- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 职责描述: 1. Deliver new BA, new product, seasonal, service training and examine for employees in responsible region according to the requirements, to make sure the employees are capable to work in counter 根据公司品牌要求,负责完成所在区域内新人入职、新品上市、季节重点、服务提升等培训课程及课程考核,确保员工通过培训后可以顺利开展工作; 2. Align with new channel development, provide training to outside employees in new channels for two brands, to ensure them has sufficient knowledge and passion for company brand 配合新渠道开发,为其他渠道外部员工提供培训,确保外部工作人员有足够的知识和热情售卖本公司...
- 圣皮尔精品酒业有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 静安区 职责描述: 1. Report to Regional General Manager to assist and support the cooperation between the sales and the brand team in order to achieve overall goal of DBR brand in the region. 2. Fully understanding HQ DBR brand guidelines (eg. Pricing, distribution, POSM) & plans. 3. Assist and cooperating with the brand team in order to assist Regional Sales Team in managing organization, implementation and reporting the results of DBR Lafite brand PR programs 4. Keep thorough communication wit...
- 某知名外资企业 查看所有职位 Qingdao
Job Title :Technical Leader – Director Level(New Open Position) Working location: 苏州/太仓 Job Description: To lead in close cooperation with the MD all technical matters of company including R&D, contract execution and workshop with the goal to develop and built state of the art material testing products. To act as the deputy for the MD. 1. Built and maintain efficient processes for R&D, project execution and workshop. 2. Set R&D goals, implement and supervise R&D projects in terms...
- 福特汽车有限公司 Shanghai
Job Description Basic responsibilities will include but not limit to: 1. Lead and cooperate with partner and cross-function team to operate the shared-ride hailing pilot program: Plan, prepare and lead pilot programs. Identify user mobility app experience and preference through research and personal experience. Form a point of view of a good ride-hailing app UI and experience design. Study selected cities and develop respective marketing plan. Manage, collect data and prepare regular reporting o...
- 浙江名可人力资源服务有限公司 Hangzhou
杭州市 滨江区 日薪200元 Job Responsibilities: 岗位职责 1. Timely completion of language polishing & modification for English articles as required. 按照要求按时完成英文文章的语言润色及逻辑修改工作。 2. Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. 上级安排的其他工作任务。 Requirements: 岗位要求 1.Being a foreigner & native English speaker in China who holds a Bachelor’s degree or above. 本科及本科以上学历,要求是在中国的母语为英语的外籍人员 2.rich experience in editing English papers and outstanding capabilities to edit & polish papers. Background in biology, pharmacy o...
- 英特体育发展有限公司 Shenzhen
深圳市 罗湖区 1 MAINTAIN THE STABLE AND RELIABLE CUSTOMER SERVICE TO N/O a. Work closely with PMD to secure proper DIFOT within a cross-department cooperation and cross-functional management of resources. b. Maintain the stable service in helpdesk system to support N/O on special request. c. Provide support in the ad hoc case 2 MAINTAIN THE STABLE AND EFFICIENT ORDER CONSOLIDATION a. Optimize the N/O order fulfillment in the IIC MOQ Order Consolidation by providing solution (Add Qty, Upcharge, alterna...
- 龙特卫防范技术有限公司 Beijing
北京市 大兴区 月薪15,000 - 20,000元 1.负责对管辖范围内各项目群进行系统安全审计与评估,建立健全的事前防范,事中处置,事后补偿机制,并定期向公司及项目部提交年度、季度、月度《项目执行刚要》规划; 2.负责对管辖范围内各项目群进行阶段性任务分解分配,系统实施落实各类安保服务(含物、人、技、犬防布署)工作;依据项目群现实需求,及时调整分配岗位,优化勤务组合; 3.定期对勤务团队(中国安全官及外籍安保)进行职业、专业培训训练、并进行业务技能考核打分; 4.定期对勤务团队的工作任务进度及服务结果进行考核; 5.组织实施各类安保服务合约范围内的(项目员工,本地雇员,本地安保军警)培训、应急演练等; 6.决策处理日常安保服务中出现的各类应急救援、协警处置、司法移交及后置保险补偿事务; 7.定期对管辖范围内的各项目群,进行安保服务保障等级评估,并明确完善补充指导建议; 8.定期组织开展与驻地国外联的军警、使馆、NGO及医疗救援组织等的《勤务配合协调会议》,妥善处理各项外联的协警应急处置与救援工作; 9.配合市场人员与项目群相关部门机构协商,妥善处理公司对外关系,定期了解客户服务满意...
- 斯平玛斯特(东莞)玩具有限公司 Jiaxing
嘉兴市 职位信息 JOD RESPONSIBILITIES General artwork handling and follow up. Support to TN/LA/NY team on art production activities. Create language versions of PKG under creative direction. Create illustration/photo shooting under request and art direction. Create new artwork and design under request and art direction. CD amendment (to TN/LA/NY's created CD). Report packaging status and issues to Hong Kong / Dong Guan packaging leads. Coordinate with internal and external parties to resolve printin...
- 阿特拉斯·科普柯贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 松江区 实习生 For our Global Industrial Internship Program starting in spring 2019 we are looking for Master Students (m/f) who are collaborative, open minded, resourceful and entrepreneurial with a passion for mixing both technology and business. Attractive – our offer: ? You as a Master’s student get the unique opportunity to gain work experience within Atlas Copco parallel to your studies and write an international master thesis (abroad) in our global business ? You will work self-dependent and...
- 苏州爱特精英教育培训中心 查看所有职位 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 Introduce to clients the information of the educational system, application policy, universities and majors, application requirements and application procedures of their applying countries; Provide clients with profile/background evaluation as well as professional consulting services on school selection and major/program selection; Design custom-tailored training plan and application plan including the Preliminary School List and the Application Schedule; Provide profile sculpting servi...
- 福特汽车 Shanghai
招聘类型:社招 工作性质:全职 职位描述 Job Description Basic responsibilities will include but not limit to: 1. Lead and cooperate with partner and cross-function team to operate the shared-ride hailing pilot program: Plan, prepare and lead pilot programs. Identify user mobility app experience and preference through research and personal experience. Form a point of view of a good ride-hailing app UI and experience design. Study selected cities and develop respective marketing plan. Manage, collect data and prepar...
- 赢创特种化学(上海)有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 RESPONSIBILITIES: Rotate and develop within the first 2 years across R&D and Plants in Greater China, which cover but not limit to the areas of Research & Development in Labs, Process Engineering in productions REQUIREMENTS: Master/PhD Degree majored in Chemistry, Chemical Science, Polymer, Material Science or Chemical Engineering; Independently carry out organic synthesis work,and conduct chemical trials by following general directions, evaluate trial results, document and report pr...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职责描述: VM data management and update. Communication with region and vendor with hard / soft projects. Dynamix key-in and payment follow up. Project Monitoring , check with photos and get feedback. Control VM projects on time deliver. 任职要求: Work experience Experience in VM Support of retail is a plus Language: English Technical skills : office tools Interpersonal skills Good communication skills 职能类别:展览/展示/店面设计 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:天目西路128号嘉里不夜城企业中心一座23层...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Define training strategy and work out annual training master plan for full channel Work out overall product & sales skill, service and retail operation training plans as proactive integration of business strategies Identify training needs based on the business Build up training system when necessary, including E-learning Design & develop training solutions Build up effective training curriculum about product and service as clear learning path for field sales team and BAs Work togethe...
- 皮尔法伯化妆品贸易有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 职责描述: 1. planning product & promotion plan based on customers profile / retailer profile in order to achieve sales target (sell in / sell out) 2. Follow up monthly sellout figures on target with TP. 3. Collaborate with product marketing team to ensure online product / promotion align with brand marketing calendar. 4. Sales data analysis base on product / promotion performance and optimize the promotion efficiency. 5. GWP budget control and allocation by EC channels. 任职要求: 1. University g...
- 名興文理補習班 嘉義縣 番路鄉
工作內容 1. 本類人員可區分為校園體系(具教師證照)及一般補教體系。主要工作內容為擬定課程計畫,並執行傳遞知識及關心學生。 2. 於補教業語言教學英文相關師資。 3. 於補教業從事教案設計及執行教學相關活動。 薪資待遇: 論件計酬(每件) 500 至 750 元 上班地點: 嘉義縣番路鄉下坑村菜公店108-21號 地圖找房子找中古車 租售行情 上班時段: 上班時段:18:00/下班時段: 21:00 休假制度: 週休二日 職務類別: 教師、語文補習班老師、其他才藝類老師 職務更新日期:2019-07-05 職缺條件 工作性質: 兼職 身份類別: 一般求職者、日間就讀中、夜間就讀中、中高齡者、二度就業、原住民、身障人士 是否出差: 不需出差/外派 管理責任: 不需負擔管理責任 可上班日: 一個月內 工作經驗: 2年以上 學歷要求: 大學、碩士 科系限制: 語文教育學相關、英美語文相關 語文條件: 英文 聽:中等 / 說:中等 / 讀:精通 / 寫:精通 擅長工具: Word、Excel 工作技能: 不拘 所需證照: GEPT中級、TOEIC、TOEFL 其他條件: 未填寫 需求人數: ...
tw.indeed.comAugust 28,2019 - 广州汉思皮具有限公司 Guangzhou
职位信息 1、根据公司教导的SNS找客户方法寻找客户,进行客户开发及服务; 2、根据公司的提供软件开发服务客户; 3、按要求将客户信息录入富通天下客户系统; 4、同时跟进1688国内客户群体; 5、完成公司交给的其他工作任务; 任职资格: 1、学历:全日制本科以上学历 ; 2、专业:商务英语、英语、国际经济与贸易专业,或与产品相关专业; 3、语言:英语CET6级以上,良好的英语听说读写能能力 ; 4、经验:1年以上外贸经验 ; 5、态度:做人诚信、责任心强,好学、对工作热情及对人生有目标及梦想人士; 6、健康:身体健康、有活力 ; Handcee 旗下 有三大业务: 1、Handcee 定位为高端亚克力包、真皮包定制,主要服务国际一、二线品牌; 2、QIIEEU定位为一般质量亚克力包定制,主要服务中低端网络客户或经销商; 3、SCCGE定位为中高端树脂饰品定制;主要服务服装或饰品品牌客户。 公司地址:位于白云区黄石路口悦成商务中心,公交车280,244,36,556,87,126,219,528 可直接到达; 职能类别:贸易/外贸经理/主管 关键字:外贸业务员海外业务欧美 微信分享 联...
- 广州汉思皮具有限公司 Guangzhou
广州市 白云区 月薪6,000 - 12,000元 职位信息 1,跟进阿里巴巴国站的亚克包及真皮包类客户询盘订单; 2,Whatsapp营销客户; 3,开发客户,LINKED、FACEBOOK营销客户; 4,GOOGLE、展会开发品牌客户; 5,以客户为中心,完成量化业绩指标; 6,SNS软文编缉; 7,完成公司委派的其他工作; 任职要求: 1、国际贸易、英语(国际贸易)、市场营销、商务英语或者相关专业,全日制本科以上学历。 2、英语专业8级以上,或大学英文六级以上,口语流利,能进行流利电话沟通;书写能力强,能进行邮件,即时客服软件的沟通。 3、善于成交客户,达成交易,吃苦耐劳 不计较 。 4、非常乐于从事销售工作,适应挑战。 5、上进心强,有责任心。 6、熟悉工厂下单,打板,收汇,运输货物中转流程。 交通路线: 1,地铁3号线江夏站转244 线路到黄石路口站下车 ,即可到达悦成商务中心623A室 2,公交车810,280,244,522,519,36等均可达 黄石路口 站,交通便利; 客户来源渠道: 1、阿里巴巴国际站 2个; 2、GOOGLE官网营销; 3、SNS 社群营销 4、外...
- 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 年薪400,000 - 550,000元 岗位概要: Key Performance Area 负责新店设计规范的制定与执行,协调设计与工程项目实施间的问题,管理设计单位的进度、方案标准和完图质量;提供装饰材料的建议、工艺革新,考虑提高店铺布局效率的机会点。参与品牌代际设计概念的开发,跟踪与实施。 Responsible for the formulation and implementation of new store design, solve problems between project design and implementation, control the progress, project standards and drawing quality of design company; Provide suggestions on decoration materials and technological innovation, try to improve the efficiency of store layout. Participate ...
- 通用磨坊投资有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 长宁区 The position is to deploy HSE systems and build capabilities into HD kitchens, HD shops in Asia as per requirements by global HSE system and Zero Loss culture strategy. This role is also responsible for driving initiatives to cultivate and promote safety culture across responsible locations. Key Job Responsibility Responsible for deploying HSE management system to innovation center, Ice cream manufacturing sites, and HD shops by implementing global HSE system and Zero Loss Culture strate...
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