Results 1 - 20 of 11427
  • 太平洋电信股份有限公司 Beijing

    Job Descriptions Partner with relevant Sales Specialists and Solution Architects to detail customer’s technical requirements and develop conceptual end-to-end customer solution architectures using a combination of Telstra and partner products and capabilities. Translate customer business issues into customer business and technical requirements, and opportunities for Telstra. Ensure early involvement in new opportunities to validate the capabilities of Telstra for these opportunities. Build relat...

  • 爱茉莉太平洋贸易有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 静安区 岗位职责: 根据中国法律规定,支持所有中国上市进口及国产产品的文案修改及确认。品牌广告文案的审核。中文标签设计。 I. 新产品许可支援及广告审核 1. 确定上市新产品文案修改及校对 a. 依据各类化妆品相关法律翻译、校对进口许可及备案新产品文案 依据各类化妆品相关法律翻译、校对检查国产许可及备案新产品文案 2. 国产&进口产品宣传资料的审核 a. 依照广告法审核品牌的广告、新闻稿、柜台宣传资料等等 b. 依照广告法及各相关法规审核品牌网站及微信、微博内容等 3. 产品中文标签制作及修改 a. 按照法律规定针对进口产品/非卖品/礼盒等制作中文标签文件 II. 支援业务 1. 申报资料盖章寄出及统计资料等其他工作 2. 协助研发部门做申报资料盖章寄出工作,协助品牌等其他部门,根据其需求统计整理竞品信息、最新法规要求等信息。 任职资格: 1. Minimum of 3 years working experience, Bachelor Degree and above 2. 需熟识护肤以及彩妆基础知识,化妆品备案相关知识,与化妆品相关法律法规和广告法相关知识 3. ...

  • 法国安达屋公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 What you can learn to be a production specialist/ merchandiser in ADEO? ? YOU will be a more professional expert in your product category, you will go more deeply and widely ? YOU will have more attractive profile in same industry level. with ADEO background and reputation. ? YOU will have more structured and organized training to enrich your career pathway. ? YOU will have opportunities to change various dept. and product categories if you want to try new thing. ? YOU will enjoy the wor...

  • 曼宁家屋面系统有限公司 Beijing

    岗位职责:Responsibility(工作职责): 1.According to department sales goals, developing area, the seasonal and monthly sales plans, conduct marketing activities, ensure the completion of sales area and back section indicators, thus ensuring total departmental goals. 根据部门销售目标,制定辖区内年、季、月销售计划,进行销售活动,确保完成辖区内市场销售和回款指标,从而保证部门总目标的实现。 2.Responsible for the sales process and reconciliation in the back section, to ensure access to accurate information. 负责销售过程中的回款和对帐工作,确保掌握准确信息。 3.The extent permitted by the contract...

  • 天合亚太有限公司 Shanghai

    REPORTING LINE Report to the Product line/ Functional Director/VP JOB DIMENSIONS No direct reports. ACCOUNTABILITIES Administrative Secretary is part of the Administrative department. The Prime role of an Administrative Secretary is to provide secretarial and administrative support to the Directors. ACTIVITIES ? Provide secretarial and administrative support to Directors ? Maintain business schedules and appointments for Directors. Attend to visitors and guests of the Directors ? Take and transc...

  • 叶水福洋山物流有限公司 Kunshan

    1. To assist in maintaining HRIS to support HR objectives 人事系统管理。 2. Responsible for recruiting 员工招聘招聘。 3. P-file Management 员工档案管理。 4. On-boarding & resign management 员工入职离职管理。 5. To assist the HR supervisor on organizing all business and company related activities协助主管公司相关活动举办。 6. Contribute and assist on ad hoc HR & Admin projects as request 根据需要,参与和协助人事行政项目。 7. Any other roles and duty as assigned by the supervisor. 主管安排的其他事项。 任职要求: 1. Degree/Diploma holder in Human Resources or any r...

  • 上海冰洋建设工程有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 朝阳区 Team Lead Objective: Guide and lead immediate team to ensure compliance with the entire recruitment lifecycle Guide and lead immediate team to ensure meeting the SLAs Lead continuous improvements within immediate team to ensure ongoing customer satisfaction Duties and Responsibilities Carry out recruitment function as per stated in the Senior Recruiter job description Once a week, go through all requisitions 30 days and over individually with recruiters and discuss challenges and solutio...

  • 太仓泛能拓颜料有限公司 Shanghai

    Key Accountabilities: Manage office administrative issues and assure office’s security and tidiness, keep office equipment workable. Contact business trip agent and assist to arrange business trip as required, e.g. hotel booking, air tickets booking etc. Make contracts for domestic trade, keep full set of related files. Contact warehouse and arrange inland cargo delivery in economical and efficient way, make related files. Assist accountant to handle some bank and tax related issues, e.g. bank p...

  • 太仓泛能拓颜料有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 长宁区 Key Accountabilities: Manage office administrative issues and assure office’s security and tidiness, keep office equipment workable. Contact business trip agent and assist to arrange business trip as required, e.g. hotel booking, air tickets booking etc. Make contracts for domestic trade, keep full set of related files. Contact warehouse and arrange inland cargo delivery in economical and efficient way, make related files. Assist accountant to handle some bank and tax related issues, e.g...

  • 石通瑞吉亚太电子有限公司 Suzhou

    Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical/Automation/Electronics & Electrical Engineering. Experienced in actuator product in the automotive industry (3 years+) Eager to learn. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Mandarin. Strong skills in technical communication. Familiar with CAD software (CATIA/UG/Pro-e…etc.) is preferred. Have a full picture of various actuator applications in vehicle. Have a good sense and judgement of market demand of actuators. Experience...

  • 西安环太科技发展有限公司 Xi'an

    西安市 任职要求: 1. 外籍人士,来自母语国家(美国,英国,加拿大或澳大利亚,新西兰),本科及以上学历,男女不限。 2. 有英语培训行业教学经验者优先 3. 有商务英语口语、写作或雅思口语教学经验者优先 4. 擅长相应阶段的英语教学- 具有良好的授课技巧及相关经历。 5. 授课要求 周六或周天 1-2小时。 6. 培训对象:约4-5名学员。 Recruitment Announcement Our company want to look for an foreign teacher, teaching courses of English Speaking to our company employees (4~5 person). 1. Applicants should be NATIVE English speakers from USA ,Canada,Australia or New Zealand. 2. Requirement: a bachelor degree or above in education, linguistics, literature, art,...

  • 绿色和平环境咨询有限公司 Beijing

    北京市 东城区 实习生 工作职责: The Strategic Partnership intern will support the Greenpeace East Asia China Office Operation and Strategic Partnership Manager for building strategic partnership with current key temporary activity permit Chinese partners as well as other potential academics, NGOs and social organizations. In addition, the Strategic Partnership Intern will also work with Strategic Partnership Manager in the formulation and execution of strategic engagement design and assessment. The intern wil...

  • 金茂商业房地产有限公司 Nanjing

    南京市 鼓楼区 1.负责办公室绿植、保洁、设备报修、饮用水等管理工作; 2.负责员工工装管理、司徽、工号牌管理; 3.负责会议室的预定、会议室设备的准备、会议室的日常维护等; 4.负责来访领导、客户的接待工作,包括酒店的预定、会议室的预定、机票、餐厅的预定等; 5.负责公司仓库的管理,包括物品的出库、入库,并建立仓库管理台账,做到账实相符,并定期对仓库进行盘点; 6.负责公司员工用餐餐卡的管理及费用结算相关事宜; 7.负责办公用品的采购、保管、发放、盘点等,并建立台账,做到账实相符; 8.负责员工名片的制作、快递、文件的收发,并建立相应的台账,做到账实相符; 9.负责公司低值易耗品的管理,对低值易耗品进行定期的报修、报废等; 10.负责公司大事记的统计工作; 职能类别: 行政专员/助理 关键字: 前台 微信 联系方式 上班地址:中央路201号金茂汇北塔10楼 部门信息 所属部门:南京国际广场购物中心有限公司 南京金茂汇是金茂商业旗下首个成功改造的城市级商业中心,位于南京主城区传统鼓楼商圈,紧邻南京玄武湖地铁站,坐拥玄武湖畔绝佳的地理位置,体量为10.7万平方米。自2015年9月底开业以...

  • 湖南洋光在线教育科技有限责任公司 Changsha

    岗位职责: 1.负责旅游/游学产品的线路策划、线路设计; 2.整个旅游行程的具体安排及操作,落实团队的吃住行游购娱等细节安排; 3. 熟悉旅游/游学线路,对供应商、地接社有一定的分析判断能力; 4. 对接供应商、地接社、航空公司等关系维护及其他相关资源的协调; 5. 负责线路各项问题的预防,沟通,协调处理能力; 6. 出团的配合与解决,出团回国后的反馈,监控旅游计划的实施,处理解决突发事件; 7. 负责出团成本控制、跟踪质量监督,及时处理各种突发事件或投诉; 8. 负责旅游资料的统计、整理、归档工作。 岗位要求: 1.有旅行社相关工作经验者优先; 2.熟悉旅游线路操作与运作流程; 3.能熟练使用办公软件; 4.有良好的沟通能力和协调能力,责任感强,工作认真细致; 5.热爱旅游事业,心态良好,服务意识佳,有较强的语言沟通能力和协调应变能力,团队协作能力强。 职能类别:导游/旅行顾问 微信 联系方式 上班地址:长沙市岳麓区岳麓大道与旺龙路交汇处东北角芯城科技园3栋1楼 公司信息 洋光外语简介: 洋光外语是一家连锁的专业外语培训机构,主要经营日语、法语、西班牙语、德语、韩语、葡萄牙语等多个小...

  • 安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司 Shanghai

    岗位职责: 1.基础数据建设维护; 2.基础业务监控与分析; 3.定价模型建模与维护; 4.参与定价模型的推广与应用 Position responsibility: (1)Construction and maintenance of basic data; (2) Monitoring and analysis of basic business; (3) Pricing model modeling andmaintenance; (4) application of participation pricing model 岗位要求: 国内高校硕士及以上学历或相当的海外学历,精算、金融、保险、统计等相关专业,通过至少五门精算师考试者优先; 熟练运用office办公软件,会撰写VBA\SAS者优先; 良好的沟通与表达能力、较强的求知欲和学习能力; 4. 良好的团队协作能力、责任心强、能承受一定工作压力; Requirements of recruitment: 1. Master's degree or above in key universities in China ...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 Major function & responsibilities:主要功能和职责: 1. hours of work: - may change without written notice according to business needs 工作时间:根据工作需求如有更改,不做书面通知。 2. must be physically fit and have the ability to bend, stoop and lift. 保持身体健康,以及有良好的工作状态。 3. must be reliable; willing to work weekends and holidays. 根据工作的情况服从工作安排 4. pick up reports and keys to assigned areas daily. all keys must be signed for in the key sign-out log. 在指定的地点领取工作报表和钥匙,并作相应的签署。 5. always be careful not to make excessive ...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAIN DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepare daily report total sales of the Hotel for management meeting every morning. Investigate discrepancies reported by Night Auditors. Ensure that all rebates paid-outs and house account bills, discounts bear the required authorization, and adequate explanation. Compare actual room rates with potential room rate. Any special rate and upgrading should be investigated and brought to the attention of the Director of Finance. Ascertain authorization of complime...

  • 上海鸿坤房地产开发有限公司 Wuxi

    岗位职责: 1、 负责土建工程管理及运作,组织和协调公司内外资源,对项目工期、质量、成本、进度、文明进行有效管理; 2、负责项目交付计划的按时完成,开发、施工、市场、财务等各项规定目标的达成; 3、负责监督项目开发过程的优良性,对项目开展过程中遇到的问题负责; 4、负责与区域上级主管部门建立良好的合作关系,并能保持和维护已经建立的沟通渠道,建立与完善项目部的内部工作; 5、完成领导交办的其他事项。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,工程管理类相关专业; 2、5年及以上房地产企业或施工企业相关工作经验,其中3年以上地产项目开发、建设、管理工作经验 ; 3、有10万方以上住宅类地产现场完整经验,在无锡有过完整的项目工作经验者优先考虑; 4、初级工程师以上职称,持一二级建造师资格证书或监理工程师资格者优先; 5、熟悉土建施工现场的管理,土建施工技术知识,土建质量管理知识,熟悉房地产开发项目运作流程、施工规范及操作规程; 6、具有强较的沟通能力、协调能力和管理能力。 职能类别: 工程监理 建筑工程管理/项目经理 微信 联系方式 上班地址:新吴区至德大道797号 公司信息 1鸿坤集团 鸿坤集团20...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 黄浦区 月薪3,000 - 4,500元 MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 职责概要 : To serve as the main point of contact for all guest requests and needs. Agent is responsible for answering calls in order, recording the guest request and then pursuing the issue to a resolution. The agent must exhibit courteous hospitality at all times and fully own each guest issue. When communicating with the guest, the agent must be well-versed in every area of the hotel including hours of operations of outlets and menus offer by restauran...

  • 上海雅恒房地产开发有限公司 Shanghai

    上海市 MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES:主要责任 Responsible for maintaining the storeroom inventory of housekeeping department guest and cleaning supplies to ensure the efficient operation of the department. 认真负责盘点仓库以及客人和清洁用品需要管理,确保部门的正常运营。 SPECIFIC DUTIES:工作任务 Ensure day-to-day operational efficiency of the department. 确保每天部门的工作都能被有效的完成 Prepare requisition of fruits daily and ensure that the hotel have enough to distribute to all the rooms. 每天准备所需要的水果确保酒店有足够的水果分发给所有的房间。 Pick up/receive, check and weight fruits d...

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