- 日立意必锐科技有限责任公司 成都市 高新区
成都市 高新区 Responsibilities: Develop highly innovative and intuitive web & mobile applications for financial services industry Participate in delivery lifecycle – analyze, design, build, deploy, test, release & support Collaboration with headquarters team on task delivering Produce technical design and responsible for key / complex development tasks Ensure all codes produced are fit for purpose and meet the expected quality Undertake critical tasks required by project execution as necessary...
- 新思科技Synopsys 查看所有职位 上海市 长宁区
Job Title: Dir. Human Resource Location: Shanghai Job description Know local talent market and understand biz needs and overall China biz strategy and partner with local executive to have a blend of view of local HR’s vision, strategy and operations. Key focus areas include but are not limited to talent acquisition strategy and employee’s retention, engagement, development, compensation strategy; coaching leaders and managers on organizational challenges, identifying and recommending responses t...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer servi...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 6,000 in just 12 years. The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, a pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, is rapidly expanding. It is looking for ambitious, talented academics with a passion for teaching as well as research flai...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
宁波市 Job Outline: The role is to provide first-line and second-line IT Support to staff and students reported via email, phone, walk-in and self-service system, to collaborate with team to provide consultation and support in the utilization of Computer systems involving desktop and server based, electronic resources and associated facilities, to provide information skills training to staff and students of the University. Qualifications Essential Bachelor’s degree; Working experience in customer s...
- 宁波诺丁汉大学 查看所有职位 宁波市
Position : Research Funding Executive, Faculty Office of Business Reference: 180782 Closing Date: 18 September 2019 Contract Status: Full-time Vacancy: 1 Salary & Benefits: RMB 144, 679 to RMB 205,433 per annum before all deductions, depending on qualifications and experience Working Location: Ningbo Job Outline This role provides support for activities to develop research funding sources for the Faculty of Business and the Nottingham China Health Institute (NCHI). It is part of the Research...
- 北京拓普利达科技有限责任公司 北京市 石景山区
Job Responsibilities: 1、Responsibility for online marketing and maintenance on company brand and products on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, overseas forum, blog, etc. including but not limited to making posts, scheduling posts, launching activities, marketing, so as to increase the CTR, fans and interaction and the popularity. 2、Assist colleagues to optimize company website, improve website contents and copywritings Compose articles to promote the activities and products on the company w...
- 铭普思建筑工程咨询有限公司 桂平市
桂平市 Responsibilities and tasks: 1.In charge of the civil work and the steel structure construction work on site. Supervise and control construction cost, quality, schedule and safety. 2. Review contractor work plans and on site construction activities to ensure all work complies with specification and required quality standards. 3. Participate in the design and purchasing phases. Assistant in the government related documents application. 4.Communicate effectively with the client, contractors and...
- 铭普思建筑工程咨询有限公司 桂平市
Responsibilities and tasks: 1.In charge of the civil work and the steel structure construction work on site. Supervise and control construction cost, quality, schedule and safety. 2. Review contractor work plans and on site construction activities to ensure all work complies with specification and required quality standards. 3. Participate in the design and purchasing phases. Assistant in the government related documents application. 4.Communicate effectively with the client, contractors and all...
- 大连智信宇盛教育咨询有限责任公司 China
中国 月薪8,000 - 11,000元 国际豪华邮轮针对应届毕业生(毕业2年内均可)或在校大学生直招乘务员,投递简历前请仔细阅读以下内容! 工作地点:国际豪华邮轮 国际豪华邮轮乘务定义: 豪华邮轮(cruise ship),也称豪华旅游船,是指环球海上航行或在地中海、加勒比海等特定地区航行的,以在船上娱乐和停靠地观光游览为目的的船舶总称。豪华游轮内部设有供乘客生活使用的一切设施,能够满足舒适的奢华生活水平要求,并且一般内设各式各样的娱乐设施。什么是国际邮轮乘务?很好解释。国际邮轮相当于酒店、那么国际邮轮乘务就是酒店里的服务员。海乘的称呼是相对于空乘的一种名称叫法、实际工作性质与空乘有着本质上上的区别,首先、海乘服务的环境、实际上是一个五星级的酒店的环境、邮轮活动和工作空间较大、每一艘豪华邮轮员工可以达到几百到上千人、客人从几百到几千人不等。其次、海乘的服务层次、随着更多的邮轮公司看好国内的市场、相继开拓了国内的航线、邮轮更为大家熟悉、更多的有钱人、旅游出行都会选择邮轮这个古老又新鲜的旅游方式、所以就缺少不了为他们服务的人员。而海乘们提供的服务是国际水平的、相当于国际的超五星级别的酒店...
- 宁波鄞州赫德实验学校 查看所有职位 宁波市 鄞州区
宁波市 鄞州区 岗位职责: 1.至少3年及以上初高中全职教学经验 At least 3 years or above full-time teaching experience in Junior/Senior high school 2.本科或以上学历,与所应聘科目对应或相关的专业背景 Bachelor’s degree or above with major in Chinese, Maths, Science, Humanities or related subject area; 3.持有初、高中教师资格证,热爱教师工作,熟悉中学课程设置,(语文教师须持普通话二甲及以上证书) Junior/Senior high school teaching certificate 4.重视学生素质和学习能力的培养,擅长与学生沟通交流,能因材施教 Care for students, pay attention to students’ character and learning needs, good communication with students, and cater for ...
- 臺北市政府環境保護局 台北市 信義區
公務電話 02-27208889#1773 官職等 職系 無 人員區分 約僱人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 1.大專以上畢業。 2.具工作熱忱及一般電腦WORD、EXCEL、POWERPOINT文書軟體操作技能。 3.需提供曾參與過臉書相關工作成果書面說明。 4.具有1年以上臉書經營管理經驗者尤佳。 工作項目 1.負責本局臉書內容規劃、設計與宣傳。 2.配合本局政策、施政措施、活動、記者會,處理臉書與媒體行銷。 3.新聞輿情蒐集。 4.其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 信義區 工作地址 11008臺北市信義區市府路1號6樓東北區 聯絡方式 須具公務人任用資格: 否 證照 福利 是否須輪值 否 特殊條件註記 歡迎身心障礙 歡迎原住民族 備註欄 公家機關人員...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 哈尔滨新东方学校 查看所有职位 哈尔滨市 南岗区
Harbin New Oriental School needs two foreign English teachers for children (4-9 years old) Required Qualifications: The candidate must come from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada,New Zealand or other countries where English is the native language. Benefits: The salary may go up to 25,000 Yuan per month after tax.(about 100 hours per month for teaching) You have 2 days off per week. The New Oriental School can provide you a work visa and the insurance. The holidays, air tickets, rental subsidy ca...
- 臺北市政府捷運工程局 台北市 中山區
公務電話 02-25215550#8583 官職等 職系 一般行政 人員區分 一般人員 名額 1 性別 不拘 機關類型 行政機關 資格條件 (一)領有身心障礙手冊,國內外專科以上學校畢業。 (二)公務人員普通考試或相當等級以上考試及格,並經銓敘審定委任第三職等以上合格實授具一般行政職系任用資格者,且無特考特用限制轉調情事。 (三)無公務人員任用法第26、28條不得任用及公務人員陞遷法第12條各款不得陞任情事,且未受懲戒處分、品性端正者。 (四)具備Word、Excel、Internet等電腦操作及文書處理能力。 工作項目 (一)交通費及加班費業務。 (二)綠色採購及優先採購身障產品申報彙整。 (三)新聞輿情作業及出版品彙編(具影片編輯技能者尤佳)。 (四)其他臨時交辦事項。 工作地點 臺北市 中山區 工作地址 10448臺北市中山北路二段48巷7號 聯絡方式 意者請檢具:公務人員履歷表(含相片、學經歷、考試資格、語文專長、經歷及現職、500字自傳)、身心障礙手冊影本、考試及格證書、最高學歷證件、現職或最後在職派令及銓敘部審定函、最近5年考績通知書及獎懲資料(未達5年者檢附歷年考績通知書...
tw.indeed.comSeptember 16,2019 - 上海化学工业区升达废料处理有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 月薪15,000 - 25,000元 TheCommunication & Marketing Manager is responsible for improvement oncommunication with internal& external stakeholders and enhance thecompany’s positioning in the open market.沟通&市场部经理负责改进公司内部及外部利益相关方的沟通,同时加强公司在开放市场格局下的精准定位。 岗位职责: 一、People manegerment人事管理 Be responsible for Communication & Marketingdepartment setting up and management, motivate the team and develop theirskills.负责沟通&市场部的团队建设与管理, 激励团队并开发其才能 ; 二、Communication沟通 1、Optimize resources andgua...
- 上海格派新能源技术集团有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 岗位职责: 1. 根据企业的战略目标和经营计划制定企业的融资方案; 2. 参与公司所有并购项目融资和存量金融机构对接及增量金融机构开发; 3. 维护和开拓企业的融资渠道,建立多元化的企业融资渠道; 4. 制定和建立企业的融资制度和融资流程; 5. 组织部门员工执行企业融资方案,负责融资项目商谈,并对融资项目进行监督和控制; 6. 做好并购及重组项目、不良资产项目等相关投融资相关管理工作; 7. 负责基金业务合作方案的风险评估和分析,及风险管理设计、基金交易结构和实施计划的安排; 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,工商管理、投资、金融、财务、法律及经济专业,专业金融院校硕士学历优先考虑; 2. 具备10年以上国内银行分行、支行相关高层管理岗,或集团公司融资总监岗工作经验; 3. 熟悉国内资本市场的政策法规; 4. 有广泛的融资渠道(包括但不限于银行、信托、券商、股权投资等),同时熟悉国外融资优先考虑; 5. 有较强的数据分析能力、熟悉财务模型、财务报表及企业估值方法 ; 6. 具备良好的商务谈判技能及团队管理能力,善于抓住机会并规避融资风险; 7. 英语听说读写优秀者优先考虑。 ...
- 深圳市晨和智能有限公司 深圳市 南山区
(International Friends) 1>Sales with project experiences ; 2>over 3 years sales experience in outdoor lighting; 3>over 3 years sales experience in big projects; 4>Being familiar with the humanities in overseas markets. Those who has local work or life experience is preferred; 5>Sales area: Africa, Middle East, CIS, North America, South America, Australia; 6>Product quality: German quality, German design; 7>Nationality is not limited; Qualifications & Requirements: Russia...
- 深圳市昆仲科技有限公司 深圳市 南山区
一句话录音,成人:120元/人,小朋友(6-12岁):160元/人 人数需求: 美国人 100 大人,200 小朋友 日本人 100大人,200 小朋友 必须前往深圳指定录音室,工作日或者周末,都可前往 截止日期:8月20日 Two words recording, adult: 120 CNY / person, children (6-12 years): 160 CNY / person Resource demand: American 100 adults + 200 children Japanese 100 adults + 200 children Must go to shenzhen designated recording studio, weekdays or weekends, all to Deadline: 20 August. 一言の録音項目 成人:120RMB/人 子供(6-12歳):160RMB/人 応募人数: 米国人:100人(大人)、200人(子供) 日本人:100人(大人)、200人(子供) 深センの指定録音室で録音、出勤日や週末も可 応募受付...
- 东莞市珂伟贸易有限公司 东莞市 南城区
东莞市 南城区 职位信息 YOUR WORK WITH US 您的工作 Your main area of responsibility will be the buildup of our China photographic studio and creation of product pictures under close guidance from our main photo studio in Berlin. 您的主要职责将是在柏林主要摄影部门的指导下,建立中国的摄影工作室并完成产品图片的创作。 In detail, this means: 具体表现如下: ? Creation of lighting scenarios for different product groups 为不同的产品创建拍摄场景 ? Taking product pictures 拍摄产品照片 ? Continuous development of existing templates for image processing 对现有的设计模板进行优化和改进 ? Close cooperation...
- 东莞市珂伟贸易有限公司 东莞市 南城区
东莞市 南城区 职位信息 Product video photographer (Freelancer) 产品视频摄影师 (自由职业者) YOUR WORK WITH US 您的工作 Your main area of responsibility will be to buildup of our China photographic studio and creation of product videos under close guidance from our main photo studio in Berlin. 您的主要职责将是在柏林主要摄影部门的指导下,帮助建立中国的摄影工作室并完成产品视频创作。 In detail, this means: 具体表现如下: ? Improvement of our new photographic studio in China 改进新建的产品摄影室 ? Buildup and development of the whole working process 建立和完善整套工作流程 ? Creation of lighting sc...
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