brand building 2,Media planning and management: Media partners cooperation negotiation; Advertisement order placement, ads creation and monitoring; Develop media and industry contacts. 3,Develop new and creative marketing initiatives that attract new customers and support business objectives 4,Develop and maintain good relationship with media and agencies to enhance brand and pro...

  • 波兰爱尔普股份公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 What you will do: Source and develop new materials based on HQ requirements, Develop new supplier and sourcing base in Asia. Well communicate with suppliers and merchandising team for quality and pricing requirements. Develop regular presentation based on recent trends from Shanghai & Seoul. Proactive mind for creative sourcing new fashion ideas. Strong fashion sense and have the ability to interpret trends Who you are: 3-5 years experience in a similar position Experience in working...

  • 爱芙趣商贸有限公司 Shanghai

    Check that payments request are supported by appropriately approved receipts or invoices and process the qualified the payment request in the Peoplesoft Prepare the payment query weekly and filing the payment wire report after paycycle weekly Support supplier setup and modification process, and ensure timely and accurate master data maintenance Reconcile the VAT-input amount in the tax system and the amount in the Peoplesoft Good communication with Landlord/Vendor/Ho associates to solve all the ...

  • 爱梦骏会展有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 Hello there! Is your head always bursting with grand ideas you are dying to execute and bring to life? Do you thrive in high-pressure situations? Most importantly, are you trying to find your place in the creative industry? If you’re feeling game for the challenge, we fellow mad cappers have been looking everywhere for you! -?Ambitious. Dynamic. Spontaneous. Curious. Is that how your friends would describe you? If so, keep reading because we have awesome opportunities waiting for you rig...

  • 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing

    Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose The Audi Innovation Research office at Audi China was established to analyze trends with focus on the Chinese market, one of our most important markets. The main objective of this office is to prepare insights of upcoming trends and changes among the Chinese society, customers, market etc. The results work as basis to AUDI AG and different departments at Audi China to gain a comprehensive notion of the existing and future changes in Chinese society in ord...

  • 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing

    Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose Audi China was established in Beijing in 2009 as a fully owned subsidiary of AUDI AG. The company coordinates the business cooperation between AUDI AG and the Joint-Venture FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-Volkswagen. In addition, Audi China supports global activities of AUDI AG, especially in Asia. The department Audi China R&D Powertrain Development is responsible for development and localization of 4 cylinder inline gasoline engines for the local market chi...

  • 一汽-大众奥迪(Audi) Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Employment type: 实习生 Mission and Purpose 1. Support projects of C/EE-1 on different topics 2. Effective communication and coordination with C/EE, R&D Beijing and other department 3. Ensure fleet arrangement and coordination 4. Admin tasks Job Duties and Responsibilities 1. Projects support and coordination in C/EE-1 on different topics including documentation, data collection, presentation preparation and communication. 2. Communication with C/EE, R&D China and other departments ...

  • 爱森絮凝剂有限公司 Nanchang

    环境专业 有污水处理经验者优先 良好的英语口语 应届生亦可 职能类别: 其他 关键字: 污水 废水 环境 工程师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:泰兴市 经济开发区 滨江北路6号 公司信息 跨国性企业爱森(SNF)公司是水处理用丙烯酰胺类聚合物的专业生产厂家。 爱森(SNF)自1978年在法国创办以来,始终着眼于长远的目标。它立足在: 跨国性经营和为用户现场服务 培训员工和调动其积极性 致力于研究和开发新产品,使它既满足工业界的质量要求,又符合安全与环保标准 不断提高生产能力 经过三十年持续投资,爱森(SNF)如今已成为水处理絮凝剂领域的领先者,而且正向其它多种前景良好的市场进军。 过去三十年中爱森(SNF)的员工从20名增加到3000多名。作为就业提供者,爱森(SNF)的社会政策坚定地着眼于长远发展与年轻人。公司鼓励提高员工素质与职业前途观,重视培训,强调所有成员的个人义务与责任。 爱森(SNF)的业务活动基础是专业技术知识。 因此,在高素质,高专业化研究的政策指导下,内部培训被赋予极大重要性。公司鼓励各种类型的员工按培训教程接受培训,这对SNF的国际业务发展十分重要。 公司本着追求卓越的...

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