- 亿百媒会展有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Essential Job Duties: 1. Develop new pavilion for CBME China 2. Increase overseas sales contribute to meet overall team target 3. Set up target for directly sales and agent and review performance timely 4. Set up sales direction for potential territory 5. Set up overall sales related promotion, such as call show planning 6. Proper communication with agents and keep good relationship 7. Regular inspection of CRM system , and urge payments to be recorded in time 8. Organize team training, espe...
- 冷泉港亚洲会务有限公司 Suzhou
苏州市 工业园区 月薪6,000 - 10,000元 Job Description: 1. responsible for coordinating with hotel(s), including accomodation/ food etc for meeting participants; 2. responsible for logistical arrangements- visa, transportation, food, accommodation etc for courses participants; 3. responsible for travel reimbursements for invited lecturers of lecturers; 4. help course organizers to some necessary preparations/ arrangements; 5. HR reletive work 6. other tasks assigned by CEO Requirements: 1. BA degree require...
- 联合利华中国有限公司 Shanghai
Business Context and Main Purpose of the Job: Delivering product technologies and innovations that win in the marketplace is crucial to the success of Unilever. Recent years have seen massive advances in the microbiology sciences and technologies that are offering unprecedented insights that affect key consumer conditions relevant to Unilever’s core Personal Care business. Exploiting this new capability is a significant challenge and will require Unilever to fully leverage leading-edge capabilit...
- 以星综合航运有限公司 Shenzhen
Job responsibilities Arrange discharge and loading of containers at port of call. Coordinate with Shenzhen and Hong Kong customer service team for cargo arrangements. Coordinate with counterparts and terminal on cargo operation issues. Prepare voyage loading and discharging reports after ship sailing. System maintenance for data accuracy. Requirements College graduate. Related shipping industry experience is preferable. Responsible, careful. Stable and willing to work under pressure. 职能类别: 船务/空运...
- 中国法国工商会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Company Our company client is a leading consulting and training organization specialized in the luxury industry. Each entities of our company client supports luxury brands locally by providing consulting and training services through wide range of customized solutions provided by field experts from business strategy development, executive search, quality of service assessment to customized training strategy, its core business. The development of a worldwide and divers partner network allows our ...
- 西班牙贸易合作有限公司 Shanghai
上海市 Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for sales work for imported FMCG in China mainland, Hongkong and Taiwan area. 2.Conduct market investigation for imported products, develop the suitable importers for new products, assist importers in the work of importation, selling, etc. Customer maintenance is needed. 3.Communicate with foreign suppliers, take effective action for unexpected problems 4.master customer needs, visit customers from time to time, develop management strategies for target cu...
- 安世联合商务服务有限公司 Beijing
Key Responsibilities: Gather and assess underwriting information in order to identify the risk of insuring the client, work with sales team to identify and propose the risk factors, benefits, term and conditions and pricing of individual underwriting case, based on group risk appetite and market conditions Evaluate technical pricing based on client’s risk profile using pricing models Specify terms & conditions, policy wordings, underwriting rule for underwriting cases Ensure the premiums are...
- 安世联合商务服务有限公司 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Key Responsibilities As contact point between IT & internal department, external client, collect their requirements, do system analyst and design solution & provide support for system integration etc As application master, do application master data configuration. Support internal & external user to use application, investigate root cause of bug, when necessary, dig into system log & backend database, if needed work together with developer. Testing of new application func...
- 英中联合投资咨询有限公司 Shanghai
China-Britain Business Council (CBBC)/英中贸易协会 The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is the leading organisation helping UK companies of all sizes and sectors, whether new entrants or established operations. CBBC has worked with China for over 60 years and our team has extensive experience of doing business there. We offer practical in-market assistance, services, industry initiatives and a membership programme delivering access, market intelligence, seminars, and networking through our networ...
- 百合佳缘集团 查看所有职位 Shanghai
岗位职责: 携手“世纪佳缘”,挑战百万年薪!! 销售精英们:如果你善于发现掘金宝地! 如果你热爱婚恋事业! 请加入——“世纪佳缘” 粉色销售精英团队 我们给你提供: 综合底薪6.5-9K,加行业***提成,综合薪资20K-30K,top40K+ 庞大的客户资源——一亿征婚交友注册会员 超激励奖金制度——已产生月度提成达30万销售精英 全方位的福利——法定节假日及带薪年假、五险一金、带薪培训、晋升通道等 你只需完成: 电话邀约和面谈客户,使其选择线下红娘一对一服务,即可。 职位描述: 1、针对高端客户群体,通过电话和面谈的方式,挖掘婚恋需求,引导其加入VIP人工服务,并制订与之匹配的婚恋方案; 2、完成公司下达的月度销售任务及其它考核指标; 3、积极主动搜集及拓展各类与业务相关的客户资源; 4、与服务红娘团队密切配合,达成客户服务目标; 5、维护良好的客户关系,确保较高的客户满意度; 6、上级主管交办的其它工作。 任职要求: 1、能承受一定的工作压力; 2、仪表端庄,有涵养;性格开朗大方;思维敏捷;语言表达流畅,沟通协调能力较强; 3、热爱婚恋工作,认同世纪佳缘企业文化理念;社会阅历丰富...
- 凤凰新联合教育科技有限公司 Harbin
哈尔滨市 平房区 Job Description: 1. Work out the plan for teaching and syllabus and carry out field teaching activities according to the requirements of academic governance center. 2. Provide the students with an individually tailored teaching method so as to have the job finished on time; 3. In the process of giving lessons, teachers are required to set the students a test to evaluate their learning effect; 4. Arrange extracurricular activities and practices of all kinds to coach the students in their...
- Anantara Vacation Club安纳塔拉度假会 查看所有职位 Shanghai
Position Overview : Senior Call Center Manager is responsible for a team (Blended or Segmented) of Outbound, Inbound and Activations Telemarketing Associates. This includes Hiring, Training, and delivery of monthly Package Sales and Tour targets, Maintenance of Cost per Tour, and ensuring guests meet and follow Details of Participation as set by the company. Package Sales, Tour targets and CPT are based on Call Center Budget. Call Center Manager should ensure that his team of Outbound, Inbound a...
- 美国艾滋病健康基金会 查看所有职位 Beijing
北京市 朝阳区 Summary: Managing AHF China’s advocacy and marketing work with support to country project objectives and Global advocacy & Marketing priorities. Collaborating with multi- partners (stakeholders) internally and externally, driving integrated resources to create China advocacy and marketing strategy and plan, and lead the execution accordingly for the purpose of making sure the organization’s mission and best practice can be well received and resonated in China, hence affect the relate...
- 合肥市太泽透平技术有限公司 Hefei
专业要求:力学或数学等相关专业。 学历要求:本科及以上学历。 基础要求:具备扎实的力学和有限元理论知识,熟悉网格剖分、矩阵求解算法,有丰富的有限元计算编程经验和一定的工程应用经验,熟练掌握C++语言知识。 技能要求:熟悉至少一种有限元商业软件,比如ANSYS、OptiStruct、ABAQUS; 其他要求:具备良好的英语交流能力,具备独立学习和解决问题的能力以及良好的团队合作精神。 职能类别: 空调/热能工程师 软件工程师 关键字: FEA方向 上班地址:合肥庐阳工业区兴庐科技产业园2号楼6层...
- 中国四达国际经济技术合作有限公司 Shanghai
l 岗位职责: ? Prepare Sales Contract, check customer’s draft contract to control potential risk ? Sales order processing and review relevant paperwork ? Work closely with distributor to well manage their orders ? Order following up-including sales order, internal order etc. Work with German factory; follow up payment, shipment and other details on the order. ? Cooperate with trading company on commercial issues. ? Sales order database management. ? Marketing activities supporting.( involves occasion...
- 成都睿远合一企业管理咨询有限公司 Chengdu
Principal Duties and Responsibilities: (1) Working on digital IC design/verification; (2) Responsible for RTL design & simulation, pre-/post-layout simulation, assist system team for FPGA verification. (3) Responsible for digital signal processor RTL design and verification (4) Responsible for 8/32bits Microcontroller design, and AXI/AHB/APB system bus design (5) Cooperating with analog/RF/System/Algorithm team Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Required: (1) BS Degree or above in EE or equiva...
- 武汉市合普万象广告装饰设计有限公司 Wuhan
职位概要: 规划制定公司的市场战略与策略,并推进实施,实现市场发展目标。 工作内容: %协助总经理制定总体市场发展战略以及市场发展目标; %拓展公司的市场策略,把握公司在行业中的发展方向,完成公司在行业中的市场定位,及时提供市场反馈; %制定和实施年度市场推广计划和产品计划,协助营销中心制定业务计划,配合市场推广业务计划; %制定与实施各产品线价格体系及营销战略、营销策略、地区覆盖策略及推广计划,并组织相关人员培训; %制定公司品牌管理策略,维护公司品牌; %指导、参与市场的开拓、渠道管理等日常工作; %管理监督公司市场费用使用、控制工作以及本部门管理工作。 职能类别:市场/营销/拓展主管 关键字:市场销售管理总监 微信 联系方式 上班地址:香港路...
- 國立聯合大學 苗栗縣 苗栗市
勞保: 有 就保: 有 健保: 有 僱用資料 廠別/機構分院: 僱用人數: 1 休假方式: 週休二日 工作內容: 維護更新「聯心合力」在地弱扶集資網站(http://www.united.nuu.edu.tw/),關懷扶助在地弱勢、執行弱勢學生學習輔導、辦理苗栗18鄉鎮市下鄉活動及各項活動行政業務。 應徵檢附資料 (一)個人履歷表(附照片)及自傳乙份,註明應徵助理類別及可到職時間。 (二)最高學歷證書及其他學經歷證書影本。 (三)其他相關證明文件。 (四)具結書。 (五)個人資料運用同意書。 (六)如有相關作品,可附上。 意者請於108年08月30日(星期五)前(以郵戳為憑)將資料寄至「36063苗栗市南勢里聯大2號國立聯合大學學生事務長室 收」,並請於信封右上角註明「應徵計畫專任助理」及寄件人姓名、連絡電話。先行書面審查,合者擇期通知面試,不合恕不通知面試。 本職缺專屬福利: 育兒設(措)施: 哺(集)乳室 僱用條件 性別年齡: 依據就業服務法,取消限制。 學歷要求: 大學 科系所: 不拘 學校要求: 無 工作型態: 全職 日班:自08時00分至17時00分 計薪方式: 月薪 316...
tw.indeed.comAugust 26,2019 - 吴江经济技术开发区组织人事和社会保障局 查看所有职位 Wujiang
岗位职责: 1.熟练运用CAD、Solidworks或中望3D;2.熟悉NCT钣金生产工艺; 3.熟悉NCT相关设备性能;4.熟练应用DFMEA/PFMEA,新品开发初期对产品进行风险评估;5.有独立带案经验2年以上,对成本、品质、效率能够掌控; 6.熟悉新产品开发流程; 任职要求: 大专或以上学历;外语水平:能独立处理(写、看)产品资讯的邮件往来; 从事行业:1.NCT钣金设计/加工,PE工作3年及以上;2.有模具设计3年以上经验;3.满足a/b其中一项则可,两项均满足者优; 公司介绍: 和信精密科技(吴江)有限公司成立於2010年11月; 本公司致力於各类板金件,金属冲压零件, 绝缘材成型件以及导热胶片等产品. 公司的操作方式采取连贯性的服务,与客户共同研发新产品, 满足客户对市场发展及市场应变之需求; 本公司经营的信念:以高品质水准, 快速的交期服务, 具竞争的合理成本, 与客户共同追求成长; 一厂地点:苏州-吴江-松陵镇-运东开发区-江兴东路1889号(海悦花园大酒店东边,中达电子南门斜对面) 三厂地点:苏州-吴江-松陵镇-运东开发区-山湖西路789号(协益电子西边) 职能类别...
- 大连圣童学堂英语会所 Dalian
招聘人数:3人 薪资:面议 工作地点:大连市沙河口区和平广场2楼72-73号 职位描述 responsibility: Conduct English teaching with assistant requirements:1 university degree 2 Be patient to explain the story vividly 3 Be active to play and act with students 4 Work schedule-20 hours per week 5 Start date ASAP 6 Students level adult (above 16 years old) 职位要求 工作经验:不限 要求学历:本科 要求性别:不限 要求年龄:不限 其他要求:Address: Peace Squre 2F .Gaoerji Road, Shahekou District, Dalian China Tel:13214287515 Janet E-mail: childps2005@yahoo.com.cn...
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