- 西门子电力自动化有限公司 Nanjing
南京市 提醒: 请务必通过西门子专属申请链接(如下)申请该职位,您需要登录西门子专属招聘系统后方可提交申请,未注册用户需先注册。 https://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=799866be95e173ad7cf8434fceb33359 Responsibilities / Duties At least 3 years in technical position related to responsible products (Power Automation and Protection). Product promotion, and provide technical support to Region BD and front Sales, Create technical proposal for offer; Take the overall responsibility of bid including technical and commercial bid, implement pricing strategy. Drive for ...
- 罗克韦尔自动化制造有限公司 Shanghai
Position Summary Lead JQD and HRB factory based project managers and relevant business metrics; Be responsible for successful project implementation starting with marketing support on proposal generation through startup/final customer acceptance, manage;Manager interface with country based ETO project managers; Supervise JQD and HRB factory based project managers during the Initiate, Plan, Execute & Control and Close phases on Power Control Business projects. Key Responsibilities 1. Responsi...
- 上海电气泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Shanghai
KEY JOB FUNCTIONS ? Ensure all correspondence to & from Customer is properly and formally archived, and follow-up is given in specified number of days (work with Project Engineers). ? Track formal Contractual Document Deliverables being sent to the Customer. ? Translate English-Chinese and Chinese-English documentation when necessary. ? Provide oral translation in Customer meetings. ? Issue MoM of Weekly Project Meetings (chaired by PM/Senior PM) ? Audit action follow-up, where assigned ? Pr...
- 厦门市派对屋电子有限公司 Xiamen
厦门市 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 职位信息 1.主导推行企业ERP管理; 2.建立库存管理及成本核算体系,规范产品的报价流程; 3.全面负责公司的财务核算、财务管理、资金管理等工作; 4. 推动公司的预算管理,组织编制年度、月度经营预算; 5.对公司重大投资和经营活动进行风险评估及跟踪; 6.负责公司财务内控稽核、消除制度漏洞; 7.协调处理银行、税务等政府部门往来事务; 岗位要求: 1.熟悉金蝶K3 Cloud系统及二次开发; 2.本科以上学历,财务、会计、经济学优先; 3.10年以上工作经验,其中5年以为中型以上制造业工作经验; 4. 具有扎实的专业基础、熟悉法规、遵守职业道德的准则、政策领悟力高。 职能类别:财务总监 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:厦门市同安区工业集中区106号 地图 公司信息 厦门市派对屋电子有限公司于2005年创立于美丽的滨海城市厦门,办公及生产面积达16000多平米,是集研发、生产、销售于一体的自主品牌娱乐音响系统制造商。旗下产品主要包括派对屋( PARTYHOUSE )品牌专业KTV音箱、功放、话筒、专业舞台音响、功放等。现业务已涵盖KTV娱乐...
- 西门子电力自动化有限公司 Chengdu
提醒: 请务必通过西门子专属申请链接(如下)申请该职位,您需要登录西门子专属招聘系统后方可提交申请,未注册用户需先注册。 https://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=e8e71322ec167d3ab65d3534d9338597 Looking for a challenge? We want you as a sales representative for our digital grid business. Our Sales Representatives are the eyes and ears of our customers. They do not wait, but take the initiative. They transform “That sounds interesting!” into actual contracts, paving the way for new avenues of business. Join our team and we will give you the latest knowledge a...
- 南京埃斯顿自动化股份有限公司 Nanjing
该职位没有提供职位描述! 职能类别:信息技术专员 微信 公司信息 埃斯顿自动化创建于1993年,现坐落于南京市江宁经济开发区,毗邻将军山、翠屏山等景区,风景秀丽。临近南京南站、机场高速,办公地点附近直通地铁,交通便利。 受益于国家改革开放的发展机遇以及创业团队历经20多年的努力奋斗,目前埃斯顿不仅成为国内高端智能装备核心控制功能部件领军企业之一,而且已在自身核心零部件优势基础上强势进入工业机器人产业,华丽转身为具有自主技术和核心零部件的国产机器人主力军企业。 2015年3月20日,埃斯顿自动化在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市(股票简称:埃斯顿 股票代码:002747),成为中国拥有完全自主核心技术的国产机器人主流上市公司之一。 一个更美好的世界,值得我们全力以赴!...
- 恒天然商贸有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 Key responsibilities: 1.Prepare for various reports such as daily, weekly and monthly reports related to sales support (data collected and consolidated by internal &external); 2.Design Monthly report by channel performance, team/individual sales performance, product mix performance and ROI for various activities; 3.Yearly target split by channel by product (sales/expense/distribution…) and tracking the results; 4.Be responsible for verification process management, control claim pacin...
- 深圳市法本信息技术有限公司 China
学历硬性要求:统招!专科!学信网可查!16年之前毕业。 【字节跳动-外包岗位】 岗位职责: 1.负责游戏中角色和角色相关的美术设定; 2.负责游戏宣传画,海报相关资源的绘制。 任职要求: 1.3年以上游戏相关项目经验; 2.熟练使用Photoshop或Painter等相关绘图软件; 3.热爱游戏,关注游戏,结合本岗位工作配合产品改进产品美术; 4.工作态度踏实积极负责, 对3D制作有一定的认识,具有良好的沟通能力; 5.能够根据策划的需求独立完成游戏中的设定需求; 6.具有一定的角色特效概念设计能力; 7.对机械/***设计有着一定经验; 8.美术基础扎实,色彩运用能力优秀,关注目前流行趋势。 职能类别: 原画师 关键字: 手游 游戏角色 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:金科路2966号...
- 比勒自动化技术有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 松江区 Responsibilities 1- Technical and commercial sales 2- Responsible for the sales in a specific territory in China, export business among BST eltromat group ,management and supporting of one agent. 3- Achieve the business targets by understanding the customer’s requirement, driving process and creating our unique valuable solutions 4- Drive projects, start from finding, developing until closing the projects. 5- Update market and customer requirements/trends for related product developments...
- 贝加莱工业自动化有限公司 Shanghai
Responsibilities: Managing products throughout the lifecycle; Optimal positioning and presentation of IIoT products and solutions on the market; Defining and reviewing new product requirements; Preparing new digital solution launch programs in the Chinese market; Conducting sales training on new products; Active support and close exchange with our sales team during customer appointments and events; Processing market requirements for current and future technologies based on market analysis and cu...
- 大众汽车自动变速器有限公司 Tianjin
天津市 Your Responsibilities Analyse field complaints and pre series complaints, plan and prepare related tests Documenting the test results and Reporting Analysis tooling/equipment purchasing Case follow up and action effectiveness tracking Optimization of analysis process Test result documentation and reporting Our Requirements Bachelor degree or higher in mechanical engineering or equivalent field Fluent in German or English Strong technical problem handling and solving skills Very good communic...
- 锦江麦德龙现购自运有限公司 Shanghai
岗位职责: 1. Be responsible for the general operation and commercial campaigns of METRO online flagship store and mini program 2. Close communication with CFT functions to maximize the resources for the platform in charge of. 3. Coordinate with stores and support daily operation 4. Responsible for the Assortment maintenance, the Merchandising of the METRO Flagship store and mini-program 5. Initiate and implement the commercial campaigns 6. Analysis on the Commercial campaign effect 7.Support other d...
- 艾默生自动化流体控制有限公司 Shanghai
遵守公司安全要求,按规定佩戴安全防护用品和安全操作设备; 遵守公司各类制度和车间纪律,积极主动配合领班和主管的安排; 按计划保质保量完成产品加工任务; 岗位工具和工装的日常检查和管理;设备的日常点检和保养; 遇到设备故障、安全问题和质量问题及时向上汇报; 完成上级安排的其他工作; 对岗位安全、生产效率、质量和区域卫生负责。 岗位要求: 高中/中专及以上学历,专业不限; 有相关岗位1年以上工作经验,能看懂简单的机械图纸;有油漆或烤漆工作经验优先优先; 积极肯干,能吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神;有上进心,工作细心,责任心强。 职能类别: 喷塑工 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:上海市青浦区久业路777号...
- 广州自橙壹派信息技术有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 越秀区 艺术是一种享受,一切享受中最迷人的享受。 (法)罗曼.罗兰 【影视车间】(Film Workshop): 自橙壹派(简称Film Workshop),汇聚新加坡、中国香港、大陆的影视精英,聚焦于视觉广告传播领域,以打造“最具备商业价值的视频广告”为经营理念,致力于为全球企业提供企业专题片、产品广告片、个人访谈片、活动纪录片、MG动画、3D建模等影视广告服务。 【岗位职责】(Job Responsibilities): 1.负责根据视频分镜脚本对专题片、广告片、微电影进行拍摄、剪辑和包装设计及制作。 2.对作品的主题创意、标版设计、动画、质感、节奏、色彩等方面有较好的把握。 3.可独立完成特效包装、三维片头动画等的设计及制作。 【任职要求】(Job Requirements): 1.专科以上学历,一年以上影视广告或动画后期制作工作经验优先。 2.熟练使用相关软件至少2种,如AE、AU、PR、PS、3DMAX等。 3.擅长三维片头动画、宣传片、广告片等的视频编辑制作,可独立完成。 4.节奏感把握能力强,对企业宣传片剪辑、动画片头、字幕特效、活动会议剪辑有一定的经验。 5.熟...
- 上海电气泰雷兹交通自动化系统有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 KEY JOB FUNCTIONS 主要工作职责 ? Perform quality control activities according to the quality standard procedures 按照公司的标准质量流程执行质量控制活动 ? Verify that the activities relevant to the products and services provision are in accordance with the defined processes and procedures 验证与提供产品和服务相关的活动符合公司定义的标准过程和流程 ? Conduct inspections and control on manufacturing and factory testing processes 对生产和测试过程进行检查和控制 ? Work with project team and follow-up the identified actions when necessary to ensure high quality produ...
- 埃思本软件技术有限公司 Beijing
Responsibilities: Provide a high quality, customer-centric China web marketing site, as well as China WeChat and eLearning with the goal of improving awareness and online presence, educating customers and increasing eLearning account sign ups in China. Deliver localized service and campaign updates on the China web site in timely manner. Work closely with multiple stakeholders to achieve improvement of China web site. Increase web traffic and improve conversion rate with increase sales inquiries...
- 丹佛斯自动控制管理(上海) 有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 实习生 Danfoss is looking for a Project Coordinator Intern. This is a great opportunity for a self-driven, detail-oriented student to gain real-world experience. The candidate must be a strong communicator, self-starter, team player, conscientious and diligent person. JOB RESPONSIBILIITES Daily project documentation collection and sorting. Prepare and submit related document to client for project payment request. Assist colleagues for the project management. Project communicating with customers...
- 湖北卓然模具有限公司 Huangshan
黄石市 黄石港区 工作性质: 全职 发布日期: 2019-8-4 工作经验: 不限 学历要求: 不限 招聘人数: 2人 语言能力: 不限 工作地点: 黄石港区 薪资待遇: 不限 职位类别: CNC技工/数控车床操作员,CNC/数控工程师,其他机械/仪器仪表类 岗位要求和其他待遇: 无具体要求,应届毕业生皆可。 公司简介: 湖北卓天(卓然)塑料科技有限公司 公司简介: 湖北卓天塑料科技有限公司(卓然模具)是设计,制造塑料挤出模具的专业厂家。公司有国内早从事塑料挤出模具行业的中高级技术人员二十余名,技术员工六十余名。数控加工中心、数控电加工精密设备及各种加工设备百余台套,年产挤出模具近800台套。 湖北卓天塑料科技有限公司(卓然模具)以人为本,视产品质量为企业生命,视用户为上帝,十分注重产品结构的更新和新产品的开发,其主导产品有: 1, 各类仿大理石线条,门线,挡水条 模具 2, PVC+木粉外结皮内发泡型材模具 3, PE/PP+木粉,PE共挤(糠粉,锯末,麦桔杆等)模具 4, PVC低发泡型材模具,装饰型材PVC发泡共挤模具 5, 硬PVC整板门,片材,板材模具 6, 彩色共挤软硬共挤...
- 亚萨合莱自动门系统有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 As part of the ASSA ABLOY ES Supply Chain, lead and support supplier quality assurance activities related to material and components for Door Automation products. Responsibilities: Primary responsibility is to assist in the Sourcing organization with the overall supplier quality for new and existing products. This includes auditing new supplier according to ASSA ABLOY standards, both in terms of Quality and Sustainability, review of the supplier’s quality systems implementation includin...
- 盛业资本 Shenzhen
深圳市 福田区 工作地点: 深圳市-福田区 工作经验: 学 历:本科及以上 工作类型:全职 招聘人数: 1 发布时间:2019-08-05 职位描述 1、对信息系统立项、开发过程的审计及缺陷评估,推动系统建设的事前和事中管理,降低公司资源浪费; 2、对信息系统功能、性能、易用度、可操作性等进行审计和缺陷评估,推动系统建设的事后管理,提高系统投入和实际使用效率 ; 3、对信息系统的安全性的审计及缺陷评估,推动系统安全管理建设,提高系统安全意识。 任职要求 1、五年以上相关工作经验,计算机、法律、经济等相关专业本科及以上学历; 2、有技术项目开发工作经验,有ERP系统规划和建设工作经验; 3、具备计算机软硬件知识,对网络和系统安全有独特的敏感性,且对财务和内控有较深刻的理解; 4、具备金融行业IT审计经验者优先; 5、具备较强的协调沟通能力,项目推进能力。...
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