Results 1 - 20 of 9410
  • 长沙市芙蓉区新航道培训学校 查看所有职位 长沙市

    长沙市 月薪3,000 - 5,000元 岗位职责: 1、lcourse系统入学测试口语批改、个性化学院测试批改; 2、系统资料录入、组卷、发布试卷; 3、更新维护资料库及试卷; 4、及时解决助教/老师成绩查询、试卷批改等问题; 5、雅思、托福等全真模考安排、监考及模考试卷批改; 6、每周统计各校区学员出分、分析进退步率; 任职要求: 1、性格沉稳,英语基本功扎实; 2、通过专八或英语六级550分以上; 3、熟练运用word,excel等软件; 4、学历本科及以上; 我们为您提供: 1、五险一金; 2、一对一培训+业务技能培训+丰富知识培训; 3、员工旅游+员工聚会+不定期活动+拓展培训; 4、丰富的企业文化活动,轻松快乐的工作氛围; 5、国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 6、广阔的发展空间,丰厚的待遇。 职能类别: 培训督导 外语培训师 微信 联系方式 上班地址:五一广场平和堂商务楼18楼 公司信息 新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专...

  • 新北市政府社會局 Xinbei

    截止日期:2019-09-22 發佈單位:新北市政府社會局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 1.臉書粉絲專頁日常經營維護,以時事流行梗搭配創造話題,提升粉絲互動,喜歡逛各大社群,天馬行空發揮創意,能理解粉絲心態並熱情互動,並針對TA做適當調整。 2.社群活動發想與執行,製作相關的社群內容及圖文影音。 3.後續針對貼文、活動優化與流量成效追蹤。 4.其他主管交辦及社群行銷相關等事項。 工作地點:新北市 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 徵才條件: 應符合下列條件: 1.大學以上畢業,且具公部門經驗或熟悉社會福利者尤佳。 2.熟悉社群媒體操作、對社群媒體有想法有創意。 3.有文字基礎,基礎口語表達與溝通協調能力。 4.基本作圖能力(懂作圖軟體,最少可以resize或revise別人的圖),有製圖和影片編輯能力尤佳。 5.認真負責具溝通協調、主動積極、思惟縝密及團隊合作等任事態度及才能。 報名手續: 1.意者請檢附(1)「新北市政府非編制人員甄選報名表」(請務必使用新版報名表,請至本局網站-布告欄-徵才資訊下載:

  • 瑞银企业管理有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 浦东新区 Oracle Database administrator required to work within the gloabl database organization to provide a high level (Level 3 or higher) database expertise for day to day support of production and development environments. Duties include: ? design and implement complex changes ? troubleshoot and solve incidents ? monitor and analyze performance issues ? work with numerous technical teams to improve core infrastructure ? DBA Support for application development and production support teams ? Ov...

  • 新北市政府捷運工程局 Xinbei

    截止日期:2019-09-09 發佈單位:新北市政府捷運工程局 職缺別:全職 職務說明/工作內容: 辦理捷運工程新聞、行銷相關業務及臨時交辦工作。 工作地點:新北市政府捷運工程局(新北市蘆洲區集賢路245號) 待 遇:30,001至40,000 性 別:不限 學歷/檢定要求: 一、國內外大學畢業者,具有與擬任工作性質相當之訓練或工作經驗者。 二、具Office文書處理能力。 三、有任職政府機關經驗尤佳。 四、具有新聞、行銷相關工作經驗優先考慮。 五、依規定本機關長官對於配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親,不得在本機關任用,有上開情形者,請勿應徵。 報名手續: 一、報名日期:108年9月3日起至108年9月9日截止。 二、報名方式:意者請於108年9月9日下午5點前將應徵資料送達新北市蘆州區集賢路245號新北市政府捷運工程局人事室黃先生收,掛號郵寄者以郵戳為憑,並請於信封上註明應徵職務及職等(逾期或證件不齊者以棄權論)。 三、檢附資料:除報名表外證件以A4格式影印後依下列順序裝訂: (1)非編制人員甄選報名表(正本並須親自簽名或蓋章)請至新北市政府捷運工程局-機關介紹-最新消息-徵才資訊網頁下載...

  • 瑞声达听力设备贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 徐汇区 Marketing Communication SupervisorResponsible for marketing communication, including communication plan, POSM development, official owned medial management, digital marketing programs, PR etc. 负责市场沟通,包括沟通宣传计划,市场物料发展、微信微博官网等自媒体维护、SEM/SEO等数字营销项目以及PR等。 主要职责: Manage official website, Wechat & Weibo. Develop & organize content, develop programs & guide the design to meet their KPIs. Leverage digital marketing mechanics, including SEM, SEO etc., to generate online leads & offli...

  • 金瑞荣科 Chongqing

    公司简介 我公司致力于打造一个中国领先的个人金融服务平台,服务于消费者和小微企业主的个人融资需求,引领中国个人金融业务的发展 。公司管理团队来自多家中外资银行,拥有多年的银行产品管理及风控管理经验,同时,与各类机构建立了密切的合作关系,合作机构既有银行、信托、支付公司等大型金融服务机构,也有大型工业企业、零售企业和互联网公司等。 岗位职责 编辑短信“姓名+年龄+金瑞荣科”发送至蒋老师即可报名! 重庆金瑞荣科科技有限公司 一、招聘岗位:金融类贷后管理 二、薪资待遇试用期1个月,薪资:3300/月。(基本工资1800+补贴500+保底绩效) 试用期首月保底3300元 试用期满考核合格后正式录用,缴纳五险,实行基本工资+补贴+绩效工资的薪酬制度。 (行业平均收入5000-8000元/月,高者上万) 三、岗位职责 1、负责逾期账户管理,及时掌握各客户的欠款情况; 2、通过电话、信函等催收手段进行信贷催收; 3、登记催收情况,获取、更新逾期客户的资料信息; 4、协助进行逾期数据分析; 5、完成部门下达的催收回款指标,使应收账款控制在定额范围内; 6、完成上级安排的其他工作。 四、任职要求 1、 ...

  • 瑞衣玛贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Description - IT Manager: Key Responsibilities Efficiently manage full-lifecycle of projects including business requirements, project planning, development, implementation, monitor and control, risk handling, project roll-out and customer validation to ensure a streamlined process Take responsibility of quality of the project by guaranteeing all project functions are flawless and validating delivery of the project meticulously, ensuring smooth project go-live Put forward IT system solution b...

  • 凯爱瑞配料贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    1. Process and manage customer orders in compliance with order processing guidelines 2. Coordinate for problem solving at each stage of Order to Invoice/Revenue progress 3. Customer complaint handling 4. Organize system master data and enhance order/delivery related reports to give management team visibility 5. Assistance on cross-functional works such as goods return and payment collection etc. 6. Other tasks assigned by line manager or company 任职要求: 1. Education:bachelor degree or equivalent e...

  • 上海药明康德新药开发有限公司 Shanghai

    工作职责: 1. Analyze end user RFQ and search/select/negotiate with suppliers 2. Focus on purchasing animal and biological materials 3. Place Purchasing Orders to suppliers to ensure on-time shipment to meet end user requirements. 4. Collect supplier invoices and related documents and submit to Finance for supplier payment 5. Work together with import team to collect shipping documents from supplier and support custom clearance issue 6. Handle supplier quality issue 7. ERP purchasing data maintenance...

  • 马瑞利有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 Responsibilities 1.Interface between customer and internally for overcome any critical situation; 2.Taking the role as Customer Representative; 3.Project management; 4.Participating the commercial contract discussion/negotiation; 5.Leading customer purchase order process (order receiving & release and payment); 6.Coordinating the cross function teams of the company to ensure a customers satisfaction; 7.Support business development manager for new opportunity and marketing activities etc;...

  • 瑞典惠网公司东莞代表处 Dongguan

    职位信息 Take photo for consumer product, like household electrical equipment, speaker, and BBQ etc. PS the pictures by Software like Photoshop Make small movie when necessary. Requirements: Above 3 year working experience at photographing and PS. Good understanding on the product feature to communicate to the consumer by pictures Skilled at software like Photoshop and AI etc. 职能类别: 摄影师/摄像师 后期制作 关键字: 产品摄影师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东莞市南城区体育路5号健升大厦1401室 地图 公司信息 NetOnNet Group is a strong home elctronics company...

  • 瑞星管理顧問股份有限公司 Taibei

    a technology incubator focused on developing software platforms for a diverse range of industries. We want to challenge and revolutionize existing business models. We do this by partnering with talented entrepreneurs across a diverse range of industries, and use disruptive technological innovation to help them to develop their software platforms and make their dreams a reality. 工作內容 Responsibility Participate in design phase to generate design document Implement business rules and apply appropri...

  • 恒瑞医药-上海盛迪医药有限公司 Shanghai

    Job Purpose: SAS Programming Team in the department of Statistics of Hengrui R&D Center provides clinical programming support for various clinical studies and contributes to the development of departmental standards. Senior Manager of SAS Programming is accountable for programming team deliverables for the assigned clinical projects. This role is that of a programming lead who plans and provides oversight of SAS programming activities (e.g., development, verification and documentation) in su...

  • 上海新王牌教育科技有限公司 Shanghai

    Job description: 1、 Conduct high quality classes for 3-12 years old kids; 2、 Earnestly prepare teaching plan to realize immersion learning; 3、 Innovative Course Content and ensure the quality of instruction; 4、 Communicate with parents about children's learning in time to promote communication; 5、 Participate in relevant teaching activities; 6、 40 hours a week in campus required; Responsibility : 1、Native English speaker; No criminal record; 2、Bachelor's degree or above. TEFL, TESOL cert...

  • 上海中科新生命生物科技有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 闵行区 Job Responsibilities: Formulate the overall corporate IT architecture plan, drive new initiatives of enterprise information management within the business, develop IT solutions and facilitate the implementation in line with the needs of rapid business development. Prepare for IT budget; in charge of IT asset management. Establish and improve related policies and working procedures, continuously develop the team capabilities and optimize the team structure; direct and manage subordinates’...

  • 马瑞利有限公司 Shanghai

    Responsibilities 1.Interface between customer and internally for overcome any critical situation; 2.Taking the role as Customer Representative; 3.Project management; 4.Participating the commercial contract discussion/negotiation; 5.Leading customer purchase order process (order receiving & release and payment); 6.Coordinating the cross function teams of the company to ensure a customers satisfaction; 7.Support business development manager for new opportunity and marketing activities etc; 8.A...

  • 乐瑞中国 查看所有职位 Shanghai

    Key responsibilities 主要职责: 1. Provide full range of secretarial and administrative assistant to CEO; 2. Schedule appointments, coordinate meetings and manage the calendars of CEO; 3. Organize and facilitate management meeting, make meeting minutes and have to-do following up; 4. Prepare required documents, agendas or other materials and make necessary translation; 5. Responsible for the accommodation and transportation arrangement for CEO; 6. Act as the assistant and support to senior management...

  • 优竟瑞企业管理咨询(上海)有限公... Guangdong

    广东省 职位信息 Key Job Responsibilities include: > Reinforce compliance of regulations and systems of International and domestic > Lead quality control team to improve quality and reduce costs >Upgrade Quality systems, including supplier management, risk management, correct actions on customer complaints etc. > Process new product registration, yearly renew of production related certificates, government inspections, and customer audits > Oversee daily quality control over in-coming mate...

  • 上海和睦家新城医院有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ? Provide international standard orthopedic care to patients within the scope of privileges granted and the capabilities of the organization, including but not limited to consultations; patient rounds, either individually, or as part of a team; discontinuing drains, dressings changes, would assessments, staple and suture removal, cast and splint applications and removal as indicated, etc. ? Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic ...

  • 艾瑞阀门贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    Main tasks and responsibilities Develop sales targets along with the regional sales engineers and sales manager for existing key accounts. Carry out market and industrial research to identify new key accounts and define targets. Be the lead sales person for new key account sales activities. Co-ordinate the activities of regional sales engineers in regards to visits to key accounts (joint or independently). Provide regular reports to the NSM on activities, projects, quotes and any other issues re...

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