- Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
(保養維修、安裝、優化、測試驗收及年度測試) 持有效升降機/自動梯工程人員註冊證人士可申請技工職位 無相關經驗而持有中三學歷或以上程度者可申請助理技工職位...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
公司全數資助修讀職業訓練局的指定課程 中三程度或以上,無需工作經驗 四年制學徒計劃,理論與實踐並行 在培訓期間 調配往不同部門(保養、安裝、優化、調試)作全面實習 派遣到中山試驗塔實地訓練,表現優異者或可到日本作研修之旅 完成計劃後 獲取註冊升降機/自動梯工程人員認可專業資格 公司繼續資助修讀與工作相關的課程,如文憑、學位課程 提供完善晉升階梯,助你向專業路邁進 * 三菱學徒培訓計劃於每年三月份及九月份開始,於此月份前入職者將先聘請為助理技工,及後可申請轉職為學徒。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 14,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
管理培訓生計劃: 學習最新的金融管理和市場分析 提供全面的金融和財務建議及投資計劃 提供資產配置方案 入職要求: 大學學位或同等學歷 具備分析能力及良好溝通技巧 工作態度積極奮進,願意持續學習,富有團隊精神 可使用普通話、英語和粵語作為工作語言 福利待遇: 每月津貼及績效獎金 結構完善的全方位培訓課程,以及專業發展 良好的晉升階梯至管理層 由資深導師帶領培訓...
www.cpjobs.comMay 12,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: - Identify customer's financial needs and provide professional financial planning, analysis, advice and solution - Develop and manage a professional financial planning team - Provide team management Requirements: - University graduate or above - At least 1 year working experience - Excellent communications and interpersonal skills - Proactive, responsible and customer-oriented We offer excellent career prospects and attractive remuneration package and competitive bonus to t...
www.cpjobs.comMay 12,2020 - 港聯置業 Hong kong +
職責範圍: 協助統籌及營運中國業務及項目相關工作; 協助開拓發展商渠道及處理相關文件; 協助聘請、培訓及管理國內銷售團隊; 協助培訓香港銷售團隊 協助管理國內公司日常賬目、及與發展商來往賬目。 帶領香港客戶考察樓盤、協助辦理認購手續、銀行按揭及日後收樓安排; 協助處理及統籌香港總公司對中國內地一切的行政事務與專案發展事務; 需要長期遊走於中港兩地不同城市工作,並需要十分熟識國家房產政策、銀行按揭流程及經濟文化。 任職要求: 須持有大學本科學位或以上學歷,以市場學或工商管理學位持有人優先考慮; 具備最少五年於中國內地管理物業代理公司相關經驗; 具備分析中國經濟數據、政策分析的專業知識及能力; 於中國內地擁有良好人際及房地產發展商關係; 熟識國內房地產政策、買賣流程、銀行按揭程序; 具良好普通話、粵語 及 中文寫作能力。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 12,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
The Management Trainee position is full time and involves responsibilities in: Sales & marketing Management training Sales and marketing presentations Face to face sales and marketing of new services for our clients Sales / marketing / customer service techniques Team building and mentoring Benefits & Culture Fun and team building environment Travel Opportunities Leadership workshops & development Financial management, business management, time management Recognition for top pe...
www.cpjobs.comMay 11,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Manage the financial needs of a diverse range of customers Explore business opportunities and strengthen customer relationships Develop market with potential customers Involve in job training program in different aspects Requirements: University degree holder Self-motivated, detail-minded and strong sense of responsibility Able to work independently Be a good team player...
www.cpjobs.comMay 11,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Provide a wide range of financial products and solutions different customer segments Explore business opportunities and strengthen customer relationships Involve in job training program Requirements: University or above Excellent interpersonal and presentation skills Proactive and able to work independently Good spoken in Cantonese and Mandarin...
www.cpjobs.comMay 8,2020 - 美聯物業 Hong kong
中五/持同等程度或以上,經驗不拘 主動進取、勇於接受挑戰 薪佣豐厚、完善福利配套...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
公司全數資助修讀職業訓練局的指定課程 中三程度或以上,無需工作經驗 四年制學徒計劃,理論與實踐並行 在培訓期間 調配往不同部門(保養、安裝、優化、調試)作全面實習 派遣到中山試驗塔實地訓練,表現優異者或可到日本作研修之旅 完成計劃後 獲取註冊升降機/自動梯工程人員認可專業資格 公司繼續資助修讀與工作相關的課程,如文憑、學位課程 提供完善晉升階梯,助你向專業路邁進 * 三菱學徒培訓計劃於每年三月份及九月份開始,於此月份前入職者將先聘請為助理技工,及後可申請轉職為學徒。...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Company Limited 三菱電梯香港有限公司 Hong kong
(保養維修、安裝、優化、測試驗收及年度測試) 持有效升降機/自動梯工程人員註冊證人士可申請技工職位 無相關經驗而持有中三學歷或以上程度者可申請助理技工職位...
www.cpjobs.comMay 7,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
管理培訓生計劃: 學習最新的金融管理和市場分析 提供全面的金融和財務建議及投資計劃 提供資產配置方案 入職要求: 大學學位或同等學歷 具備分析能力及良好溝通技巧 工作態度積極奮進,願意持續學習,富有團隊精神 可使用普通話、英語和粵語作為工作語言 福利待遇: 每月津貼及績效獎金 結構完善的全方位培訓課程,以及專業發展 良好的晉升階梯至管理層 由資深導師帶領培訓...
www.cpjobs.comMay 5,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Manage the financial needs of a diverse range of customers Explore business opportunities and strengthen customer relationships Develop market with potential customers Involve in job training program in different aspects Requirements: University degree holder Self-motivated, detail-minded and strong sense of responsibility Able to work independently Be a good team player...
www.cpjobs.comMay 4,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
The Management Trainee position is full time and involves responsibilities in: Sales & marketing Management training Sales and marketing presentations Face to face sales and marketing of new services for our clients Sales / marketing / customer service techniques Team building and mentoring Benefits & Culture Fun and team building environment Travel Opportunities Leadership workshops & development Financial management, business management, time management Recognition for top pe...
www.cpjobs.comMay 3,2020 - ATION SECURITY COMPANY LIMITED 機場保安有限公司 Chek lap kok
Duties Coordinate with other finance teams for financial reporting and management reporting; Prepare monthly management reports such as Division profit and loss report, profit and loss by contract analysis and any other ad hoc reports; Prepare variance analysis, reconciliation, reports and schedules on a timely basis; Compliance with statutory, regulatory and shareholder reporting requirements; Supervise a team to carry out accounts payable, fixed asset management, general ledger, etc.; To assis...
www.cpjobs.comMay 3,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: Provide a wide range of financial products and solutions different customer segments Explore business opportunities and strengthen customer relationships Involve in job training program Requirements: University or above Excellent interpersonal and presentation skills Proactive and able to work independently Good spoken in Cantonese and Mandarin...
www.cpjobs.comMay 1,2020 - Midland Realty (Tseung Kwan O) 美聯物業( 將軍澳 ) Tseung kwan o
美聯物業 聯交所 1200 聯絡方式請電: 9124 6584 林生 現招聘下列職位 營業部 :全職 或 兼職 底薪高達10000加獎金 見習地產代理 / 營業員 / 高級營業員 / 客戶經理 / 高級客戶經理 / 組別經理 / 分行經理 工作地點 : 九龍區全線 / 將軍澳 / 坑口 / 寶琳 / 調景嶺 / 日出康城 / 所有發展商項目 待遇 : 薪金面議 月薪 +佣金+獎金 +額外現金奬金 銀行自動轉帳出糧 福利 : 有薪年假 醫療津貼 交通津貼 強積金 保險 職業培訓 完善晉升職位架構層 中五/持同等程度或以上 經驗不拘 持有效物業代理牌照優先 ---------------------------------- 成功之路規劃晉升機制 董事局 �億元富豪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 營業董事 �千萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 區域經理 �穩袋幾球 ^^^^^^^⬆ 分行經理 �佰萬年薪 ^^^^^^^⬆ 各級營業職位�月薪數萬 ^^^^^^^⬆ 見習地產代理�萬元起步 ��只要有戰績 ��必定有升績 立志由小人物 變做時代巨人 的勵志行業故事 每年正在不斷從演 歡迎任何人仕 N無青年 /...
www.cpjobs.comApril 30,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
Responsibilities: - Identify customer's financial needs and provide professional financial planning, analysis, advice and solution - Develop and manage a professional financial planning team - Provide team management Requirements: - University graduate or above - At least 1 year working experience - Excellent communications and interpersonal skills - Proactive, responsible and customer-oriented We offer excellent career prospects and attractive remuneration package and competitive bonus to t...
www.cpjobs.comApril 27,2020 - ATION SECURITY COMPANY LIMITED 機場保安有限公司 Chek lap kok
Job Responsibilities:- (a) Manage file indexing and handle documentation works; (b) Oversee the management of inventory and asset items; (c) Oversee dispatch / cleaning services; (d) Oversee the operations of company souvenir shop, laundries andMess Canteen; (e) Coordinate with other internal divisions and provide administration support to the divisions; (f) Handle rental agreements; (g) Co-ordinate and prepare annual inspection for security company license; (h) Ad-hoc tasks as assigned from tim...
www.cpjobs.comApril 27,2020 - 滙點顧問公司 Hong kong
The Management Trainee position is full time and involves responsibilities in: Sales & marketing Management training Sales and marketing presentations Face to face sales and marketing of new services for our clients Sales / marketing / customer service techniques Team building and mentoring Benefits & Culture Fun and team building environment Travel Opportunities Leadership workshops & development Financial management, business management, time management Recognition for top pe...
www.cpjobs.comApril 26,2020
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